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Pet Pictures!

T. Little

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My family is big on dogs. We're kinda a bunch of softies, and whenever we get a dog with a sob story we assimilate him/her into the pack. Currently, the pack consists of 10 dogs, as follows:

Archibald (Archie) the rescued Papillon:


Cozette (Cozy) the mega-Pomeranian:


Maya the derpy-Austrailian Shephard:


Shiba, named for the queen of Sheba, last of the Yorkshire Terriers we used to breed (we didn't dock her tail, which is common for Yorkies):


Raiden and Zoey, Belgian Malinois and the mutt. I'm not convinced the mutt doesn't have some hyena in her, she's an annoying dog:


Waldi (dachshund), once inches from death, now oblivious to danger:


Laika the wise Golden/Husky (we did investigate it, and this was the closest we could get), aged at least 16 years old (this is an older picture):


Barnabus (Barney) the idiot-dachshund:


Penny the glutton, eats too much. (another dachshund):


Edited by Kirkendall 1st MRB
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Bash, the oldest dog of my little pack. I don't know why he always lays like this to the wall.


Fuze, the jealous and clever dog. Named him Fuze at the time because he looks like a combination of all the dogs we have had over the years.


This is Tuff. Named him that because of his background, but he is a complete goof and for some reason thinks he can fly every time we walk him.


This is Rocco. Basically the very protective dog, especially towards my mother. Though I see him as shy until somebody new, with a uniform, or with a hat shows up.


This is Tommy (aka Tom Tom). Easily the most intelligent dog I have ever had, loves everybody, and is quite goofy.


Just the dogs when they are about to head to a walk.

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I posted these in last pet pics thread, but with all you people and your damn dogs, I figured I'd post 'em again to even things out.

Sasha, the Savannah monitor


She was HUGE. She is now fucking some male Savannah monitor at the local Serpetarium and making babies.


Alcoholic Lily-cat. lived to be 20 freakin' years old. Died a few months ago.


Pixie-cat. All my cats have had -cat at the end of their name because life is cuter when you name the animal like that. She had a tumor on her spine that the vet said would kill her quick; she lived 2 years more after diagnosed, until she started showing symptoms of pain and had to be put down 2 years ago.


Dash a corn snake that an ex-gf gave to me because her kids kept trying to kill it. That fucker lived 7 and a half years, invincible...until he died.


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This is my dog Maximus. He is a full blue nose pitbull and he is the biggest mush you'll ever meet. He was found chained to a fence by my dad's old prescient. Two patrol officers found him and brought him to the station. My dad walked in and saw him and started playing with him before heading up to his office to change (he was in his gym clothes). He grew attached and took Max home with him. We have had him for about 3 1/2 years and he is only 4 years old.



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Tai Basil - Fat Cat Lazy Head


Lily Pad - Not as Fat, Overreacts to everything


Maxwell Ross Barry (Akita) - My Favorite Dog who we rescued when he was tied up to a sign by the local pet shelter in the rain. He has won us many a victory on the fields of battle and he is my best friend






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Haha Ripley - my army! :P All my babies are shelter or rescue babies...

We have a fish but I dont have pictures... A beautiful red Chinese fighter named Urijah after my dad's favorite fighter guy... The evicted neighbors left him behind and we didnt know for about a week but he lived!

Ok sooo I guess we will start with the cats first...

This is our tiny cat Lily... all she does really is sleep... and when Im sleeping its usually on me ha...


This is Peanut... he only loves Joy but hes nice to me most of the time...


This is Cooper... he is huge with giant double paws... he meows A LOT.


Now on to the bunnies!! :D

This is Dexter... he was a lab bunny so he has a lot of scars... :( He was a foster but when we gave him back I was so upset that I went and got him the next day... and now hes a happy boy!


This is Toast (or Toaster as we call him)...


What goes good with Toast? Butter! Haha... Butter is his sister... some lady from a farm had them in a box and was just giving them away because she didnt want them and we couldnt separate them... :( Weve had them since they were tiny babies so theyll be together for their whole lives!


This is Chuby (said like Chewby)... She was a neglect case that we saw and I went up to the person and said Im taking the damn rabbit and they didnt stop me so it took a while to get her into good health but she is great now! Her name was Ruby but we didnt like that and I wanted to call her Chance but thats a common second chance name so we combined them to get Chuby! She is our biggest trouble maker... always getting into what she shouldnt!



A video of Dexter the day we brought him home for good after our foster failure! Binkies are when a bunny hops around and wiggles their ears around because they are happy. :)

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