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Game/Movie Recommendations?


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Interracial Hole Stretchers VI

I'm sorry sir but Back Door Sluts 9 was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better

Damn it LaGesse I was just going to mention that. Good old south park.

I heard they are doing a remake with sexual harassment panda and Chef in.

Games: Rust is pretty fun, Assassins Creed 2 (not 3), Batman Arkham City, Natural Selection 2

Movies: as above... But hook it up to some really powerful speakers, put it on repeat then go out for the weekend and come back to either high fives off your neighbours or death threats

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Also if you want a really tactical game buy BF2 on origin for 5 bucks then download Project Reality

DoD:S is better.


I'd suggest HAWKEN. Running around and shooting in a mech is always addicting.

I'll admit it too... HAWKEN is pretty addicting. You get to blow shit up... Blowing shit up is always fun!

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Deus Ex

Age Of Empires II

Black Mesa (Half Life 1 remake)

Never Winter Nights






Alone In The Wilderness

Secret Of Nikola Tesla

The Doors

Natural Born Killers

Easy Rider

Heavy Metal

Its All Gone Pete Tong


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