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So Im kinda going to consider this a political thing because of what it has become. So Ive found that a scary amount of people became offended by the Coca-Cola commercial... Is anyone else offended or am I the only one who thinks they did the right thing showing the diversity of our country. I just feel like people have become so hyper sensitive about things now and anything will offend someone. I really would like to see your opinions though because I went on the Coke's facebook page and found a ton of quotes that worried me. This one is my favorite though. "One word....xenophilia. Never drinking coke again." - Chris

First off, xenophilia or xen·o·pho·bi·a means 'intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries.' So what im trying to figure out is, is does this guy have xenophobia or is he saying coke does? or does he even understand what he wrote? I just... Im really. Idk. Surprised? Should I be?



Pretty scary (but not surprising) that a country so big doesn't know what's going on in its own borders. Thumbs up to the politicians and mainstream media who do nothing to change it.

Meanwhile somewhere Coke is saying "Drink Pepsi. We don't care! We sold Coke to the Allies and Fanta to the Germans! Why the f#$% would we care?"


Let's sing "God save the Queen" in French and see how Lloyd reacts :P

"Dieu sauve notre gracieuse reine

Vive notre noble Reine

Dieu protège la Reine

Envoyez-la victorieuse

Heureuse et glorieuse

Long règne sur nous

Dieu protège la Reine"

Posted (edited)

This is a perfect example of someone pushing their personal agenda in this ad.

First off this add is in poor taste. I am offended buy singing my National Anthem in other languages. Am I offended to the point of protest? No.

This add would have been 100% better if they played it in English and then had all of the pictures and videos of the people from different nationalities that make up this great Country.

This great Country was a melting pot of diverse nationalities who came here and blended into America. Becoming American meant learning the language, the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem, in English. Other nationalities took PRIDE in learning English and becoming citizens of our Country.

Today many people want to come to America and get all of the freedoms and benefits that this Country has to offer but say FUCK YOU to blending in. They are lazy and want to make no changes, they just want to take everything we have to offer. They expect that we will put street signs and highway signs in their language to make it easier for them. Every document and add you see should be in their language. You go to a store to buy a lamp and the freaking directions are in 5 separate languages. How much does that cost that lamp company to produce those directions even if they only sell in the USA?

Anyone that thinks this is ridiculous, think about this. We are about to have the Olympic Games in Russia. When your country competes and your athletes win the gold, silver and bronze and are up at that podium. How would you feel if instead of your National Anthem, in your language, they played your anthem in Russian, German, English, Spanish or Chinese. Would you be offended? Yes you would!


Edited by O'Gara 1st MRB
Posted (edited)
Meh, you could sing O Canada in French and it wouldn't bother anyone. :ph34r:

"O Canada" can be sung in French. That's because French is one of Canada's official languages. In Quebec, we usually sing half the song in English, the other half in French.

You can't really compare that to what is being done in this commercial.

Edited by Konig 1st MRB
This is a perfect example of someone pushing their personal agenda in this ad.

First off this add is in poor taste. I am offended buy singing my National Anthem in other languages. Am I offended to the point of protest? No.

This add would have been 100% better if they played it in English and then had all of the pictures and videos of the people from different nationalities that make up this great Country.

This great Country was a melting pot of diverse nationalities who came here and blended into America. Becoming American meant learning the language, the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem, in English. Other nationalities took PRIDE in learning English and becoming citizens of our Country.

Today many people want to come to America and get all of the freedoms and benefits that this Country has to offer but say FUCK YOU to blending in. They are lazy and want to make no changes, they just want to take everything we have to offer. They expect that we will put street signs and highway signs in their language to make it easier for them. Every document and add you see should be in their language. You go to a store to buy a lamp and the freaking directions are in 5 separate languages. How much does that cost that lamp company to produce those directions even if they only sell in the USA?

Anyone that thinks this is ridiculous, think about this. We are about to have the Olympic Games in Russia. When your country competes and your athletes win the gold, silver and bronze and are up at that podium. How would you feel if instead of your National Anthem, in your language, they played your anthem in Russian, German, English, Spanish or Chinese. Would you be offended? Yes you would!


The rampant spelling and grammatical errors makes me question your point.

This is a perfect example of someone pushing their personal agenda in this ad.

