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Latest thing to spark the gun debate, over in Kentucky I believe, a 5 year old son shot and killed his own 2 year-old sister with a rifle he was given. I don't know what the hell your representatives in Congress are thinking, but Americans have to use some fucking common sense before they hand a gun of any kind to a pre-schooler. Screw all the purposed permits, lists, and background checks, if Americans cannot behave responsibly with their weapons and keep them out of reach of people who cannot handle them or don't know how to use them properly then all the legislature in the world won't help.

I don't know anyone in their right mind who would give a loaded gun to child who just recently started walking anywhere. Doesn't give me much hope for the effectiveness of any changes to any laws they ever do put in place in reducing gun deaths of any sort.


Obviously the kids parents are fucking morons. It is probable then that the children would also be fucking morons. Now there is one less moron carrying the genes of two morons.


No, but I've heard a bunch of these stupid stories about kids getting a hold of guns and shooting their nannies and siblings come out of America. I've never come across anyone I know with a gun up here in Canada pull something like that. Not saying that it doesn't happen up here, but it seems like a lot of these stories come out of America.

They act as though everyone is capable of handling a firearm regardless of their condition, and thats not a good way of looking at policies around gun usage. I'm all for America giving everyone the ability to own and use a firearm, but they should have to go through more extensive testing and training and not just apparently handing them to every Tom Harry and Moby Dick.

Obviously the kids parents are fucking morons. It is probable then that the children would also be fucking morons. Now there is one less moron carrying the genes of two morons.


Media outlets thrive on controversial issues in politics and also any related event to them. I'd say media extremely brainwashes and skews people's beliefs and values.

I myself have seen it happen to my own family, and this is why my parents do not allow me to purchase a gun.

Hell, my mother is the most paranoid of all, believes everything she hears except from me.

She hears about mass murders or raging family members that pull out guns and kill the family. Thinks I'm a deranged killer.

She hears about people playing violent video games and becoming murderers, thinks I will become one too because I play Day Of Defeat Source (despite my arguments that millions of people play violent video games and few, if any of them becomes murderers)

She hears on news, break-ins all over Oakland, people hurt, mugged, held at gun-point. etc. Now whenever someone is at the doorbell she always thinks its a home invader or whenever I get home late, I got mugged.

She hears on news back in China, this dude slept over at a friends house and had homosexual relations. Since then, she doesn't allow me to stay over at friends houses anymore. (seriously?)

She hears on news that coke runners and gang bangers are infesting California Universities. I'm going to one, and she thinks I'll become a druggie and gangbanger.

I'm going off on tangents here now, but I STRONGLY do believe there is a correlation between media, and people's changing beliefs (especially from my mother).

Media outlets thrive on controversial issues in politics and also any related event to them. I'd say media extremely brainwashes and skews people's beliefs and values.

I myself have seen it happen to my own family, and this is why my parents do not allow me to purchase a gun.

Hell, my mother is the most paranoid of all, believes everything she hears except from me.

She hears about mass murders or raging family members that pull out guns and kill the family. Thinks I'm a deranged killer.

She hears about people playing violent video games and becoming murderers, thinks I will become one too because I play Day Of Defeat Source (despite my arguments that millions of people play violent video games and few, if any of them becomes murderers)

She hears on news, break-ins all over Oakland, people hurt, mugged, held at gun-point. etc. Now whenever someone is at the doorbell she always thinks its a home invader or whenever I get home late, I got mugged.

She hears on news back in China, this dude slept over at a friends house and had homosexual relations. Since then, she doesn't allow me to stay over at friends houses anymore. (seriously?)

She hears on news that coke runners and gang bangers are infesting California Universities. I'm going to one, and she thinks I'll become a druggie and gangbanger.

I'm going off on tangents here now, but I STRONGLY do believe there is a correlation between media, and people's changing beliefs (especially from my mother).

Oh yeah, definately. For those who are not aware of what the media is does, or rather what various outlets of the media are doing in terms of manipulating information to suit particular interests during certain times, people can be heavily influenced by the media. There is so much information out there in the world that the media has the ability to pick and choose which stories get the most attention, and its an incredible amount of power. This is why I'm a huge supporter of critical thinking in education, because learning to see that there is more than one way to look at what we see and hear is probably one of the most important things that an individual can ever learn. Questioning why stereotypes are the way they are, questioning why certain things are portrayed in certain lights, and thinking of why things are shown a certain way are just a few things I think people should do when coming across information.


