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Space Engineers

Heresy 1st MRB

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I have been thinking about getting Space Engineers. It looks pretty awesome and there are tons of good reviews for it. Like a Minecraft type game in space. Still in Alpha but people say the devs are working hard on it. If others are interested we could go in on the 4-Pack and only spend $15 each for the game. Let me know if your interested.

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I got that game... I'm still trying to figure out how things work.

So far, my only achievement was drilling a series of tunnels through an asteroid, it took me a couple hours. I had to quit the game immediately because I realized how long that took and how pointless that was. (Well, I did get a lot of ore...)

I think once I figure out how to make ships and stuff, I might have more fun.

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Hmm, that is a long time to mine and not be able to build anything.

Tried the game out before. You can start building right from the get-go, mining doesn't seem to serve any purpose what-so-ever as of yet (remember, it's still in early alpha stages). The building is a bit of a pain in the ass though.

If you accidentally get too close to the ship while building and happen to bump into it, it will start drifting off without any way to stop it, and making it impossible to continue building while it's spinning away. Thus forcing you to start over again.

Once you do manage to build a simple ship, flying it around runs into the same problem. There is no way to stop (that I found in the hour or so I had given the game to try). Which also means, there is no way to get out of your ship without it floating off into space, and no way to land at a space station (which can also be built, and similarly, a pain in the ass). Basically, once you finish building something, you can use it until you want to get out, then it's lost.

It has potential, and if the block-building thing appeals to you, give it a look. But there really isn't much there yet.

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Hmm, that is a long time to mine and not be able to build anything.

Tried the game out before. You can start building right from the get-go, mining doesn't seem to serve any purpose what-so-ever as of yet (remember, it's still in early alpha stages). The building is a bit of a pain in the ass though.

If you accidentally get too close to the ship while building and happen to bump into it, it will start drifting off without any way to stop it, and making it impossible to continue building while it's spinning away. Thus forcing you to start over again.

Once you do manage to build a simple ship, flying it around runs into the same problem. There is no way to stop (that I found in the hour or so I had given the game to try). Which also means, there is no way to get out of your ship without it floating off into space, and no way to land at a space station (which can also be built, and similarly, a pain in the ass). Basically, once you finish building something, you can use it until you want to get out, then it's lost.

It has potential, and if the block-building thing appeals to you, give it a look. But there really isn't much there yet.

Thanks for the feedback. I will hold off on buying it for a while based on this.

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