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2014 Olympic Hockey

Englebretson 1st MRB

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Does anyone else think that letting Professionals play in the Olympic's has ruined it?

How has it ruined it? The Olympics are about the best athletes in the world competing for gold. Professional hockey players are the best in the world and they want to represent their country just like every other Olympian. Not letting the best players play is not a true representation of what a country has to offer. In 1998, the NHL and IOC came to an agreement to allow professional hockey players to compete in the Olympics for their countries. Before that, the USSR dominated the Olympics because they were not technically professional players, they were part of the Red Army and were therefore being paid for their service to their country rather than being paid to play hockey. This arrangement allowed them to play together all the time, build team chemistry, and not worry about anything else except hockey. I don't know about you but I don't like that type of circumvention to the rules which leads to years of unfair advantages. Allowing every country to be represented by the best players they have to offer is what the Olympics are all about, and for that there's nothing else I'd rather watch.

I actually completely agree with you on the USSR issue and hockey. The professional rule for hockey does somewhat even the score. I know I did not post it but my biggest gripe is allowing professionals players play Basketball. This allows the NBA to completely dominate the games and I think that has ruined it completely.

Should have expounded on my thought process.

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Not going to lie Latvia's goaltender played incredible. It's a shame he lost after that effort but oh well sometimes that's how it goes. Now to tune in on the Canada vs. USA game. Should be interesting.


Posted on the Latvian goaltender's wikipedia page.

He definitely played an incredible match. I almost found myself rooting for him towards the end.

What worries me is the fact that we seemed to struggle against Latvia, I can't imagine how we are going to fare against the United States.

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Exciting womens hockey game. Shocked that Canada came back in the last 3 minutes, but refs ruined the game. If the win was just straight up legit then I'd be ok with it, but when refs determine the outcome of the game its sickening. Standing in the way of one of the Canadian players and letting the puck out of the zone. Slashing call on what was not even a slash to begin with and has happened dozens of times throughout the game. Making it a 5 on 3 when it should have been a penalty shot and I'm not even sure that player was touched on the breakaway, I could be wrong. Calling a penalty just for the sake of calling one to even things up is retarded. GG Canada, but the refs of that game left a sour taste in it.

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Exciting womens hockey game. Shocked that Canada came back in the last 3 minutes, but refs ruined the game. If the win was just straight up legit then I'd be ok with it, but when refs determine the outcome of the game its sickening. Standing in the way of one of the Canadian players and letting the puck out of the zone. Slashing call on what was not even a slash to begin with and has happened dozens of times throughout the game. Making it a 5 on 3 when it should have been a penalty shot and I'm not even sure that player was touched on the breakaway, I could be wrong. Calling a penalty just for the sake of calling one to even things up is retarded. GG Canada, but the refs of that game left a sour taste in it.


That was a ridiculous crosschecking call 2 seconds before the slashing call. Both teams had been warned to stop hacking at the goaltenders and the play prior, which garnered Canada the crosschecking penalty, was a defender protecting her goalie from the same type of play. And yes, that should definitely have been a penalty shot, but had we scored Team USA fans would be saying the same thing.

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They were hacking at the goalies the entire dam game and none of it was called. The ref pulled that right out of his ass and that wasn't even a slash. It was a meager attempt to play the puck BOO FUCKING HOO. I don't care if USA lost it doesn't matter who woop de doo. Ya'll would have been bitching if that puck didn't hit the post cause the ref got in ya'lls way. Yes protect your goalie, but cross checking to the face? Negative. I guess sneezing near the goalie constitutes as a penalty at this point right? Yes bravo for them coming back and making the game interesting and Team USA shouldn't have let that happen, BUT ref's determining the outcome of the game ain't right and its disheartening. That penalty is as questionable as it gets and should never have been called unless its obvious and it wasn't. By the way cross checking someone in the face while they are already on the ground is still a no no.

Edited by Mamora BAR
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Hack at the goaltender. Yes I'm aware that same player was warned, but why would you let something like that continue all throughout the game then all of a sudden call it on that. It wasn't even a slashing motion. During regulation one of the US skaters did almost take the goalies head off. The entire penalty in itself was questionable and it changed the direction of the game along with when the ref got in the dam way of that Canadian player just before OT.

The trip on the breakaway was legit, it was obvious she got pushed in the shoulder and she should have gotten a penalty shot. Again if they won on that good for them, but still.

Crosschecking was legit cause cmon she was down on the ground already and getting one to the face ain't good.

No offense to your opinion Gooderham it was a good game no doubt about it. Canada made a good comeback, but to me refs played a hand in changing the direction of the game and that doesn't sit well with me no matter who wins.

Edited by Mamora BAR
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Hack at the goaltender. Yes I'm aware that same player was warned, but why would you let something like that continue all throughout the game then all of a sudden call it on that. It wasn't even a slashing motion. During regulation one of the US skaters did almost take the goalies head off. The entire penalty in itself was questionable and it changed the direction of the game along with when the ref got in the dam way of that Canadian player just before OT.

The trip on the breakaway was legit, it was obvious she got pushed in the shoulder and she should have gotten a penalty shot. Again if they won on that good for them, but still.

Crosschecking was legit cause cmon she was down on the ground already and getting one to the face ain't good.

No offense to your opinion Gooderham it was a good game no doubt about it. Canada made a good comeback, but to me refs played a hand in changing the direction of the game and that doesn't sit well with me no matter who wins.