Classic case of drawing conclusions from one incident. Acts as if everyone in America does the same thing, or condones the same thing. Cause we're all the same right? We have a hive mind and just because some people in Kentucky bought a mini-rifle for their kid means we all are on our way right now to buy a gun for our kids. Obvious facts are obvious

Obviously the kids parents are fucking morons. It is probable then that the children would also be fucking morons. Now there is one less moron carrying the genes of two morons.

I prefer not to use to the word "Rifle" but instead "Darwin Award Deliverance System".

Classic case of drawing conclusions from one incident. Acts as if everyone in America does the same thing, or condones the same thing. Cause we're all the same right? We have a hive mind and just because some people in Kentucky bought a mini-rifle for their kid means we all are on our way right now to buy a gun for our kids. Obvious facts are obvious

I don't know what your talking about, I just strapped my kid with a Glock and had him stand watch for me while I went out back behind my trailer to deal some Meth.

Posted (edited)
Media outlets thrive on controversial issues in politics and also any related event to them. I'd say media extremely brainwashes and skews people's beliefs and values.

I myself have seen it happen to my own family, and this is why my parents do not allow me to purchase a gun.

Hell, my mother is the most paranoid of all, believes everything she hears except from me.

She hears about mass murders or raging family members that pull out guns and kill the family. Thinks I'm a deranged killer.

She hears about people playing violent video games and becoming murderers, thinks I will become one too because I play Day Of Defeat Source (despite my arguments that millions of people play violent video games and few, if any of them becomes murderers)

She hears on news, break-ins all over Oakland, people hurt, mugged, held at gun-point. etc. Now whenever someone is at the doorbell she always thinks its a home invader or whenever I get home late, I got mugged.

She hears on news back in China, this dude slept over at a friends house and had homosexual relations. Since then, she doesn't allow me to stay over at friends houses anymore. (seriously?)

She hears on news that coke runners and gang bangers are infesting California Universities. I'm going to one, and she thinks I'll become a druggie and gangbanger.

I'm going off on tangents here now, but I STRONGLY do believe there is a correlation between media, and people's changing beliefs (especially from my mother).

Oh yeah, definately. For those who are not aware of what the media is does, or rather what various outlets of the media are doing in terms of manipulating information to suit particular interests during certain times, people can be heavily influenced by the media. There is so much information out there in the world that the media has the ability to pick and choose which stories get the most attention, and its an incredible amount of power. This is why I'm a huge supporter of critical thinking in education, because learning to see that there is more than one way to look at what we see and hear is probably one of the most important things that an individual can ever learn. Questioning why stereotypes are the way they are, questioning why certain things are portrayed in certain lights, and thinking of why things are shown a certain way are just a few things I think people should do when coming across information.

Then why are you endorsing the stereotype that Americans dont know how to handle guns and that we are just a bunch of ignorant rednecks who give our guns to children? You may not say it outright, but your statement reflects that just because of a few bad examples that the media chooses to highlight that we should have better gun control.

Why not take into consideration the stories that the top media doesnt take into account? What about the second theatre shooting that occurred in texas shortly after the Sandy hook shooting. Guy walks into a restaurant and starts shooting at people. People run into theatre next door, he follows, goes into theatre attempting to shoot up the place and an off duty sheriff pulls out her magnum and blows the guy away.


Your not taking into consideration the other side. Your only going to hear what the media wants you to hear. Btw your not questioning the stereotype...you just endorsed it without substantial facts. Were not the only country who has incidents with guns. Dont take one single isolated incident and think that everyone is exactly like those poor retards. Your not going to get far.

Edited by Mamora BAR
Classic case of drawing conclusions from one incident. Acts as if everyone in America does the same thing, or condones the same thing. Cause we're all the same right? We have a hive mind and just because some people in Kentucky bought a mini-rifle for their kid means we all are on our way right now to buy a gun for our kids. Obvious facts are obvious

I'm not saying all Americans give guns to their kids to shoot their siblings. However it seems that quite a few of them don't seem to take the power within their weapons seriously. Look at what that kid in did at the school shooting several months ago, he got a hold of the guns from his Mom's house. He obviously knew exactly how to get to them so that he could use them to shoot all of those innocent people.