First off this add is in poor taste. I am offended buy singing my National Anthem in other languages. Am I offended to the point of protest? No.

This add would have been 100% better if they played it in English and then had all of the pictures and videos of the people from different nationalities that make up this great Country.

This great Country was a melting pot of diverse nationalities who came here and blended into America. Becoming American meant learning the language, the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem, in English. Other nationalities took PRIDE in learning English and becoming citizens of our Country.

Today many people want to come to America and get all of the freedoms and benefits that this Country has to offer but say FUCK YOU to blending in. They are lazy and want to make no changes, they just want to take everything we have to offer. They expect that we will put street signs and highway signs in their language to make it easier for them. Every document and add you see should be in their language. You go to a store to buy a lamp and the freaking directions are in 5 separate languages. How much does that cost that lamp company to produce those directions even if they only sell in the USA?

Anyone that thinks this is ridiculous, think about this. We are about to have the Olympic Games in Russia. When your country competes and your athletes win the gold, silver and bronze and are up at that podium. How would you feel if instead of your National Anthem, in your language, they played your anthem in Russian, German, English, Spanish or Chinese. Would you be offended? Yes you would!


The rampant spelling and grammatical errors makes me question your point.

Yeah I tried in the beginning but quickly got bored. The point has been made though. This is a not an editorial page it is a forum post.

Posted (edited)
This is a perfect example of someone pushing their personal agenda in this ad.

First off this add is in poor taste. I am offended buy singing my National Anthem in other languages. Am I offended to the point of protest? No.

This add would have been 100% better if they played it in English and then had all of the pictures and videos of the people from different nationalities that make up this great Country.

This great Country was a melting pot of diverse nationalities who came here and blended into America. Becoming American meant learning the language, the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem, in English. Other nationalities took PRIDE in learning English and becoming citizens of our Country.

Today many people want to come to America and get all of the freedoms and benefits that this Country has to offer but say FUCK YOU to blending in. They are lazy and want to make no changes, they just want to take everything we have to offer. They expect that we will put street signs and highway signs in their language to make it easier for them. Every document and add you see should be in their language. You go to a store to buy a lamp and the freaking directions are in 5 separate languages. How much does that cost that lamp company to produce those directions even if they only sell in the USA?

Anyone that thinks this is ridiculous, think about this. We are about to have the Olympic Games in Russia. When your country competes and your athletes win the gold, silver and bronze and are up at that podium. How would you feel if instead of your National Anthem, in your language, they played your anthem in Russian, German, English, Spanish or Chinese. Would you be offended? Yes you would!


The rampant spelling and grammatical errors makes me question your point.


On a more serious note. To me its just another ad. Did I think it was a good ad, and make me want to drink coke? No. I don't drink Coke a Cola anyway. Mello Yello is the way to go!!!! As for the people who are offended by the ad in general. They can get over it. Cause guess what?! AMERICA IS FOUNDED BY PEOPLE FROM DIFFERENT COUNTRIES!!!!

Edited by LaGesse 1st MRB
Perhaps I am missing some important information, but America the Beautiful is not the national anthem. A patriotic song, sure. But not the anthem. It's somewhat concerning that some people have referred to it as such.

Yeap...pretty sure you just summed up America right there.

Posted (edited)
Perhaps I am missing some important information, but America the Beautiful is not the national anthem. A patriotic song, sure. But not the anthem. It's somewhat concerning that some people have referred to it as such.

If you are talking about my post you are missing something. The original post was about America the Beautiful. The subsequent post then brought it up a notch to "god Save the Queen" and "O Canada" which I believe are their countries National Anthem. My post was about how offended I would be if our National Anthem were to be sung in different languages and thus my Olympic note.


Edited by O'Gara 1st MRB
Perhaps I am missing some important information, but America the Beautiful is not the national anthem. A patriotic song, sure. But not the anthem. It's somewhat concerning that some people have referred to it as such.

If you are talking about my post you are missing something. The original post was about America the Beautiful. The subsequent post then brought it up a notch to "god Save the Queen" and "O Canada" which I believe are their countries National Anthem. My post was about how offended I would be if our National Anthem were to be sung in different languages and thus my Olympic note.


If you're talking about your post, I think YOU'RE missing something, JP.

This is a perfect example of someone pushing their personal agenda in this ad.