Yes, no disrespect towards you either. While I disagree with your opinion that the refs unfairly altered the outcome of the game, I do agree that it was an enjoyable game to watch. Well done to both teams.

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They were hacking at the goalies the entire dam game and none of it was called. The ref pulled that right out of his ass and that wasn't even a slash. It was a meager attempt to play the puck BOO FUCKING HOO. I don't care if USA lost it doesn't matter who woop de doo. Ya'll would have been bitching if that puck didn't hit the post cause the ref got in ya'lls way. Yes protect your goalie, but cross checking to the face? Negative. I guess sneezing near the goalie constitutes as a penalty at this point right? Yes bravo for them coming back and making the game interesting and Team USA shouldn't have let that happen, BUT ref's determining the outcome of the game ain't right and its disheartening. That penalty is as questionable as it gets and should never have been called unless its obvious and it wasn't. By the way cross checking someone in the face while they are already on the ground is still a no no.

It's fun to see biased opinions come into play. Let's talk goalie interference, how about those two non-calls that never happened when USA players body checked our goalie behind and in front of the net. You can go back and forth on calls and miscalls, but at the end of the day both sides were even with their misfortunes. Team USA isn't blaming the refs (which by the way are women, not men Mamora), they are blaming themselves for letting it get away from them. The officials had no influence on the goals scored by the Canadians in the third period that went on to force overtime, that was the younger USA team cracking under the pressure. The officials weren't the ones that gave Canada a breakaway in overtime that led to a penalty, it was Team USA's defense. So before you start diminishing an amazing Canadian women's team effort, question your hockey IQ a little bit because you're basing the outcome solely on the officiating rather than the accomplishments of both teams. Canada beat the US once already in the preliminary round and they've won the gold medal 4 times in a row, so don't automatically conclude that officiating decided this outcome. The psychological side of sports plays a huge factor in games, if you were part of Team USA and Canada scored late wouldn't doubt creep into your mind? Especially if you're a 20-some year old player that knows how good Canada can be? USA beat themselves, I can equate this game to last year's NHL playoffs game 7 Toronto versus Boston. Boston didn't beat Toronto, Toronto beat themselves by letting the pressure get to them. Both sides can argue non-calls, at the end of the day Team Canada came back in the third period and had the momentum in overtime which led to a breakaway that ultimately ended the game.

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They were hacking at the goalies the entire dam game and none of it was called. The ref pulled that right out of his ass and that wasn't even a slash. It was a meager attempt to play the puck BOO FUCKING HOO. I don't care if USA lost it doesn't matter who woop de doo. Ya'll would have been bitching if that puck didn't hit the post cause the ref got in ya'lls way. Yes protect your goalie, but cross checking to the face? Negative. I guess sneezing near the goalie constitutes as a penalty at this point right? Yes bravo for them coming back and making the game interesting and Team USA shouldn't have let that happen, BUT ref's determining the outcome of the game ain't right and its disheartening. That penalty is as questionable as it gets and should never have been called unless its obvious and it wasn't. By the way cross checking someone in the face while they are already on the ground is still a no no.

It's fun to see biased opinions come into play. Let's talk goalie interference, how about those two non-calls that never happened when USA players body checked our goalie behind and in front of the net. You can go back and forth on calls and miscalls, but at the end of the day both sides were even with their misfortunes. Team USA isn't blaming the refs (which by the way are women, not men Mamora), they are blaming themselves for letting it get away from them. The officials had no influence on the goals scored by the Canadians in the third period that went on to force overtime, that was the younger USA team cracking under the pressure. The officials weren't the ones that gave Canada a breakaway in overtime that led to a penalty, it was Team USA's defense. So before you start diminishing an amazing Canadian women's team effort, question your hockey IQ a little bit because you're basing the outcome solely on the officiating rather than the accomplishments of both teams. Canada beat the US once already in the preliminary round and they've won the gold medal 4 times in a row, so don't automatically conclude that officiating decided this outcome. The psychological side of sports plays a huge factor in games, if you were part of Team USA and Canada scored late wouldn't doubt creep into your mind? Especially if you're a 20-some year old player that knows how good Canada can be? USA beat themselves, I can equate this game to last year's NHL playoffs game 7 Toronto versus Boston. Boston didn't beat Toronto, Toronto beat themselves by letting the pressure get to them. Both sides can argue non-calls, at the end of the day Team Canada came back in the third period and had the momentum in overtime which led to a breakaway that ultimately ended the game.

It certainly did look like US was caving in because of that and yes it was obvious that those last goals played a factor in pretty much taking the air out of USA's sails. It just gets to me at times where just BS stuff was called/wasn't called and yes it can go back n forth all day long, but dam let the girls play. I never said Canada didn't deserve to win. US took the foot off the gas pedal. Canada came back in fashion and took advantage of it. If anything its probably better to say Canada came back within the last 3 mins of the game and won it all without OT even being necessary lol. I can't even begin to imagine how people would feel if that puck went into the net and didn't hit the post when the ref got in the way...jeezus.

Edited by Mamora BAR
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I honestly dont think Canada has what it takes to win against USA today. I hope I am wrong. We will have to wait n see.

I think they're proving you wrong at the moment lol. Where was this team when they were playing Latvia?

It's the same team. Did you not see what happened to the Latvian goalie? He collapsed in the third period from exhaustion, they had to get the trainers out on the ice to cool him down. Canada shelled him all game, he played one of the best games as a goalie in hockey history.

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