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I just started playing this game and have made it almost to the point where last year's E3 demos showed. It is absolutely kick-ass. The combat is visceral, the dialogue and voice acting is great, the pacing is upbeat in some parts and slow in others to match the scene, and the suspense and panic in some parts is pretty knarly. I haven't tried multiplayer yet, but it looks cool too. Definately reccommend buying this one.

I've been playing non stop since friday - just got to the radio tower (if anyones made it that far WTFBBQSAUCE!!!!!)

Outstanding game - really gripping dark feel - unbelievably scary - 10/10 would bang.

WTFBBQSAUCE is an excellent way to describe this game actually, just go buy it because its rad. (No foolin)


Its is PS3 Exclusive unfortunately, as for me I've been playing non-stop as well. I have made it to the University of East Colorado and I am still loving it. I played the multiplayer as well and its pretty damn good for a game that has put so much effort into the single player, only played a few four vs four survivor deathmatches though.

The game hasn't made me cry yet, I've had a few close calls at the very start, and the Radio tower shocked me, but I have a feeling that i'm going to be balling at the end of it, I just that feeling. People said the game reminds them of The Road, but personally I find it to be more like Children of Men in terms of emotions provoked and storyline in my opinion.

Anybody with a PS3, if you guys haven't bought this game, get some cash togather and buy it!

Posted (edited)
Just finished it. I'm heartbroken, relieved, confused and saddened all at the same time.

Outstanding game. Everyone should buy this

My bro has a ps3 and I watched him play this pretty much from beginning to end this weekend, and I have to say I disagree with Joel's actions in the end.

Good of the many outweighs the good of the few. Now I would probably eat a bullet afterwards, but the surgery was 100% necessary for mankind to survive. Now they get to live a slow death as little by little mankind becomes extinct

Edited by Morton 1st MRB
Posted (edited)
Just finished it. I'm heartbroken, relieved, confused and saddened all at the same time.

Outstanding game. Everyone should buy this

My bro has a ps3 and I watched him play this pretty much from beginning to end this weekend, and I have to say I disagree with Joel's actions in the end.

Good of the many outweighs the good of the few. Now I would probably eat a bullet afterwards, but the surgery was 100% necessary for mankind to survive. Now they get to live a slow death as little by little mankind becomes extinct

I totally agree,

I thought that's how the story was going to end - with him agreeing to let her go then eventually killing himself but when he killed the doctors then eventually Marlene, I was literally screaming at my TV "WHY JOEL??? WHY???". I wonder if it's set up like that for a sequel? But the more I think about it the more I want this to be the only game just so the end of the story can be left up to speculation.


I also thought that if Joel would let Ellie go, that he would come to some sort of closure with his own daughters death, but I guess we won't know that either. He just is a cold hard bastard throughout the whole thing, without changing motives or anything, even through the end of the story

Edited by Supa Hot Fire BAR

I agree with his actions, partially because I could sympathize with him at that point. If it had gone otherwise I think he would have had a breakdown and we'd see an ending even more sad than what it was.

Besides, it sends a strong message in my opinion. Is it truly worth killing a child so that everyone else can live? What makes them worthy of the future that she could give them? They haven't proven that they are any different than the soldier who shot Sarah for nothing. I realised that at the end when I saw the Fireflies for who they are, beneath the surface they aren't much different from the FEDRA Soldiers, they'll do anything to acheive a goal, no matter the cost. They don't care about life in a true sense of what it means to live, they never even asked Ellie if she would want to do it, they asked Marlene, who even though she may know Ellie very well, its not her place to make such a decision.

In any case, its not like its impossible to survive in a world like that, look at Tommy and his crew, or even Bill. They are all surviving despite the conditions, the former could even be considered to be thriving. It would be difficult, but then life isn't easy to begin with. Eventually things would change, that is a certainty; though for better or worse who knows? Maybe Cordeceyps would burn out once it has killed a sufficient number of people? That's how it worked on insects, it would quell a population of insects that got too large, why would it change its nature when jumping to a human strain? I don't know.

Cordeceyps isn't the enemy though, its the people. The game illustrated that to us right at the beginning. That's why I believe that Joel made a very brave decision to stop them from killing Ellie just so that they could create a cure. The vaccine wouldn't change who they are, it would only remove the one thing that is keeping their attentions off of eachother. Perhaps it is better to have something to scare people into working togather, to stay close to eachother, and above all care for eachother rather than to remove that. Give them more time to change their nature and reflect on what is worth living for.

Truly this is an excellent game, and I cannot wait to replay it again for more stuff and to see where Naughty Dog will take this.

Posted (edited)
I agree with his actions, partially because I could sympathize with him at that point. If it had gone otherwise I think he would have had a breakdown and we'd see an ending even more sad than what it was.

Besides, it sends a strong message in my opinion. Is it truly worth killing a child so that everyone else can live? What makes them worthy of the future that she could give them? They haven't proven that they are any different than the soldier who shot Sarah for nothing. I realised that at the end when I saw the Fireflies for who they are, beneath the surface they aren't much different from the FEDRA Soldiers, they'll do anything to acheive a goal, no matter the cost. They don't care about life in a true sense of what it means to live, they never even asked Ellie if she would want to do it, they asked Marlene, who even though she may know Ellie very well, its not her place to make such a decision.

