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I might have to go buy a PS4 just for Tom Clancy's The Division .. (Hopefully they add PC to their list of platforms that they support for the game)

so far it has only been announced on xbox one and ps4 but i hope it will be announced for PC too.


Microsoft's Xbox One preorder information page states that the console will only support Live in only 21 countries at launch, and therefore presumably won't work anywhere else.














New Zealand






United Kingdom

United States

So the XBoner will not be sold in countries unlisted, but also will not work. So a person living in any other country cannot purchase a XBoner to bring back to their homeland for play. I realize it won't affect the vast majority of gamers, but it's still a big bag of middle fingers to a lot of people. Countries like Poland, Portugal, China, Korea, Argentina, and Japan are left out in the cold for aspiring XBoner fans. They pretty much just forgot about Asia.


They've only changed once they saw their preorder numbers. My Best Buy store has preordered at least 25 PS4s. We have yet to see one Xboner preorder.

They still didn't answer launch country issues (which look to be ongoing since you still need an internet connection to "setup"), or Kinect issues, and Microsoft will still not be getting my monies.


Just because everyone is raging like a bunch of raped whales, I'm going to get the xbox eventually. Once again, I won't be buying the Sony offering.

PS has been less than stellar since ps2 - and their game library has fallen. PS3 had an entire YEAR to make that machine MURDER the xbox, but they fell flat on their face. In that time the xbox library of games just grew and grew. The 2 saving graces of the PS3 were blu-ray (meh) and wireless built-in (meh); That's it? Oh, lets not forget their free online network (which even PS3 fans admit is far from the quality of xblive) Now we've got another 2 systems that will once again be so closely matched it's disgusting! But people are whining because xbox is taking some steps (that I have a sinking feeling will soon be echoed by others in some form or fashion), but they were crucified for being open and up front about it.

I've known guys who worked at Sony - the way these companies work, if one is doing it, the other either is also doing it or is working on something exactly like it. But if something was so horribly received, why would any company ever say "oh yea, we were gonna do that, too", they wouldn't. But don't think for once second that the thought hadn't crossed their mind (or still is and they're thinking on how to work it in 'behind the scenes' so the American public is less aware).

Get real folks. Crying about some flaws that have absolutely nothing to do with the actual gameplay or graphic abilities of the xbox is absurd. To say one system is better than the other because of things that aren't even relating to the actual playing of the system is like saying one girl is a good fuck because she's hotter or more popular than the other chick. Completely unrelated.


Specs for the PS4 still outweigh the XBox One, but we won't know for sure until we actually play on these consoles and judge for ourselves. PlayStation has the headstart thanks to the shot in the foot Microsoft took in PR, although Microsoft has some sneaky and witty marketing...

Time will tell.

Just because everyone is raging like a bunch of raped whales, I'm going to get the xbox eventually. Once again, I won't be buying the Sony offering.

PS has been less than stellar since ps2 - and their game library has fallen. PS3 had an entire YEAR to make that machine MURDER the xbox, but they fell flat on their face. In that time the xbox library of games just grew and grew. The 2 saving graces of the PS3 were blu-ray (meh) and wireless built-in (meh); That's it? Oh, lets not forget their free online network (which even PS3 fans admit is far from the quality of xblive) Now we've got another 2 systems that will once again be so closely matched it's disgusting! But people are whining because xbox is taking some steps (that I have a sinking feeling will soon be echoed by others in some form or fashion), but they were crucified for being open and up front about it.

I've known guys who worked at Sony - the way these companies work, if one is doing it, the other either is also doing it or is working on something exactly like it. But if something was so horribly received, why would any company ever say "oh yea, we were gonna do that, too", they wouldn't. But don't think for once second that the thought hadn't crossed their mind (or still is and they're thinking on how to work it in 'behind the scenes' so the American public is less aware).

Get real folks. Crying about some flaws that have absolutely nothing to do with the actual gameplay or graphic abilities of the xbox is absurd. To say one system is better than the other because of things that aren't even relating to the actual playing of the system is like saying one girl is a good fuck because she's hotter or more popular than the other chick. Completely unrelated.