Keep guns out of the reach of people who aren't mature enough, or physically or mentally capable enough to handle a gun properly is the point I'm trying to make. There's no point in turning it into a debate over whether gun legislation should be passed or not(As it seems that the media is doing), because this shows that people are going to be just plain fucking stupid when handling weapons that can kill people regardless of paperwork.

Media outlets thrive on controversial issues in politics and also any related event to them. I'd say media extremely brainwashes and skews people's beliefs and values.

I myself have seen it happen to my own family, and this is why my parents do not allow me to purchase a gun.

Hell, my mother is the most paranoid of all, believes everything she hears except from me.

She hears about mass murders or raging family members that pull out guns and kill the family. Thinks I'm a deranged killer.

She hears about people playing violent video games and becoming murderers, thinks I will become one too because I play Day Of Defeat Source (despite my arguments that millions of people play violent video games and few, if any of them becomes murderers)

She hears on news, break-ins all over Oakland, people hurt, mugged, held at gun-point. etc. Now whenever someone is at the doorbell she always thinks its a home invader or whenever I get home late, I got mugged.

She hears on news back in China, this dude slept over at a friends house and had homosexual relations. Since then, she doesn't allow me to stay over at friends houses anymore. (seriously?)

She hears on news that coke runners and gang bangers are infesting California Universities. I'm going to one, and she thinks I'll become a druggie and gangbanger.

I'm going off on tangents here now, but I STRONGLY do believe there is a correlation between media, and people's changing beliefs (especially from my mother).

Oh yeah, definately. For those who are not aware of what the media is does, or rather what various outlets of the media are doing in terms of manipulating information to suit particular interests during certain times, people can be heavily influenced by the media. There is so much information out there in the world that the media has the ability to pick and choose which stories get the most attention, and its an incredible amount of power. This is why I'm a huge supporter of critical thinking in education, because learning to see that there is more than one way to look at what we see and hear is probably one of the most important things that an individual can ever learn. Questioning why stereotypes are the way they are, questioning why certain things are portrayed in certain lights, and thinking of why things are shown a certain way are just a few things I think people should do when coming across information.

Then why are you endorsing the stereotype that Americans dont know how to handle guns and that we are just a bunch of ignorant rednecks who give our guns to children? You may not say it outright, but your statement reflects that just because of a few bad examples that the media chooses to highlight that we should have better gun control.

Why not take into consideration the stories that the top media doesnt take into account? What about the second theatre shooting that occurred in texas shortly after the Sandy hook shooting. Guy walks into a restaurant and starts shooting at people. People run into theatre next door, he follows, goes into theatre attempting to shoot up the place and an off duty sheriff pulls out her magnum and blows the guy away.


Your not taking into consideration the other side. Your only going to hear what the media wants you to hear. Btw your not questioning the stereotype...you just endorsed it without substantial facts. Were not the only country who has incidents with guns. Dont take one single isolated incident and think that everyone is exactly like those poor retards. Your not going to get far.

How did that man get a hold of his gun? Did it just pop into his head one day to just walk in and start shooting people after having his gun for a long time? Maybe, I don't know. I just know that from what I've seen by travelling through several states and having several distant family members in the U.S.A, they have no qualms about making guns freely available to anyone regardless of who they are.

Yes, I'm going off of what the media is telling me in this case, but are you going to tell me that anybody in America cannot get their hands on a gun legally at this very moment, regardless of whether they are responsible enough to have one? I know for a fact that America doesn't have anywhere near the processes that we have up here in Canada regarding obtaining a firearm, and I believe they should. I believed in that long before I saw this news story, and I'm going to continue to keep that belief.

I know damn well that there are plenty of people out there in America who can wield guns safely and responsibly, and I encourage them to step in when idiots like the one you described step in. The point is that not everyone goes through all the extensive training and testing to be able to hold those permits and official positions, and people don't need to go through those to own or use a gun, and certainly not to obtain a gun.

Keep guns out of the reach of people who aren't mature enough, or physically or mentally capable enough to handle a gun properly is the point I'm trying to make.

