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I was banned on vent for false accusations. I never disrespected any of the 1st MRB members. When someone yells at me for no reason it's not my fault when i yell back. I know the rules i spent the good part of a year in this unit. I followed every rule to the T, and i get thrown under a bus like this. I was asked to lower my mic and i told "Pvt. Martin" that is was already all the way down, he continued to yell "Lower your mic". So i told him that i cant lower it any more. Not my fault my mic doesn't go any lower. I thought Respect was a two way street doesn't give "Martin" a right to yell at me for no reason either. I ask to be unbanned because i was banned under false accusations. If you ask anyone who knows me i talk on the loud side and they have no problem lowering me not my fault.



I banned you.

It wasn't Martin who yelled at you to be quiet, it was a higher ranking member. The reasoning was not false, you were given instruction to be quiet in vent during a realism by a NCO and you failed to obey the request. You then continued to voice your frustration with the request by responding with "calm the fuck down" and continued to talk loudly in vent.

I followed every rule to the T, and i get thrown under a bus like this.

With all due respect, I have to disagree with that statement:

Dishonorable Discharge

Name: Alexander Sousa

Rank: Private First Class

Reason(s) for Discharge: Disregarding rules and regulations


How was i DD i wasn't active my computer died and didn't have access to a computer so how was i DD i wasn't in the unit in February. Ask anyone i was inactive because my motherboard fried. Someone is setting me up because it died before Christmas and i just recently started playing again.


You were very active in February, but it wasn't in our server and that's all I'll say about that. We take things very seriously when it comes to disrespect from dishonorably discharged members, hence why you have been banned from vent. You are still welcome in our game servers, however I will warn you that any incidents that occur in our servers will result in a permanent ban. Please be friendly and please don't show any of our members any disrespect as they've shown you none. One final request, do not spam higher ranking members and ask them to unban you (I'm already getting reports that you are) because my decision is final.

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