First off this add is in poor taste. I am offended buy singing my National Anthem in other languages. Am I offended to the point of protest? No.

This add would have been 100% better if they played it in English and then had all of the pictures and videos of the people from different nationalities that make up this great Country.

You were referring to the ad and singing our national anthem.

My point is that it's America the Beautiful. Why the hell are so many people up in arms. It's a song. It's a really nice patriotic song, but it's still just a song. Maybe Coke was just trying to show that even people who don't speak English as their first language can still enjoy singing about America. (Which America still covers 2 continents and most of this hemisphere, but let's not get started on that naming fail.) Why can't people just enjoy seeing people enjoy stuff in their own way without getting all "'Merica!" about it?

Posted (edited)

Ultra I love how you know what I was thinking. LOL

I stated the add is someone pushing an agenda.

I also stated that I am offended to have the National Anthem sung in other languages. It would not offend me enough to protest anything. This was in direct response to the "god save the Queen" and "O Canada" reference to being sung in different languages.

I then state how that add would have been better. In retrospect, I should have stated how the add would have been better before I said I am offended by having the National Anthem sung in different languages.

At no time did I say that add was the National Anthem. In fact, Holland made the point early on (within a few posts) that the add was America the Beautiful AND not the National Anthem.

As a Scout leader for the last 8 years I know our National Anthem.

Edited by O'Gara 1st MRB
Ultra I love how you know what I was thinking. LOL

I stated the add is someone pushing an agenda.

I also stated that I am offended to have the National Anthem sung in other languages. It would not offend me enough to protest anything. This was in direct response to the "god save the Queen" and "O Canada" reference to being sung in different languages.

I then state how that add would have been better. In retrospect, I should have stated how the add would have been better before I said I am offended by having the National Anthem sung in different languages.

At no time did I say that add was the National Anthem. In fact, Holland made the point early on (within a few posts) that the add was America the Beautiful AND not the National Anthem.

As a Scout leader for the last 8 years I know our National Anthem.

Ah, ok, well that's cleared up then. :D


Please don't let some advertisement create hard feelings between us. Let's respect each other as we should as a team :)

Its just Coke trying to sell more Coke. That is and will always be their main agenda. They try to illicit emotion to identify the drink with patriotism and therefore planting the seed in people's minds when they have a choice between Coke and another drink. It is all marketing fluff and bogus corporate propaganda as always.

Freedom of speech is beautiful and its okay not to think like others. If you don't like the advertisement then cool I can understand that on a few levels and I'm glad people can speak out. If you like the advertisement then right on and I can understand that point of view too in the way that the ad shows the diversity of the USA. Honestly I have feelings on both sides of the debate and can see the merits of both arguments.

For better or worse Coke's marketing team has created discussion and interest in their product which in the end may benefit their coffers. Obviously it could backfire, but they seem to have taken a calculated risk. I have little doubt that they knew going in that there would be some controversy. Coke wants people to remember them and drink more of their product. They don't care for people personally. They only care about the cash in people's wallet and their mouth to drink the stuff.

I still drink Coke now and again (and I like it) but I know they are not my friend. My MRB/BAR pals are my friends, not some sugary drink.


You are quite welcome to sing god save the queen in French... At which point I will laugh at all French speaking surrender monkies and remind them that they lopped the head off their Queen and entrusted power to an angry dwarf.

Viva la revolution. Still sounds like retards urming and arring through a language to me ( case in point Mr Arsene Wengers post match whinging....)

  • 1 month later...
You are quite welcome to sing god save the queen in French... At which point I will laugh at all French speaking surrender monkies and remind them that they lopped the head off their Queen and entrusted power to an angry dwarf.

Viva la revolution. Still sounds like retards urming and arring through a language to me ( case in point Mr Arsene Wengers post match whinging....)

This is an old thread, but i just gotta say. I have a French rifle for sale...Never been fired and only dropped once! Sry I had too.

You are quite welcome to sing god save the queen in French... At which point I will laugh at all French speaking surrender monkies and remind them that they lopped the head off their Queen and entrusted power to an angry dwarf.

Viva la revolution. Still sounds like retards urming and arring through a language to me ( case in point Mr Arsene Wengers post match whinging....)

Wait Lloyd are you a yiddo?? PLEASE SAY YOU'RE A YIDDO!

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