Common sense isn't a common virtue anymore which is why it will never work.


you clearly don't have a whole lot of facts Armstrong, because in the majority of my country, (keep in mind, we are a nation of seperate states who have their own laws, as they should) there are actually pretty stringent rules on who can get a gun, and on things like waiting periods, background checks, etc. So, yeah, im going to fucking tell you that not ANYBODY can get a gun AT THIS VERY MOMENT, because honestly, thats not the goddamn case, and i resent you for putting you ill informed opinion out into the world. yu act like its a free for all down here, and its not. there is SOME regulation. ill be the frist one to tell you thats its not enough, we need some more, but no amount of gun regulation is gonna stop crazy people from killing people, or stupid people from knocking each other off.

also, don't forget, most places also have laws regarding gun responsibility. for example, if Adam Lanze didnt murder his parents, they would have stood trial for allowing him to obtain their firearms and use them the ay he did. its called criminal negligence in this country. which is exactly what those parents will most likely face: criminal charges for buying their 5 year old a firearm, which led to the tragic death of his sister.

also, your assertion that you should have to take tests and training in order to own a firearm, is bullshit. all the government has to do is make that test nearly impossible to pass, or make the training overly expensive (it already is VERY costly yo get a CHL) and BOOM, their goes on of our fundamental rights as Americans. besides that, look at something similar like driving. you gotta take a test to get a drivers license right? is that test foolproof? no. does that test sometimes lead to people driving who shouldnt be? yes. have you driven on roads in America, especially Texas? people have no idea what the fuck they are doing and dont give a shit about anyone else on the road. people kill each other on the road all the time because they are stupid. so cool, go through tests and training, see how that works, if thats going to make any difference.

obviously, canada does it differently, but dude, your country is your country, my country is mine, lets leave it at that. im not gonna sit here and make suggestions for how your country should be run, and lump all canadians together in the same category, and make biased generalizations, cause thats just ignorant.

Posted (edited)
Hell, my mother is the most paranoid of all, believes everything she hears except from me.

She hears about mass murders or raging family members that pull out guns and kill the family. Thinks I'm a deranged killer.

She hears about people playing violent video games and becoming murderers, thinks I will become one too because I play Day Of Defeat Source (despite my arguments that millions of people play violent video games and few, if any of them becomes murderers)

She hears on news, break-ins all over Oakland, people hurt, mugged, held at gun-point. etc. Now whenever someone is at the doorbell she always thinks its a home invader or whenever I get home late, I got mugged.

She hears on news back in China, this dude slept over at a friends house and had homosexual relations. Since then, she doesn't allow me to stay over at friends houses anymore. (seriously?)

She hears on news that coke runners and gang bangers are infesting California Universities. I'm going to one, and she thinks I'll become a druggie and gangbanger.

You aren't a homosexual drug addicted gang banger in the planing stages of murdering your entire family as well as some large gathering of people because of being mugged weekly???

Actually, my mom and I also have disagreements about stuff she hears in the media, though it's usually more related to things like long term care homes. She constantly tries to make arguments that start with "They say" and refuses to acknowledge that's not a credible source.

Edited by Lafy BAR
You aren't a homosexual drug addicted gang banger in the planing stages of murdering your entire family as well as some large gathering of people because of being mugged weekly???

Actually, my mom and I also have disagreements about stuff she hears in the media, though it's usually more related to things like long term care homes. She constantly tries to make arguments that start with "They say" and refuses to acknowledge that's not a credible source.

Yes, that is who I am in her eyes thanks to the media. ;)

But then again, mother knows best.

You aren't a homosexual drug addicted gang banger in the planing stages of murdering your entire family as well as some large gathering of people because of being mugged weekly???

Actually, my mom and I also have disagreements about stuff she hears in the media, though it's usually more related to things like long term care homes. She constantly tries to make arguments that start with "They say" and refuses to acknowledge that's not a credible source.

Yes, that is who I am in her eyes thanks to the media. ;)

But then again, mother knows best.

You should ask her if she's more worried about you having homosexual relations, shooting her, joining a gang, being mugged, or becoming a drug addict. Just so you know what order to prioritize avoiding them....

For example, if someone is trying to mug you but also hitting on you, and you figure you can either fool around with him or give him your wallet.


Just to point out, it is crazy easy to buy a gun. I can take $500 to a friend of a friend and become the proud owner of an Ak-47 (more likely one of the cheaper "knock offs" to be honest). No questions asked. Or I can go to the monthly gun shows, buy a gun, no questions asked, no background check required. Hell even the local Wal-Mart sells rifles and shotguns, and does do a basic federal background check, which due to the way our laws are set up is not very effective. So while there are supposedly regulations, they are tissue thin, and Armstrongs view is closer to the truth. At least in my Area.

