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Pet Pictures!

T. Little

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  • 2 weeks later...
My cat eats too much D:


That is the fattest cat I have ever seen...HOW ADORABLE! I like how there's a dog tag on his collar lol.

Probably cause the cat one doesn't fit lol he's sitting there like "feed me or get the fuck out of my face lol"

It looks like the cat ate a dog and then took its tag! That is some serious cat! :D

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  • 1 month later...

So yesterday my girlfriend and I bought a new bunnie and I figured I wanted to post a picture about it.


This is our new bunnie. We still do not currently have a name for her so suggestions would be grately appreciated!


Apparently our other bunnie "Ninus" is not happy today :unsure:

Edited by C. Wilson 1st MRB
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So yesterday my girlfriend and I bought a new bunnie and I figured I wanted to post a picture about it.


This is our new bunnie. We still do not currently have a name for her so suggestions would be grately appreciated!


Apparently our other bunnie "Ninus" is not happy today :unsure:

Bugs Bunny.

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  • 7 months later...

Well, a new Dog in the family has prompted me to post some pics! Especially since the pets I last posted have since passed away.


Mochi and Miso

Mochi likes to reach his arms out as he sits for some reason, so I've taken to giving him High-Fives as he sleeps and he gives me WTF looks when he wakes up. Miso is the alpha cat, picks on his brother a lot and walks around the house like he owns the place. Loves cat toys, he's gotten really good at throwing them in the air and then catching them.



Shelby is new to the family, we adopted her the day after Christmas. She is a Boxer, we think she's pure-bred, but the Humane Society didn't know for sure. She is 15 months old, and is very very energetic. She wants to play with the cats so badly, but the cats do not like her rough play and spend most of their time running away from her or hiding on top of the tallest cabinet. As a Boxer, she wants to smack them with her paws. We still need to house train her, but she's a quick learner.

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nice pets everyone. I have seen dogs with a harness and dogs with a collar. My least favorite collar is the choke collar. BE CAREFUL with those. We used to have a German Shepard when I was young that had one of those collars. We had a LONG leader line line across the back yard that we used to use to let him run across the entire back yard. Some IDIOT connected him to that and used the wrong connection. We ended up having yto take him to the vet and they had to CUT the chain from the choke collar out of his neck. Those are dangerous.

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