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Name: Jamon Wade

Steam I.D: 1:415262

Date & Time of ban: May 25, 2013 @ 3:45ish

Admin who banned you: No idea, but he had a bad attitude.

Excuse for the Unban: I play here a lot and I like to have fun. Banning admin told someone in an authoritative voice not to do something again or he was gone, so I made a comment on the mic jokingly that the guy was 'toast' if he did it again. No warning, no scolding, just straight ban. Let's keep things in perspective here; this is a video game. I play here a lot(and I change my name a lot). Getting banned by admins with bad attitudes is a major turn off. I really like this server so I actually went through the effort of signing up to post this. So here's to getting unbanned - and if not, then it was fun.

PSA: Admin power abuse is bad


Your ban was for 10 minutes and in fact has already expired. If you do not know who the banning admin was, how do you know he was telling someone off in an "authoritative" way?

Regardless, it does you no good to act the wounded victim in this scenario. The banning admin is Lt. Col. Parker, and I believe he knows the restraint necessary.

Your ban has expired, feel free to continue play in the server.


Making a mockery of admin warnings given to people is a major turn off. I didn't tell anyone "they were gone" I said it was their last warning and to watch their fire, at which point you began to make a joke of it and started taunting the other player who I just warned. Your 10 minute ban was justified and you are now in our records, if you continue your behavior in our pub then the duration of your next ban will increase.

We are grateful that you like our server and that you play in it frequently. We understand this is a video game but you need to look at it from our perspective, maintaining a positive environment for everyone playing in our server is what we strive to achieve and to accomplish that we have to police it. When you make rude comments about our rules and taunt others who were warned, you're adding to the problem rather than helping. Be respectful, obey the rules and I promise you that you'll continue to have fun in our servers just like everyone else.

If you do not know who the banning admin was, how do you know he was telling someone off in an "authoritative" way?

Simple. I saw the tag when his mic lit up to speak but I just didn't remember the player name.

This whole post was made under the assumption I was perm-banned. I didn't see a duration in the console nor the ban message so I kind of assumed I was permanently banned. I "mocked" jokingly, just having fun. Although, it's nice to know I'm in your record books, Parker. I'm 26 years old by the way; I think I know what happens to players who go on continued streaks of misbehaving. But that's an example of that authoritative attitude I was talking about.

Anyways, never mind my OP seeing as I thought I was perm-banned. See you all around.

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