Not saying you said this Zorbanos, but I really detest the "Criminals are going to have illegal guns so why hinder law abiding citizens." It makes no sense. If we follow that logic, Criminals will always break a law, so why have laws at all?

What is really messed up is that while the vast majority of Americans supported the Background check bill, Congress still voted it down. Really goes to show how in touch the politicians are. However the best part is that the RNC just slammed Obama about not passing the bill. When 41 Republicans in the Senate voted against it. Insanity if you ask me.


Why does this area of the Forums always create such stupidity-

1. Not all crimes are reported, especially in a vastly Rural Area Like Canada

2. The USA Is sensationalizing anything that has to do with GUNS because Lobbyists want this to happen.

3. The President Himself basically said our government is Broken, by telling the American Public to vote out anyone who apposed the Bans on Weapons.

4. Good another idiot with a gun forgot to separate the ammo from the weapon and lock it all up in a gun case, even though in states like NY and CT you have to go to gun safety courses to own a Rifle, and a Hunting License.

5. This thread should stop running, due to the uneducated thought processes that happen just to stir the pot.


Stone, gun crimes are far more prevalent in cities than in rural areas. Canada does have cities and that's where most of the (very little) deliberate gun violence happens. Furthermore, you would be surprised as to the level of law enforcement there is in our rural areas. Not to say it's patrolled or monitored as much as cities, but the RCMP or the SQ in Quebec does a pretty good job.

As I have already mentioned in other threads, countries with more stringent gun laws enjoy a reduced level of gun violence per capita. Of course criminals arm themselves with knives and bats, but those are much less lethal and can be managed more easily by law enforcement and citizens alike.

When I went to London, the largest city in Europe, the only cop I saw that had a service weapon on him had an MP5, and that's because he was guarding the Horse Guard Barracks. The rest had pepper spray and cuffs. In Japan, policemen are trained in a program of non lethal martial arts, and keep a handful of service weapons at the police station, which they check out only if there is necessary cause. Japan says that it helped reduced the aggressiveness of suspects and to de-escalate the level of violence.

Now I can hear the cries of "America is different, we have our own history etc..." from 10 000 miles away, but the truth is...you really aren't. Violence is a pretty homogenous concept in Western society and with globalization, our cultures are intermingled much more than what is generally accepted. What I rather see is pro gun lobbies stirring up the public fear (As with everything, there's just so much fear on demand on American TV) in order to attain their public objectives. When a society forms, something called the "Social Contract", according to John Locke, forms. If your social contract depends on the unalienable right for every American to own an M60 (Exaggeration intended), then I don't envy you.

However, as long as people are satisfied with the current situation, or judge that it would be more trouble to change, then thing will say the same. Sure, a lot of gums will flap, but things don't change without the awareness and action of the entire society.

Just to point out, it is crazy easy to buy a gun. I can take $500 to a friend of a friend and become the proud owner of an Ak-47 (more likely one of the cheaper "knock offs" to be honest). No questions asked. Or I can go to the monthly gun shows, buy a gun, no questions asked, no background check required. Hell even the local Wal-Mart sells rifles and shotguns, and does do a basic federal background check, which due to the way our laws are set up is not very effective. So while there are supposedly regulations, they are tissue thin, and Armstrongs view is closer to the truth. At least in my Area.

Not saying you said this Zorbanos, but I really detest the "Criminals are going to have illegal guns so why hinder law abiding citizens." It makes no sense. If we follow that logic, Criminals will always break a law, so why have laws at all?

What is really messed up is that while the vast majority of Americans supported the Background check bill, Congress still voted it down. Really goes to show how in touch the politicians are. However the best part is that the RNC just slammed Obama about not passing the bill. When 41 Republicans in the Senate voted against it. Insanity if you ask me.

i mean i just have to respectfully disagree here Morton. I think background checks do an excellent job of keeping gun out of the hands of felons, people who are proven criminals, which is really all you can ask for. Sure a felon can have someone buy a gun for them, but its not like thats not illegal. i mean what're you supposed to do? what law can you make to prevent that? they can't stop people from buying alcohol or cigarettes for minors.