Completely horrible argument. I can't believe you'd post something like this. That's like saying nothing at all about a car matters other than how fast it goes and its MPG. It doesn't have AC? You're whining about something that has absolutely nothing to do with the performance of the vehicle.

People were completely justified in being worried when XBox announced their complicated used games plans. People were justified when the XBox was going to have an online requirement. Those are both big issues to a lot of people. No, it doesn't have anything to do with actual hardware performance. But it did have to do with how Microsoft wants you to play. For example, before they changed the online requirement, the XBox One would not function in Korea or Japan. Not a big deal for us, we don't live in those countries! Oh wait, Korea and Japan have two of the largest US military presences outside of the US. The requirements that Microsoft had to play their box was a large middle finger to service members who are serving in other countries or serving on a Navy ship. But that wasn't a good argument because it has nothing to do with the performance of the box.

People are still justified in wondering about the Kinect requirement. The Box does require the Kinect to be functioning, powered and not blocked by anything before it will let you play. Even if you aren't playing something with the Kinect. Why? The PS3 has slightly better hardware and you don't have to get the PSMove camera. Plus I'm not paying $100 more for a stupid camera and because they were too cheap to back Blu-Ray in the first place.

It doesn't matter that one company "thought" about doing it. Because they didn't do it. Sony had the chance at E3 and before to reveal just as many ridiculous things as Microsoft, but they didn't. Microsoft did. And only when everyone collectively bent them over and screamed at them did they realize it was a mistake. Sony listened to what people said before that, and they knew it would be a bad idea.

If you want an XBox One, fine. But don't tell me I'm whiny because I don't like how Microsoft was handling a console they expected me to willingly fork $500 for. I'm going to go with the company that has shown it is willing to work with developers, publishers, distributors, and most importantly, gamers.



I don't exactly know what you're talking about in terms of games, 1st Lt. Goodwin. The PS3 has had a bunch of very good ones enter their library in the past year. Look at games like Heavy Rain, Infamous 2, and more recently The Last of Us. Just about every PS3 exclusive I've played has been good, though I will say that there are less and less exlcusives, many are becoming cross-console or even multi-platform, even PC games to an extent.

Posted (edited)

Having been an Xbox fan boy for years and never touching a PS3 until recently, I would have to agree with Kirk.

I'm not sure what is going on within Microsoft to convince them to say the stuff they said, but its downright poor what they did at their conference prior to E3 and during E3.

"You want to play games offline? We have a system for that. Its called a 360."

"People who want backwards compatibility are just backwards."

" Let the people decide when we release our system." Translation lets vote with our wallets.

You cannot tell me that you weren't the least bit rubbed wrong by what Microsoft was doing. They practically went up on stage and gave the finger to everyone that was there. Their aim was to appeal to the masses. Hence why the whole TV TV TV SPORTS SPORTS thing launched into crazyness. They made a media center box. Their goal was not to appeal to gamers, but to appeal to everyone and that alone pissed gamers off because it shows that their resources were not fully committed to gaming from the beginning.

PS3 had a bad start. Everyone knows, but its obvious that gamers and game developers are flocking to the PS4 because its catered to gamers. They listened and did things gamers wanted. Sony already has F2P games lined up that are exclusive such as Planetside 2, Warframe and War Thunder.

I'm happy that Microsoft finally pulled their heads out of eachothers asses because now it will be a real console war. Now it will be an incentive for both companies to strive and become better.

I'm sticking with PS4 because its more powerful, the exclusives seem ALOT better even though Xboner does have a few interesting ones even though their mostly going to be Kinect exclusives. I dont have to buy a freakin camera. Its cheaper and with Sony establishing such good relations with developers already will most likely bring forth more exclusives and goodies for PS4 owners.

Lastly, theres nothing keeping MS from switching back to the old formula a year or 2 after xbox release. MS only changed its policies because of sony, not because of gamers. It aint an apology, its MS surrendering.

Edited by Mamora BAR
  • 3 weeks later...

Xbox one launch versions sold out at best buy.

PS4 launch editions sold out at Gamestop and Amazon including all the bundles. Not taking anymore preorders except for the standard edition.

This is getting very interesting. Also some people are bringing up a petition to bring back the MS policies that were scrapped.

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