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Last One I Pormise

Barry 1st MRB

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How in hell do you shoot your carbine so fast?! That's as fast as a BAR! And I won't take "I'm asian" as a sufficient answer. Great vid man!

I'm Asian

But seriously its just practice practice practice. I used to suck with the Carbine

* Also - if you keep your BAR on Auto and click instead of hold you tend to be more accurate *

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I agree the rate of fire is way more impressive that what I can get by just hitting the left mouse button.

Many of the shots are just good positioning and anticipation of whet they will usually be.

If I could get that rate of fire I would never need to use the rocked except being out of carbine ammo.


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I agree the rate of fire is way more impressive that what I can get by just hitting the left mouse button.

Many of the shots are just good positioning and anticipation of whet they will usually be.

If I could get that rate of fire I would never need to use the rocked except being out of carbine ammo.


I make sure I click at the way edge of the mouse where the resistance is the weakest so my "trigger squeeze is the smallest"

and as for positioning half the time I'm lucky the other half is me treating it like a rifle and trying to strafe and position myself for a burst

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