Obviously yeah, person to person sales aren't regulated like that, but im not so sure they should be. I haven't made up my mind about that. (Its always slightly disturbed me that the Glock 17 my dad bought for me for my 17th birthday was from a friend, and didnt go through any type of official process) I mean even here in the suburbs i have black market gun connections where i can get several illegal weapons (and in Texas, its hard to find an illegal weapon), but that would be an illegal sale and would make me fall into the criminal category. I guess my point to that is, if you have the right connections, you can get anything you want in this country, yes including Ak-47s and automatic weapons. My point to Armstrong is just that that is NOT the case for the vast majority of people in this country, nor does everyone want, nor does everyone think that is ok. Mostly, i think the gun show loophole is the most bullshit, universal background checks, nuff said. So on that i agree. Mostly, im just saying that Armstrong is inorrect in his assumption that ANYONE can get a gun at ANY given time.

There's ways through the system, and im all for closing some of those loopholes, even as a gun owner and avid gun enthusiast. But i dont want this country to end up like how things are in the UK, or in Japan, or any other country you want to use as an example for increased gun control. Clearly, there are enough people in this country who agree with me.


I live right next door to Toronto, where its almost unexpected for a gun-related murder to not happen at least once a week. Canada does have an illegal gun problem just like many other countries and is not devoid of gun crimes by any means despite our pathetic government's best attempts. All I know is that in general, America's gun laws are quite lax at this point in time. If a person has enough money and has the proper ID to prove they are of a certain age then they can obtain a panpoly of civilian firearms.

I think that it is just ridiculous that you have companies like Cricket Rifles who are actually trying to make a profit off of selling fully-functional smaller caliber rifles to kids. It just seems like a Tempst in a Teapot waiting to boil over to me. In conclusion, I don't care what you guys do in regards to gun laws, do whatever the heck you guys want. However, I personally think that whatever changes you guys do make emphasizes responsible handling and ownership rather than banning and taking certain weapons and ammunition off the market. That will go much further to reducing some of these gun issues than anything else in my opinion, having seen how effective registries and all sorts of legislature have done to reducing shootings in Toronto, which is to say, not very effective at all.


This is all sensationalized bullshit to me and further more unless you live here and actively participate in this government I don't know why you would even bother making a statement.

Truthfully 60% of violent crimes go unreported why I know this figure is I work for the state of NY. Fact!

Second why is it always who has the bigger Dick Canada or America guess what we all love each other who gives a shit whose Dick is bigger. Yes you guy have some good shit up there and we have ours too, you also have your problems as well! Seems like there is a constant thread bashing America! Well here is my stance I would not wanna live anywhere else right now!

And no I am not going to start a bash Canada thread just because I know history about Canada that would make any asshats toes curl!

God Bless America and God Save the Queen if it is his will to do so! I am Irish and don't a blame the present monarch for sins of the past either!


I'm not bashing America, Stone. If that is what you are inferring than I apologise, but you cannot blaming me for thinking that some of things I hear from down south are just nuts; just like you guys think some of the things you hear up north here are crazy. I'm not saying that we in Canada are any better, we've had the Residential schools and eugenics programs and all kinds of other crazy shit in our history both past and present and I wasn't trying to claim any different. We have our own share of problems just as America and every other country has their own.

As for how I shouldn't say anything about how I think the U.S. should handle things, well our countries are almost fused to eachother in terms of economics, and most of our population lives within a relatively short distance from the U.S. Border. Not to mention the fact that our government basically takes its cues from America on more than one level. I think many of us are very interested in how American issues play out. I don't expect you guys to do as I think things should go, I'm just stating what I think of the situation.

