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Super Bowl XLVIII Predictions

Parker 1st MRB

Super Bowl XLVIII Predictions  

34 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Team Will Win The Super Bowl

    • New Orleans Saints
    • Seattle Seahawks
    • Indianapolis Colts
    • New England Patriots
    • San Francisco 49ers
    • Carolina Panthers
    • San Diego Chargers
    • Denver Broncos

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New England Patriots all the way!

And this is why you are only qaurter of a man. Tom Brady deserves to be shived in a back alley of a major city while offering "special mouth care" services to anyone that walks by!


I have no honest reason but for some odd reason i just want to see tom brady on the injured list. Just cant stand the guy for no good reason just something about him says hate me.


12th man all the way. give us 12 penalties a game the seahawks will still win!

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New England Patriots all the way!

And this is why you are only qaurter of a man. Tom Brady deserves to be shived in a back alley of a major city while offering "special mouth care" services to anyone that walks by!


I have no honest reason but for some odd reason i just want to see tom brady on the injured list. Just cant stand the guy for no good reason just something about him says hate me.

this is how i feel about Kaepernick...

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New England Patriots all the way!

And this is why you are only qaurter of a man. Tom Brady deserves to be shived in a back alley of a major city while offering "special mouth care" services to anyone that walks by!


I have no honest reason but for some odd reason i just want to see tom brady on the injured list. Just cant stand the guy for no good reason just something about him says hate me.

this is how i feel about Kaepernick...

you only feel that way because he took out the fudge packers. at green bay in 3 degree weather.

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Well lets be honest you football fans, with Manning holding the reigns and weapons like Wes Welker, and Andre Caldwell, the other team better have the Chiefs D plus Seattle's D combined... (Chief front line, Seattle's backfield). Pretty sure it will be manning's final attempt for a ring to tie with his brother Eli.

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Denver vs Carolina in the Super Bowl!

I've been a Panther's fan all of my life and I actually think they have what it takes to make it. They already beat the 49ers earlier this year, and only lost to Seattle by 2 when Carolina was in their 1-3 slump, they're a completely different team this time around. AND they have Steve Smith + Jonathan Stewart coming back this week.

Denver because Manning is just Manning.

Denver would probably win in the SuperBowl but I gotta root for my team!

Edited by Powell 1st MRB
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Denver vs Carolina in the Super Bowl!

I've been a Panther's fan all of my life and I actually think they have what it takes to make it. They already beat the 49ers earlier this year, and only lost to Seattle by 2 when Carolina was in their 1-3 slump, they're a completely different team this time around. AND they have Steve Smith + Jonathan Stewart coming back this week.

Denver because Manning is just Manning.

Denver would probably win in the SuperBowl but I gotta root for my team!

I say it will be denver seattle and denver will lose!

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I'm thinking it will be Denver vs San Fran or Denver vs carolina. Denver is probably going to take it all but it would be nice to see a team win the superbowl that hasn't in a while like Carolina and Denver. Denver's offence is just scary and we will see if they have what it takes today when they play the chargers.

it wont be 49rs or panthers. Seahawks haven't lost a home game in 2 years. 49rs haven't beat the seahawks at home in like 3. It will be teh seahawks from the nfc

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I'm thinking it will be Denver vs San Fran or Denver vs carolina. Denver is probably going to take it all but it would be nice to see a team win the superbowl that hasn't in a while like Carolina and Denver. Denver's offence is just scary and we will see if they have what it takes today when they play the chargers.

it wont be 49rs or panthers. Seahawks haven't lost a home game in 2 years. 49rs haven't beat the seahawks at home in like 3. It will be teh seahawks from the nfc

Uhh....Seahawks lost at home against the Cardinals in week 16....So unless week 16 was 2 years ago.

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I'm thinking it will be Denver vs San Fran or Denver vs carolina. Denver is probably going to take it all but it would be nice to see a team win the superbowl that hasn't in a while like Carolina and Denver. Denver's offence is just scary and we will see if they have what it takes today when they play the chargers.

it wont be 49rs or panthers. Seahawks haven't lost a home game in 2 years. 49rs haven't beat the seahawks at home in like 3. It will be teh seahawks from the nfc

Uhh....Seahawks lost at home against the Cardinals in week 16....So unless week 16 was 2 years ago.

U are correct I was incorrect in my statement.

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