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Proudest Moment

Yamagata 1st MRB

Proudest Moment  

62 members have voted

  1. 1. What has been your proudest moment in the 1st MRB

    • Passing your BCT
    • First Promotion
    • Promotion Past Sergeant
    • Any Promotion
    • Passing Rifle MOS
    • Passing a Special Weapons MOS
    • Leading Your First Realism
    • Leading a Realism to Victory
    • Winning an Official Realism
    • Winning a Realism Campaign
    • Completing a Staff Project
    • Recruiting Someone
    • Other (Post it!)

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Before our victory against the FSSF last year I had been promoted to Sergeant but had not received the customary bloody prize we get from the Command Staff. During the Realism I was the ranking member left at the end of the first round and me and Cannon won the round, consequently getting me my first Croix de Guerre medal afterwards. The best part though was the victory speech that Lt. Col. Parker gave about the victory (with multiple pistol clips in the air, resulting in my running out of ammo for my pistol) Afterwards, I requested that he give me my bloody prize for the promotion. He responded by having me line up against a wall (firing squad style) and having the entire realism team go at "Attention, Order Arms, Prepare arms......Fire!" It was the best promotion sendoff anyone could have and my best moment in the Unit.

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Winning the recruitment drive was one of my proudest moments since I was able to pull in some people, and then some since then. Getting the silver star (18 enlistments) for my recruitment ribbon was the general benchmark that I saw for some of the members that have been here for a while, so I am pretty proud about that too.

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My best moment in the MRB was when myslef and TSgt. Omar McClendon led a team of 5 (including our selves) axis against the 3rdPGte on hellshighway after the main force had been killed. As soon as 1st Lt. Hall (then a 2nd Lt.) died I thought it may have been over. However, against all odds, McClendon and I led the soldiers to victory. That awarded us both the Navy Presidential Unit Citation. It is either that, or when we ended the last campaign against the 3rdPgte. Damn it Xiong!

Some of the particulars, mostly the numbers, may not be exact. This is how I remembered it.

Edited by Kanganis 1st MRB
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Getting entrusted to clean up the Qualifications office mess with Cast. That shit was a pain (and took about 8 million hours more than I thought it would), but so worth it; every month when those awards come out or when someone asks for their records, I get to bask in my bloated sense of self-worth : P

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Getting entrusted to clean up the Qualifications office mess with Cast. That shit was a pain (and took about 8 million hours more than I thought it would), but so worth it; every month when those awards come out or when someone asks for their records, I get to bask in my bloated sense of self-worth : P


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Learning all the software that I wouldnt have touched unless I joined the unit. (Sony vegas, photoshop) and getting opportunities in staff positions and becoming platoon clerk (even tho my rl got too busy and was replaced)

Other. Creating the best damn unit online!

P.s. Anyone notice the website banner ssst.gif

Noticed right away actually lol

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I have two!!

One was passing my Rifle MOS! Some of you dont know but my eyesight in one eye isnt that great so I had a really hard time seeing people during one of the the testing phases. I ended up giving up the first time I took it. A few seasoned MRB members took the time to encourage me not to give up and took the time to go in the private server and give me lots of tips (besides just adjusting my settings) on how to spot people in certain areas like dark windows and such and I ended up passing with advanced specialization. It was really cool as a new member to see how much people cared about each other in this Unit and I was very proud of myself for not giving up and getting the advanced ribbon and badge!

The other one was when I received the Commendation Medal because all my hard work in the staff offices was recognized.

And the banner looks awesome!! :D Winning that contest was a highlight for me as well!

Edited by Mullaney 1st MRB
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That final win in the realism campaing against the 3tePGD that lasted over a year was an incredible day. We had worked so hard to get that win, and it paid. Plus it was the day I got promoted to an SNCO rank. So yeah I think it was my proudest moment.

Edited by Arsenault 1st MRB
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That final win in the realism campaing against the 3tePGD that lasted over a year was an incredible day. We had worked so hard to get that win, and it paid. Plus it was the day I got promoted to an SNCO rank. So yeah I think it was my proudest moment.

That was an amazing win! So much time was put into practices and it did pay off. I ended up killing louge during ava =P haha.

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Passing BCT.

Passing rifle MOS with 112%

Winning my first unit v. unit realism.

Earning my first promotion beyond private.

Receiving admin.

Becoming an NCO, SNCO, Junior Officer, and Officer.

Leading my first platoon practice.

Having people tell me that they learned something new during platoon practice.

Having people tell me that they learned something new during MG MOS.

Helping with a few issues of the MRB Newsletter.

Each time I submitted a WWII joke of the month and Parker rejected them because they were over the line. LOL

Winning the Squad Tournament.

Winning the Fire Team Tournament.

Leading my first unit v. unit realism and winning 3-0 baby.

Each and every pinned topic that I have helped to write. ex. Rules and Regulations of the 1st MRB

Watching people that I had in BCT rank up and achieve greatness in this unit.

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I've got a few moments that compete in my mind for the best moment in the unit....... I think I will start with personal accomplishment and then work to other stuff. The thing that I accomplished in the unit for purely selfish reasons that I am most stoked about is getting the Advanced Rifle MOS, only took me 4 years to do it lol, I had to try so hard to even pass the Rifle MOS the first time (took three tries) and then I finally got the Advanced Rifle Ribbon. The reason I striven so hard for this is that I want to take the Sniper MOS, there hasn't been one that I have been able to make but the option is on the table.

A general milestone that I am proud to have earned and never lost (knock on wood) is the fact that the Command Staff found me acceptable to be an Admin for the unit's servers. When I first got Admin I walked around with a warm fuzzy feeling in my gut for like days.... Yes I know not healthy find other hobbies blah blah blah. Fuck that I Eat, Drink, and Breath the 1st MRB.

Now the accomplishment that I am equally proud of that wasn't something that I intentionally tried to get was when I was given the Squad Leader position in 1st Platoon Second Squad. As you can see I still rock my 1-2 patch, even though I'm in the Platoon Command Staff now, because I have all ways been in 1-2 since we formed up the platoons and all ways will :P. I was so stoked when 2nd Lieutenant Hall pulled me from my vent channel, well after I realized I wasn't in trouble or anything, and he asked if I would be willing to move up to the squad lead position. Times like that make me glad I use PTT in Ventrilo, I was squealing like a small girl child and chattering at my Girlfriend faster than she could understand. She looked at me like I was having a seizure or something.

P.S. KK have shared what I wanted to... sorry for being all rambley and stuff but that's what I do well.

Edited by Marsden 1st MRB
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