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Yea my pack was already full when I found that tent. Grabbed what was most valuable and dumped everything else on the ground to de-spawn. I kinda wanna double back and see the results of my work...lol


Alright lets get erryone back toward base. I feel like maybe we should stay in those valleys watching from the rock walls for a bit, see if we can find our mystery visitors.. and IDK, exact some retribution. Also as I have no desire to keep the FAL I say we work to make contact with another of the servers groups to initiate a trade on the NEAF. I would love to have another Winchester for the group, or an SVD, so we can have an efficient sniper team to work with, as it stands now we have sufficient automatics and the .22 for mid/close range support during a trade off and I would be able to provide long/mid range support from cover with my Winnie.


So what I was thinking is as our netting was robbed we could offer the FAL on my back in exchange for 2 stacks of netting, and maybe the UMP .45 for one of the long rifles? I would like input on this from the rest of the squad before I work to get in touch with heads of other groups about working to facilitate the trade. Additionally we would want to practice dispersal patterns, sector assignment and establish our ranges before working to set this up.


I say NEAF because it has a very nice open space with availability to both squads involved to have overwatch and eyes on one another up to the rendez vouz itself.


We would need to set up sniper positions on the north eastern hill and on the western hill of the airfield beforehand. We would also need to set up shorter range reinforcements to be ready to move in case of a bad deal. Depending on who we are going against we would want to set up in the motor pool building and possibly keep someone I Krasno to pick out aproching targets 


I say we raid, murder, and take over the island. To the south. Not many people have the balls to swim across to the island. One of the Last times I died (like 2 months ago) I spawned on that island. after about 20 or 30 min of looting I got caught by a couple idots. I don't know where their crap is....but I do know that they are on that island.

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Samuels 1st MRB said:

Are you talking about Skilitsy Island? Or the island with a jail on it?  Because Skilitsy is a fresh spawn point and the latter is a military loot spawn point

Skilitsy. The one I SPAWNED on. Pay attention silly. :P


Also the same place where I found a sword on a different hive

Edited by LaGesse 1st MRB

Skalitsy is a dope spawn imo. And I would love to set out some civilian tents to lot cycle it with all for a bit. Skalitsy had a pretty high spawn chance for .308 and Winchester's. Not to mention all its boat spawn for netting and a mid sized fishing village for burlap


We could just make that our home and shoot people that run up and down the far coast


See? I'm not the only one that thinks its a great idea! Seriously lets set up there! Our shit shouldn't get raided as often.


I will say though, We should probably scout it out first. As I said earlier last time I was there there were a couple idiots there. After spawning there, I was checking the ruins out and a couple houses. I was there for about 10-20 min before I had just checked out a hunter's stand and grabbed a Cowboy hat (cause that is how I roll) climbed down and started hearing a guy telling me to get down on the ground. Being unarmed, that is what I did. They handcuffed me and started asking questions. At this point I couldn't answer the questions due to the fact I didn't know how to use the VOIP at the time. When I wasn't answering after a min or so they shot me in the head. Anyway the questions that they asked pertained mainly to Where did I come from, who was I with (I had a white armband on) and how I found their base. 


Keyword "base" Thus people are there with tents. Just gotta raid them and KILL THOSE $*%$&% pieces of %&*$&%$ $%$&. 


I miss that cowboy hat. ;_;


I would be fine with setting up civilian tents there but any of the other tents would be too much work to get them there and the limited size of the island makes a full base pretty high risk. But we could make it our hold out point for calling in a pvp challenge to the admins


I'm down...I just wanna kill those two bastards that killed an unarmed guy. (I know I know its a KOS server, and I was lucky they didnt shoot me first instead of cuffing me.) LOL


On a more serious note. I think it would make a good checkpoint. A couple civ tents would be good. Plus, who knows we just might find a sword :D


Owners of the server are a bunch of whiney "I've lost faith in the dev team" shits.




They are closing the server on April 21st. We will have to find a new hive to play on because apparently their server being full population at almost all times of the day is not sufficient.




But hey, what do I know. Only 59% of their vocal population on twitter voted against it. the community has no forum presence to speak of, and yet what little feedback they can manage to get on twitter they ignore. Sorry that I picked a wrong server for us to base out of gentlemen. Being the 3rd most populated private hive in the world doesn't mean anything to the server owner.  Good news is that for those of you with ARMA III you will be able to play Exiles with the D.M.Z. server still.


fucking bullshit ass cop out quitters should go blow themselves




I'm down, couple of the other DayZ community peeps I've talked to say Bluewaffle is pretty stable. However I would say we need to slam this DayZ admin hard on his chosen medium of Twitter. His vote said no to switching games, his reasoning for switching games is he is impatient, and he needs to know that he has now alienated his player base. I personally will never go back to D.M.Z. even if they put the server back up.

Posted (edited)

Really? Wtf. 


Fuck em. Lets move ourselves to a better server. First however... I say we make an all out attempt to go to where the admins are and just go out in a blaze of glory, taking as many of them out with us. That is just the blood thirsty infantryman in me though

Edited by LaGesse 1st MRB

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