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Hello fellow members of the 1st MRB. I would like to start off by saying it does feel good to be back, and that I will be far more active then I was in the past.

I would like to address some rumblings that i had overheard that I had abandoned the 1st MRB. Granted I know i'm not a very important person amongst the ranks, but i would still like to say that No I have not left. I was engaged in a CEVO L4D2 tournament with my secondary team of Long Island Gaming Servers, aka LIGS for a while. We actually had a pretty decent run, ended up in the Semi Finals before getting knocked out. Shortly after this time, due to some billeting issues, I was forced to change rooms right before the holidays. For a long period of time I had no internet nor any real place to stay at. I went home over the holidays, but my computer had a fatal error, and i had to reformat my computer, not once but twice, once for Vista and then again for Windows 7. During this period of confusion, I had multiple issues with my Soundcard that really just didn't motivate me to play games til I fixed it. However, I finally found the materials I needed to fix it, I have a decently fast internet connection and I will be on the MRB servers once more!

Thank you to all of those who never lost faith in my loyalty to the MRB

and my apologies to anyone who might have thought i was a traitor to the cause.


you tell me that you need me, then you go and cut me down


you tell me that you're sorry, didn't think i'd turn around and say.. it's too late to apologize. it's too late.


some of us are old though. I mean I can't keep up with all these young whipper snappers anymore. I blame rock n roll and public schools for everything. hahahahha

Posted (edited)

To the police I'm sayin fuck you punk

Readin my rights and shit, it's all junk

Pullin out a silly club, so you stand

With a fake assed badge and a gun in your hand

But take off the gun so you can see what's up

And we'll go at it punk, I'ma fuck you up

Fuck the police

Fuck the police

Fuck the police

Fuck the police

Fuck the police

The jury has found you guilty of bein a redneck,

whitebread, chickenshit muthafucka.

Fuck the police

Fuck the police

Fuck the police

Edited by Liv
Posted (edited)

because the police are everywhere and if i'm being mugged they are going to pop out of nowhere and save the day, just like the iphone!!!111

for those of us in the real world, corruption, abuse of power, and just plain douchebaggery power trip donut sucking pigfucks are what actually define the police.

  McKenzie 1st MRB said:
lol Don't think the Police Help? Next time your being robbed, try calling a crackhead.

probably the dumbest quote i have ever seen. IF i'm lucky enough to survive a mugging in the first place, what are the police going to do? what did the police do when my friend's apartment got broken into? a $3000 les paul gone. his class ring gone. $200 leather jacket gone. what did the police do when my friend's car got broken into? $600 in damages and his gps gone. they did nothing. those nigs are still at large. what did the police do when they couldn't find something to arrest me on? make up stuff of course! i'm on month #9 of probation for something i didn't even do. yeah go police woo woo!


Edited by Liv
Posted (edited)

shutup dumbass. you think anybody cares about a guitar or ring or any of that shit? if i'm a cop and i have to choose between running an important call or looking for somebody's shit, i'm taking in the call. enough of the cop bashing. period.

Edited by Lehman 1st MRB
Posted (edited)
  Lehman 1st MRB said:
shutup dumbass. you think anybody cares about a guitar or ring or any of that shit? if i'm a cop and i have to choose between running an important call or looking for somebody's shit, i'm taking in the call. enough of the cop bashing. period.

i lol'd really i did. let me see if i understand you correctly. not only do you condone police brutality, but if you were a cop you'd completely ignore a robbery in which not only thousands of dollars of important and sentimental belongings were lost, but a man's home was destroyed. good thing you're not a piggy, but you certainly share their mentality. oink oink!

and for the record i care about a guitar since i spent money on it. and i care about the ring because it's a high school class ring. you only get one of those in your lifetime. man yay for the police, the defenders of the public who don't give a shit about us. nice work lehman proving my point.

Edited by Liv
Posted (edited)

thank god for the police. the paramedics had too much on their plate. the ambulances are filled with victims of police brutality

Edited by Liv

Alright guys WHAT THE FUCK... This post was meant for McKenzie to apologize to the unit for his inactivity. Not for some acid suckin', coke snortin', gutter slut, who has a self-esteem lower than a bulimic fat chick. And the only reason why you are so pissed off at cops is because you and your stoner ass friends are people who cops don't give two shits less about. This post didn't even concern your narrow ass anyways, so why you decided to poke your coke covered nose in here beats me. So please go enjoy a near overdose and have a GOOD FUCKIN' NIGHT.


Woah woah woah hostility. Liv, sorry that you feel that way, but Lehman has a point. Your shit gets jacked, that sucks, but I'm sure that the police are doing whatever they can to help, but there are more threatening things then a missing guitar. Lehman, I understand your view point and highly respect your appreciation for law enforcement officers, however she is allowed to think what she pleases.

However Liv I will say, I'm pretty sure a cop will try and do more to help then a crackhead will. Just saying.

And Vogt, thank you, making quite a bit of sense there haha.

Posted (edited)

you sound a little mad. would you like some xanax? you know if you have anger issues or immature name calling issues i don't think they'll let you in the pen.

the reason why i hate cops is because i've had the misfortune of dealing with them. once you get fucked over by these douchebags all up on their high horse you'd feel the same way. but right now you have your head in the clouds describing what cops SHOULD be and not what they actually are. get with the times. just because you slobber on their dicks doesn't mean they won't make shit up against you to meet their quotas.

  McKenzie 1st MRB said:
Your shit gets jacked, that sucks, but I'm sure that the police are doing whatever they can to help

yes 2 years without any update on the case they are doing everything in their power to help. don't be naive.

  McKenzie 1st MRB said:
However Liv I will say, I'm pretty sure a cop will try and do more to help then a crackhead will. Just saying.

cops have the attitude of lehman. they couldn't care less about me. a crackhead will go look for my stuff if i give him crack. so yeah no.

Edited by Liv
Guest Phan 1st MRB

wtf are yall talking about???? so much cussing and fucking in here it's insane. lets just have some peace and like yea chill.

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