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Likewise, the ownership does not base their decisions on the fan reception for a certain player.

Oh no sir, that is totally wrong. Of course they do. They want to have big name players that will put butts in their seats and drive up revenue, hence why poor performing teams will keep big stars on their teams, even though they could trade them in order to improve the future quality of their team. I was just listening to some guys discuss Raul Ibanez in Seattle, its this exact case. They wont trade him because just his name sells tickets, especially for a team that has little else going for it, even though he's having a good season and they could probably get some good, younger players for him.

Ownership is in the business of making money. They want to sell tickets and t shirts, that is their primary concern. Its not always that simple, but when you boil it down, it generally is. Why do they want to win? So that interest in the team will rise, they can sell more tickets, and jack up the prices.


I think the only way to really tighten the loop on this is to have 1st time offenders miss 1yr without pay and 2nd time offenders get kicked out of the game. If you compare the MLB to each of the other 3 major sports in NA the MLB has the harshest penalties for cheating. On my drive home from work today the sports station I listen to was interviewing the former MLB commissioner and asked what he thought would clear some of this crap up. His answer was all 4 major sports commissioners need to get together and hash out a general list of rules and penalties when it comes to PEDS. Id be willing to put money on the fact that the majority of people who use roids in sports use them because without them they will never make it to the pro level. For example the MLB minor league is littered with PED users and almost all of them use them to increase their batting average and fielding abilities just high enough to get that call up. These types of players will never amount to anything great and will have very average careers for a pro athlete. The media only seems to pay attention to this problem when a big star is associated with roids not when some average joe decides to juice up to make the cut. The sports industry has grown to the point imo where unless you implement very drastic changes things will only continue to get worse. People put athletes on such high pedestals that seems to make them think they are immune to the same laws we ordinary people have to follow.

Likewise, the ownership does not base their decisions on the fan reception for a certain player.

Oh no sir, that is totally wrong. Of course they do. They want to have big name players that will put butts in their seats and drive up revenue, hence why poor performing teams will keep big stars on their teams, even though they could trade them in order to improve the future quality of their team. I was just listening to some guys discuss Raul Ibanez in Seattle, its this exact case. They wont trade him because just his name sells tickets, especially for a team that has little else going for it, even though he's having a good season and they could probably get some good, younger players for him.

Ownership is in the business of making money. They want to sell tickets and t shirts, that is their primary concern. Its not always that simple, but when you boil it down, it generally is. Why do they want to win? So that interest in the team will rise, they can sell more tickets, and jack up the prices.

While plenty of what you say is right, it sorta ignores a plenty big picture. A player's image and the fan's likeness of him is just a factor in a much larger equation. To use your example, I bet you Raul would be on his couch if he was hitting 30 points lower and with half as much power. In addition, I highly doubt Seattle won't trade him if they find the right deal. Emphasis on find the right deal, no team wants to be undersold but Raul Ibanez is by no means an untradable player. Maybe an older Griffey or Martinez when they played, but Raul simply isn't that kind of guy.

Its all one big equation that inputs star power, as well as cost, production, etc. You're completely correct ownership wants to make money, but just having a big face and name doesn't do that at all. Again, see your Seattle Mariners and the names that they've had, as well as do have with King Felix, and still float towards the bottom in salary.

My point was just to emphasize that how a fanbase likes or dislikes a player makes only a somewhat difference to the ownership decision. It certainly isn't and end all, be all, as we have seen many beloved players get the boot and many assholes keep their job and I thought it was a little harsh by Parker to put all the blame on that particular group of fans when really its much bigger. Not that i don't understand his rage lol

My point was just to emphasize that how a fanbase likes or dislikes a player makes only a somewhat difference to the ownership decision. It certainly isn't and end all, be all, as we have seen many beloved players get the boot and many assholes keep their job and I thought it was a little harsh by Parker to put all the blame on that particular group of fans when really its much bigger. Not that i don't understand his rage lol

This is true, my beloved Red Sox have definitely gotten rid of some fan favorites over the years, i.e. Garciaparra in '04 (which is a major bummer, i wish Nomar could have won that world series with them). It definitely depends, and its all apart of a larger equation, as you say. But if Brewers fans were to just completely disown Braun for this, as i think they should, and as i would if it were a member of the Red Sox, i would be surprised if management didn't get rid of him. But then, the flip side of that coin, is people would go see him play BECAUSE they hate him, because they want to be there to boo him, i.e. Ty Cobb, Jackie Robinson, the entire Yankees team wherever they show up (LOL).

Posted (edited)
But if Brewers fans were to just completely disown Braun for this, as i think they should,

Why do you think I should? Give me a few reason to back up this statement, make an argument why I shouldn't support one of the Brewers best players? The fact of the matter is with him in the lineup the Brewers are better, so I will support him as a player because he gives the team a better chance to win. As to what I think about him as a person, Ill wait to see what he does from here on out.

Edited by Watkis
But if Brewers fans were to just completely disown Braun for this, as i think they should,

Why do you think I should? Give me a few reason to back up this statement, make an argument why I shouldn't support one of the Brewers best players? The fact of the matter is with him in the lineup the Brewers are better, so I will support him as a player because he gives the team a better chance to win. As to what I think about him as a person, Ill wait to see what he does from here on out.

If I'd have to guess his answer, its probably because he's a cheater.... in any context, that's not a bad reason to disown someone

But if Brewers fans were to just completely disown Braun for this, as i think they should,

Why do you think I should? Give me a few reason to back up this statement, make an argument why I shouldn't support one of the Brewers best players? The fact of the matter is with him in the lineup the Brewers are better, so I will support him as a player because he gives the team a better chance to win. As to what I think about him as a person, Ill wait to see what he does from here on out.

He only makes the Brewers better because he's a cheater... My question is why would you support someone who cheats? A better question would be why would you support someone who cheats and lies about it? And an even better question would be why would you support someone who cheats, lies and steals MVP awards from players who play the game without cheating?

Supporting him solely for what he does for the Milwaukee community should not factor in at all, all athletes do charitable work in the cities they play for. Has he ever won the Roberto Clemente Award? No, because there are players who do more and don't cheat. It's a common thing in sports for players to get involved and help their community. They are role models for people but most of all kids, and if you support someone that with that much influence after he was caught lying and cheating what kind of message are you sending these kids? That it's okay to cheat and lie because at the end of the day you'll be forgiven for it? It just doesn't make sense to me how anyone can support this guy after he cheated, he lied and made a mockery of the game and its fans.

Posted (edited)

I choose to do with my forgiveness as I want no understanding by others needed. Know that I am not outright forgiving Braun, I think a better phrase for it would be a chance at redmprion. Also I am interested to here your take on amphetamines, illegal pitches, etc. Parker do you think they were performance enhancing?

Edited by Watkis
Also I am interested to here your take on amphetamines, illegal pitches, etc. Parker do you think they were performance enhancing?

Yes, they were performance enhancing. Amphetamines, illegal pitches, corked bats, illegal substances put on the ball, and anything else categorized as giving you an advantage over everyone else should be punished.

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