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Star Citizen

Kirkendall 1st MRB

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You're not experiencing deja vu, I wrote about Star Citizen in one of the previous iterations of the 1st MRB Newsletter. I'm an early backer to this game and I highly recommend backing it. I backed it in the early Kickstarter days, and it's still possible to back through the RSI website. To date, Star Citizen has raised $13.79 million (that's million, with an 'm').

This looks to be one of the most exciting games in development. Look on the forums for some of their updates, or just check out the website. They have too many exciting ideas to list here, but I'll be happy to answer any questions. Will you join the United Federation of Earth? Trade resources for profits? Or drift through space exploring of your own will? On second thought, those traders will be easy pickings... Maybe you'll become a pirate and seek your fortune by force. You get to choose.

You choose your destiny and follow it. Your skill as a pilot, merchant, diplomat, fighter or more will be your level. A brand new prodigy pilot could be better than a veteran who lacks a pilot's intuition. I'm talking no combat levels, just skill. I'm talking a space simulator that lets you disable enemy ships, board and take the cargo for your own profit. From space sim to FPS in one boarding action. Did I mention this is running CryEngine 3?

Get in on this. Play with your friends in a constant online universe. Join us in the stars.




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This game looks really good.

I keep seeing the fighters launch from a bigger ship dock. Is this how it will always be when you fight or say if I am a pirate I don't have the luxury of a space station or capital ship im just all alone in my little merc fighter in space?

You won't have a larger ship to launch from all of the time. If you're in a single passenger fighter, you'll have much more limited range than some of the multi-crew ships that have bunks or the like. Typically you'll be launching from a planet. I've heard Roberts aspires to 50 sectors at launch, so you can imagine some sectors will probably cater to the pirates and mercenaries for home bases.

So if you compare two early backer ships:

The Hornet:


The Freelancer:



With the Hornet, you'll get a more maneuverable ship, with better dogfighting stats or capabilities. But the Freelancer is a multi-crew ship. So you'll have the ability to hold more cargo, or go longer distances. The Freelancer will be better for boarding action, as it can hold more cargo, and you could have a 4 person boarding team. So perhaps a pirate group would jump in with a Hornet to disable their prey, and move in with the Freelancer to steal as much cargo as possible.

But even if you are successful, be careful to not incur the wrath of people enough to get bounty hunters on your ass.

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So basically EVE online without having to wait ages for your skills to level? Yes please. I hope he takes cues from EVE regarding the economy and political aspects though, I would love a complex and politically dynamic world.

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So basically EVE online without having to wait ages for your skills to level? Yes please. I hope he takes cues from EVE regarding the economy and political aspects though, I would love a complex and politically dynamic world.

It's a little more than basically EVE. EVE has its own draw and that's fine, but saying Star Citizen is basically the same is like saying Call of Duty is basically the same as CounterStrike just with instant respawn. Same genre, very different games.

I doubt you'll see many multi-boxers in Star citizen. It's more focused on individual skill. Sure there's going to be situations where you're just plain outclassed, but the stats for your ships' components aren't the most important thing any more.

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Yeah, I'm just hoping they include some of the thing that made EVE awesome for me, like ownership of star systems and faction wars over territory and ressources. Also I'm intrigued to see how the FPS and Ship boarding part will work, because I would totally play a hardass mercenary specializing in ship assault.

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Yeah, I'm just hoping they include some of the thing that made EVE awesome for me, like ownership of star systems and faction wars over territory and ressources. Also I'm intrigued to see how the FPS and Ship boarding part will work, because I would totally play a hardass mercenary specializing in ship assault.


getting hired to assault a factions ships by a rival group of people hell yes

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via The Escapist:

'"The economy in Star Citizen is built to represent millions of entities (whether players or NPCs) that work together to move resources and finished goods from one end of the galaxy to the other," said the post. "Miners and other resource gatherers work to extract basic resources from the available supply, traders collect those goods and deliver them to other places, escorts protect those convoys from harm (while pirates attempt the opposite)." Players' actions, in turn, are deeply intertwined with the game's economy. For instance, if you play a pirate that focuses heavily on a particular trade route, it can lead to a shortage of resources that harms one of the in-game production chains. "If nearby missile factories suddenly have a shortage of necessary components, escorts who come in from an extended firefight to restock may find missile prices very high - or stocks depleted entirely." Shortages, in turn, will be used to generate new missions as players are called on to transport resources and defend merchants trying to restock effected areas.

If you're keen on influencing the economy in deeper ways, Roberts and friends are aiming to provide options for that, as well. "The most aggressive entrepreneurs may take over whole sections of a supply chain and begin producing their own goods for sale on the open market - if they can keep the resources flowing. But be warned - some large corporations don't appreciate competition!" All in all, Star Citizen sounds as though it's shaping into a game just as well suited to virtual moguls as it is to would-be space pilot'

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Is it a one time purchase, or a monthly subscription? It looks a lot like EVE, but better.

To play Star Citizen you need only to buy the initial game. There will never be a monthly charge for usage. Some in-game items may be available as microtransactions, but they "will NEVER sell anything that can’t be acquired through honest (and fun!) gameplay."

Alpha is expected in Q4 of 2013.

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This game does look amazing. I like games with a really good player based economy. When Star Wars Galaxies was still around you could spend a whole week just harvesting resources, creating merchandise, setting up houses and vendors to sell it, etc. I like games centered around space as well, I used to play Anarchy Online back in the day.

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I haven't posted about Star Citizen in some time, but I gotta bring it back. They just updated and overhauled their ship spec page.

"DISCLAIMER: These are our current specifications on paper. Some of this is likely to change during the 3D design and game balancing process over the next 24 months. Despite this, they should give a good indication of the relative features and abilities of the ships in the Star Citizen universe."


When I first wrote about this game, they had raised $14 million. They're up to $44 million right now.


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Aw man, I have always really loved space games. I never got into Eve but I liked watching the political and economic mechanics of the gameplay and really enjoyed Sins of a Solar Empire and the Star Wars KOTOR and Sith Lords. I have no idea whether or not I'll get this since I doubt my PC will handle it atm, but it looks and sounds really cool.

If I were to play this I'd love to have one of the larger exploratory ships or trade ships and get a bunch of friends together and set out to explore the galaxy or enter a private business together. Or even just getting together in a private squadron of ships and working together as a company, I think that'd be pretty awesome with this.

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