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Ultranator BAR

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Being a few episodes in myself, I think you'll probably change your mind soon. Not entirely sure what they want the audience to think about them yet.

Being a few more episodes in I noticed that while the series has a basic premise of Grey and Grey morality, it has more of a Black and White morality. It is becoming fairly obvious you're supposed to root for the protector, and that he Liber8 freedom fighters are just a group of crazy sociopaths. Which blows. I really liked the Liber8s. Sure they were a bit excessive, but with the Corps running everything you have to be, since the only thing they understand is profit. Last thing, TVtropes will ruin your life.

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I just finished this series.

Killjoy ..

At least I'm not dishing out the good stuff... like &$%#$ and #*@$% doing #*($@% and killing #*($&%#. It's great stuff!

You realize there's a new season on air that just started... right?

Yes, but I believe they just found out about the show!

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So yeah, I'm going to stand by what I said orginally. Liber8's actions are justified. The Corps record everything, so there's no privacy. They withhold food to starving people to drive up food prices. There are no rights. It is a somewhat dystopian future.

Oh and the corps have mind control technology. And the Police fire missiles at suspects, who are not doing anything wrong other than meeting.

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Well I watched the first two episodes of this show because you guys wouldn't stop talking about it ;)

I find myself zoning out every time the camera is on the protector, I can't stop starring at the mole under her eye, I can't get past it. Anyone else agree?

lol atleast she not like sookie with her teeth can not stop staring at them.

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Well I watched the first two episodes of this show because you guys wouldn't stop talking about it ;)

I find myself zoning out every time the camera is on the protector, I can't stop starring at the mole under her eye, I can't get past it. Anyone else agree?

Yeah it's very distracting. I often do something else while I listen to the show instead of really watching it.

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