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Join Us For Our Five Year Anniversary!

Parker 1st MRB

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For anyone who has never been the horse statue, it is anatomically correct.

A breathtaking view of the stone beast in its natural habitat!

....the horse was probably the most entertaining to hide. I did enjoy the teamwork of making inviting scenes, perhaps the MRB has a future in interior decorating?? HOLD THE BRIDGE!

Lafy and i hid as horses for a few min and should have been found instantly. A lot of people ran past us lol

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For anyone who has never been the horse statue, it is anatomically correct.

A breathtaking view of the stone beast in its natural habitat!

....the horse was probably the most entertaining to hide. I did enjoy the teamwork of making inviting scenes, perhaps the MRB has a future in interior decorating?? HOLD THE BRIDGE!

Lafy and i hid as horses for a few min and should have been found instantly. A lot of people ran past us lol

The best was when people who were the horse would talk it would show up as them speaking from the horse's no no square!

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This has been great and tonight was awesome nice rotation!

We're all pretty happy with how this week has turned out so far, every night has been a major success.

Just a reminder to all 1st MRB members, tomorrow is the big night. Let's get the biggest attendance we've ever had for our 5TH ANNIVERSARY!!!

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I really wish I could be there. This will be the first anniversary that I am not going to be in attendance. I hope you guys have a great time. I will be thinking about the festivities while at work.

Awe that sucks Magoo. I remembered last years anti bullying skit with you n Holland. Sucks you cant make it.

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