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Well, Netflix brought back Arrested Development, never was a big fan, but that was pretty cool.

That being said, if you could get to pick, what shows would you want to be revived?

Mine, the two big ones I'd love to see are Code Monkey's, it was pretty popular but G4 canceled it; and Lie to Me... just an awesome show.

So what is yours?


Battlestar Galactica

Stargate Univerise

Stargate Atlantis


The Sopranos

Rocko's Modern Life

Heroes (not the same writers way to ruin the series after season 1)

The 4400

Star Trek (anyone of them)

Just to name a few

Battlestar Galactica

Stargate Univerise

Stargate Atlantis


The Sopranos

Rocko's Modern Life

Heroes (not the same writers way to ruin the series after season 1)

The 4400

Star Trek (anyone of them)

Just to name a few

Are we talking about the original Battlestar Galactica? Or the remake? Or both?

I agree with Stargate Universe and Atlantis. A movie is not going to finish either of them.

I'd love to see some new stuff on Rocko, it was an awesome show.

But I'd really love to see Star Trek: Enterprise back up again. I know a lot of hard core Trekkies hate it, but honestly, it was a good show, darker then the original series and Next Gen; but not as dark as DS: 9.



Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future

Star Trek (Any except Enterprise)

Mind of the Married Man



Band of Brothers (Obviously would have to be about a different Unit, The Pacific was good but not as good)

The Sopranos



The Wonder Years

That 70's Show (Prior to everyone leaving)

Defenders of the Earth


King of the Hill

Posted (edited)


This is true.

Also, I heard rumors a while back about a possible Star Trek series where Warf was the captain of a starship, and it was called "Warf", but I don't think we're going to see that anytime soon.

About Battlestar Galactica, I really loved that show, even though I never watched it until after it was completed. I think they did a decent resolve on it, however and I don't really think they need to bring it back.

I loved Heroes, but was glad to see it end after that last disaster of a season.

Lie to me is also a show I wouldn't mind seeing more of.

Also, one more. A British show called The IT Crowd. That show was awesome, and they kept talking about making another series for it, but never actually did.


I didn't mention Terminator, The Sarah Connor Chronicles... Even though I'm a huge Joss Whedon fan, I really wish they would've axed Dollhouse a season early to give TSCC a chance.

Edited by Ultranator BAR
Also, I heard rumors a while back about a possible Star Trek series where Warf was the captain of a starship, and it was called "Warf", but I don't think we're going to see that anytime soon.

I would love to see another series with Warf in it. He was a much welcome surprise when they brought him on DS9, and he really added something to it.

About Battlestar Galactica, I really loved that show, even though I never watched it until after it was completed. I think they did a decent resolve on it, however and I don't really think they need to bring it back.

I liked the original mini series 1979-1980. It was awesome, but I didn't really like the remake.

I loved Heroes, but was glad to see it end after that last disaster of a season.

I'd love to see a Heroes remake that would be true to the creator's vision. The last few seasons... it felt like the executives just forced what they thought would make the show more "popular". That seems to be a problem with a lot of shows these days, a lot of the plot decisions are being decided by executives with little to no training in writing and almost no creative ability of their own dictating what is "good" or "bad" based on focus groups who, lets face it, only seem to reflect what these big networks want to produce, not what people actually like.


I didn't mention Terminator, The Sarah Connor Chronicles... Even though I'm a huge Joss Whedon fan, I really wish they would've axed Dollhouse a season early to give TSCC a chance.

T:TSCC was decent, but it just never felt... Terminator'ish. I hated Dollhouse but I respect a lot of Whedon's works, Angel and Firefly was awesome, wasn't a big fan of Buffy though. But I like Eliza Dushku ever since she played Sissy in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back; she's done some great acting and I believe given the chance, she can be a top actress.

Speaking of Dushku, she's doing voice work for the new Jay and Silent Bob movie. Can't wait to see it.


Stargate Universe (managed to make the previous Stargates rubbish by comparison, and I love those)

Firefly (you know why)

Dollhouse (for the same reason above)

The Wire (because McNulty is hilarious)

24 (which apparently IS actually coming back, but should probably really now be called 12)

Game of Thrones (because I never want it to go away)

The Wire (because McNulty is hilarious)

This imo is probably the greatest television series ever but im not sure i would want to see it back. It ended too perfectly to be touched again.

In any case im glad to see it mentioned by someone else. +1 Cutts

Also, one more. A British show called The IT Crowd. That show was awesome, and they kept talking about making another series for it, but never actually did.

lol yes...friend of mine told me about this show and I have just started watching through them on Netflix.

Better Off Ted

Funny show that just was marketed worth shit IMO.


Generation Kill

Black Books

Freaks and Geeks


My New Best Friend

Father Ted

Fresh Meat


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