In any case, its not like its impossible to survive in a world like that, look at Tommy and his crew, or even Bill. They are all surviving despite the conditions, the former could even be considered to be thriving. It would be difficult, but then life isn't easy to begin with. Eventually things would change, that is a certainty; though for better or worse who knows? Maybe Cordeceyps would burn out once it has killed a sufficient number of people? That's how it worked on insects, it would quell a population of insects that got too large, why would it change its nature when jumping to a human strain? I don't know.

Cordeceyps isn't the enemy though, its the people. The game illustrated that to us right at the beginning. That's why I believe that Joel made a very brave decision to stop them from killing Ellie just so that they could create a cure. The vaccine wouldn't change who they are, it would only remove the one thing that is keeping their attentions off of eachother. Perhaps it is better to have something to scare people into working togather, to stay close to eachother, and above all care for eachother rather than to remove that. Give them more time to change their nature and reflect on what is worth living for.

Truly this is an excellent game, and I cannot wait to replay it again for more stuff and to see where Naughty Dog will take this.

Hmm I guess I hadn't thought about it like that - looking back on it, what you've said makes much more sense - Also continues to make this game better haha


Jesus the more I think about what you've said Armstrong, the more heart breaking the hospital scene becomes (when you have to run out with Ellie). I guess I was under the mindset of "Yeah, we could sacrifice one for the rest of humanity" but never considered if it were to be my daughter (even though technically she isn't) - especially for Joel seeing as the death of Sarah literally ruined him and how he wouldn't be able to bear it again. You're totally right to say that this game reflects on what's worth living for - especially with the almost paradox of a situation they introduce the play to. Wait. Did....Did I have an emotional reaction to a game? Is that normal?!


Edited by Supa Hot Fire BAR

Exactly, what is the point of living? Why struggle so hard to save humanity from this great and terrible thing, if its not even the thing itself which has caused the most grief? Cordeceyps will act like any other virus that has afflicted any species, I'll wager that. It'll kill an enormous amount of people, but it'll quell those who are weak. Leaving only the strong to survive.

Strength does not equal physical strength though. Strength in this case I think is the ability to retain some sense of morality and personal responsibility despite the chaos and fear overwhelming everyone. Joel wouldn't be able to live with himself if he allowed them to do what they wanted to Ellie, especially when Marlene and the Fireflies themselves showed through their actions and words to him that they didn't care what it took to get something done. How far does one go with that philosophy before it reaches its limit? Sacrificing a 14 year-old girl who has a whole future full of endless possibilities ahead of her just so that humanity can keep on going the way it used to when the world is trying to change that way of life isn't that noble of an intention when you think about what the adult humans who are still from the world before the infection do to eachother. Makes a moralist reflect on a lot of things and what they are truly worth.

Makes me think of some of the Saw movies actually, particularly #6. What value do we put on human life(Or how can we even put a value on human life)? How can somebody else make a choice about someone else's life, when theirs has no immediate stake in the decision? I can get philosophical about this all day, Existentialism is one of my favourite branches.

Posted (edited)

It is simple, cold, and uncaring mathematics. 2 is a bigger number than 1. Billions of lives are worth more than 1. If I was in Joel's situation I would allow them to create a vaccine or a cure, then I'd most likely eat a bullet or maybe wonder the wastelands searching for death. I couldn't care less about Existentialism when it comes to the survival of my species. If something similar ever comes up and someone comes up to me and says "Phil, your death will save billions of people" I'd accept that, knowing I did what I had to do to save as many lives as possible. I hold myself to the same standard I hold others when it comes to his. Men must die so that Mankind endures. Now that isn't to say I wouldn't try every other possible solution before it came to making that sacrifice, but assuming that it is the only option then I'll do it.

Edited by Morton 1st MRB

Sorry, Lt. Col., but I think those of us that have finished the game feel that the ending isn't worth spoiling to those still playing who are interested. Maybe I should just put (Major Spoilers!) after the title to make it simpler?

In reply to your comment, Morton:

Utilitarianism is a very good philosophy, always do the greatest good for the greatest number. The problem I'm trying to point out with that is in the case of this, is that all of those people don't deserve the life that a vaccine would give them. You saw how FEDRA acted in Boston, how the Hunters acted in Pittsburgh, The Cannibals in Colorado, and lastly the Fireflies in Salt Lake City. All of them were the same, they decided that the lives of everyone who isn't in their own little bubble or don't follow their rules don't matter. Whether they openly butcher people to be used as meat or kill them for having a different opinion than theirs makes no difference. Having said that, what would happen if the vaccine was released and given to people? You now remove the one threat that is arguablely more tangible and horrifying than the people, what would the world become? Who would get the vaccine? Just the Fireflies and the people they like(Since I'm pretty damn sure they wouldn't give any to FEDRA willingly)? Then you have war, and more people dying uselessly over who should have the right to live. Talk about a ridiculous idea.

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm Username_121 on PSN if you guys want a game. I'm currently on the Fireflies side for Multiplayer, not that that should matter. I'm also replaying it on + so I can go for more achievements and blow away more sonsofbitches with my full-upgraded weapons. Too bad I couldn't up the difficulty on it yet though, I hear that the Listening ability is switched off at a higer difficulty, making Clickers and Infected areas, or even just areas with lots of guys a challenge.

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