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Shout out to a couple of 1st Marine Raiders

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Listen raiders,

I don't know how many of you would do this. Many of you have clear recollection of Pvt. T. Heresy, DOMINATING the holiday 1st MRB activity & recruitment giveaway. After seeing his post of him not needing the hardware, and it being his little gift back to the unit, I messaged Heresy. I stated that my audio situation was in no way up to par.(To say the Least) With absolutely no selfishness Heresy saw that I received the headset, out of the package deal. At this time a special thanks to McDowell for taking the time to send it and follow through.

Like I said, I don't know how many of you would do this for another raider, so I thought I would give a HUGE shout out to you Pfc. T. Heresy! This headset has truly been a great impact on my game-play. Honestly it was as if I received the game ALL OVER AGAIN!

Acts of selflessness should not go unrecognized. Whether you think this contributes to the unit or not, it does! EVERY little thing, EVERY detail, pay attention to.

HUGE THANKS: Tom Heresy, Michael McDowell.

Raiders, clearly this deserves a pistol clip!

*Pistol Clip in the air*

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