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    • MARINE CORPS ENLISTMENT OFFICE Camp Pendleton, CA   RECRUITMENT LETTER     Hello James Buford, Thank you for taking interest in joining the 1st Marine Raider Battalion.   During your trial period the following will occur: Once accepted as a Recruit, you will remain as a Recruit for 2 weeks from the day of your acceptance until the next BCT Class is offered. During your time as a recruit, it is highly encouraged to play within the Public Server and join Discord with our other members. Upon acceptance, you will be contacted by one of our DIs when the next available BCT is scheduled via the appropriate Discord channel.   We have a BCT class every two weeks. Please keep an eye out for when the next one is made available once you've completed your time requirements!   Upon stating that you understand all the information here, an admin will change your forum name and login to be :   Buford 1st MRB   Take the time now to change your Steam and in-game name to:   Rec. J. Buford [1st MRB] (Example: Rec. J. Doe [1st MRB])   Please make sure to verify your forum account by checking your email. Also, please respond below with a reply showing that you have read and understand these rules. You cannot be fully accepted until you do so. We have a limit on the time to reply, if you do not do so within 48 hours, your application will be denied. Once you reply, you will be approved for your trial period unless otherwise posted.  
    • jelly3384's application for Enlistment Form Questions Name you wish to use and Age: (Our unit uses realistic names, this does not have to be your real name) Pigeon, 16 Platform Type Epic Games Store Steam ID (Use 17 Digit SteamID 64 / PC Game Pass Account Username): Pigeon_theft   Do you have a microphone? Yes   Which game title are you applying for? Hell Let Loose   If you've selected Hell Let Loose, do you understand that this game is currently not cross platform capable and only PC players currently may apply? ( Steam or PC Game Pass) Yes   Why do you wish to join the 1st Marine Raiders? I've played BFV and milsimed in it, and it was a lot more fun when I milsimed. and I enjoy playing HLL, so I think it is going to be more fun when I join.   Did any of our current members play a part in you enlisting? If so, who? If none, how did you learn about us: I found you guys from a website called disboard when looking for HLL milsim groups to join.   This unit offers more than just a place to play games with each other, do you have any online skills you think would be useful? no   Do you have any Leadership experience that you think will be helpful? I'm not sure if it will be helpfull,but I used to be in BFV milsim groups and in my last one I got to [E-7] out of [E-1] to [O-8], so I was a NCO and I helped the officers with whatever they needed doing, weather it was assisting with training, settling disputes or helping them decide what was appropriate disciplinary action. And when we were in combat I was usually assigned to lead my own squad.   Have you ever been in a realism unit before, and if so, which unit was it? yes. I was in quite a few BFV milsim groups, although I was only in one at any given time. unfortunately, I have left the discord servers and I do not remember the names of them. if you would like, I could probably give a reference to someone who was an officer in most of the groups I was in.   By posting this Enlistment form, I acknowledge the instructions completely, declare that I am 16 years old or older, and agree that I have and will follow server and unit rules maturely and respectfully or face immediate rejection. Yes   Application stats UserId: 943213736024498227 Username: jelly3384 User: @Rec. J. Buford Duration: 1131 seconds Joined guild at: a day ago
    • 2nd Platoon Weekly Attendance   Week of 09MAR2025   P = Present | E = Excused | A = Absent   Platoon Staff WO. A. Pitteway - Excused MSgt. J. Candy - Present TSgt. A Yoder - Present   1st Squad Squad leader:  TSgt. R. Fielding- Excused Cpl. B. Grande - Present Cpl. M. Noel - Excused Pfc. R. Smith - Present Pfc. C. Keebler - Present Pfc. D. Moffat - Present     2nd Squad Squad leader:  Sgt. S. Holquist - Present Cpl. T. Scary - Present Pfc. C. Marsh - Present Pfc. M. Oake - Excused Pfc. W. Swift - - Present Pvt. R. Zera - Present   Helpers:  Ret. A. Cannon
    • 2nd Platoon Weekly Attendance   Week of 02MAR2025   P = Present | E = Excused | A = Absent   Platoon Staff WO. A. Pitteway - Excused MSgt. J. Candy - Present TSgt. A Yoder - Present   1st Squad Squad leader:  TSgt. R. Fielding- Excused Cpl. B. Grande - Present Cpl. M. Noel - Present Pfc. R. Smith - Present Pfc. C. Keebler - Present Pfc. D. Moffat - Excused     2nd Squad Squad leader:  Sgt. S. Holquist - Present Cpl. T. Scary - Present Pfc. C. Marsh - Present Pfc. M. Oake - Excused Pfc. W. Swift - - Present Pvt. R. Zera - Absent II   Helpers:  Pfc. J. Arsenault   *Cannon, Clement, Whistle moved to reserves
    • Welcome to the 1st Marine Raider Battalion! Now that you have been accepted don't forget to: 1. Check in at the Recruit Depot 2. Read the Marine Raider Handbook (you are expected to know everything in it) 3. Change your steam friends Avatar 4. Download, install and log into Discord NOTE: Please be aware that you will not have access to the above links until an officer has given you full access to the forum. Access to the forum should be given to you within the next day.
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