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Pet Pictures!

T. Little

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Well, a new Dog in the family has prompted me to post some pics! Especially since the pets I last posted have since passed away.


Mochi and Miso

Mochi likes to reach his arms out as he sits for some reason, so I've taken to giving him High-Fives as he sleeps and he gives me WTF looks when he wakes up. Miso is the alpha cat, picks on his brother a lot and walks around the house like he owns the place. Loves cat toys, he's gotten really good at throwing them in the air and then catching them.

Which one is the older one? It's the one with the "Goddammit, human is taking more pictures of us" look at his face, isn't it :)

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nice pets everyone. I have seen dogs with a harness and dogs with a collar. My least favorite collar is the choke collar. BE CAREFUL with those. We used to have a German Shepard when I was young that had one of those collars. We had a LONG leader line line across the back yard that we used to use to let him run across the entire back yard. Some IDIOT connected him to that and used the wrong connection. We ended up having yto take him to the vet and they had to CUT the chain from the choke collar out of his neck. Those are dangerous.

There is actually now an alternative to the choke collar that allows the same amount of control without the danger of harm.

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Which one is the older one? It's the one with the "Goddammit, human is taking more pictures of us" look at his face, isn't it :)

They're from the same litter, not sure which one is older. The one with the serious face is actually the "dumb" one... we think he hit his head one too many times. He likes to eat rubber bands.

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  • 3 weeks later...

For anyone that might be interested, I wrote up about my two dogs Loki and Cooper in the Newsletter. I took this last night at fly ball practice. This is the first time Loki has started running with two other dogs in his lane, and two dogs in another lane. He is a little sluggish due to this being his last run of the night, so he is getting exhausted. I currently need to get his stamina up, and will be working on that this spring.

If anyone has pets that they would love to talk about and share, shoot me a PM and we can get your pet featured in the Newsletter.

Edited by Quarterman 1st MRB
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  • 3 weeks later...

Was gonna wait till Monday after i passed BCT and got Pvt and full member rights but i cant( so its gonna have to be links.1 video of my 2 dogs bubba(white Shiba Inu mix) and Dixie a pure bred pitbull. Dixie wants to play but Bubba doesn't(he's a little territorial so took him to a class at Pet smart and he's not so bad now) And the other one is a video of my brother and I playing with Dixie. That is not me you see in the video,I'm filming on my phone(btw sorry for the crazy laughing, i couldn't help myself) https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=102034...e=3&theater


Edited by Reyes 1st MRB
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Two new additions to my family, as of yet unnamed:



The owner of these two had called into my sister's vet clinic asking about medical advice because one of her flying squirrels had died, and "the other two aren't doing so well" Turns out she had been feeding them hamster food instead of the correct diet for flying squirrels. We used to breed sugar gliders, so we know exactly how to take care of them. While it was too late for the third, we are able to get both of these guys back to healthy status. It was a little late for the guy in the second picture as well, because of his poor diet, he became blind from malnutrition. His brother, wearing his tail like a hat in the first picture, is doing very well and is seemingly good health now.

Lesson: Flying squirrels are not rodents. If you're going to get new pets, know what you're getting yourself into. If you aren't willing to adapt for them to be healthy and happy, don't do it. Don't get an animal "because it's cute" if you can't take the time to take care of it properly.

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For those of you who love your pets and have not read it yet, if you feed your dogs Purina Beneful, please stop. Another Class action lawsuit has been filed against Purina because people are having their pets get sick and die from it. Not sure if it is true or not, but better safe than sorry I say. Story is here:


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  • 4 months later...

Got another two rescues in the fold. First one, Woody, has been released hence:


(Woody the Woodpecker)


(Jon Snow, the One-Winged Crow)

Snow was found stunned on a roadside. Once taken in, we discovered through X-Ray his right wing was completely shattered. There was a firm 0% chance that the wing would ever recover, such was the damage. We amputated the wing, and he's much more cheerful than he seems in the picture. We've been in contact with the curator of the National Mississippi River Museum, and they're prepared to adopt Snow when they have an open quarantine wing in the next week or two.

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Got another two rescues in the fold. First one, Woody, has been released hence:


(Woody the Woodpecker)


(Jon Snow, the One-Winged Crow)

Snow was found stunned on a roadside. Once taken in, we discovered through X-Ray his right wing was completely shattered. There was a firm 0% chance that the wing would ever recover, such was the damage. We amputated the wing, and he's much more cheerful than he seems in the picture. We've been in contact with the curator of the National Mississippi River Museum, and they're prepared to adopt Snow when they have an open quarantine wing in the next week or two.

Which is the bird always squawking in the background on vent?

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Got another two rescues in the fold. First one, Woody, has been released hence:


(Woody the Woodpecker)


(Jon Snow, the One-Winged Crow)

Snow was found stunned on a roadside. Once taken in, we discovered through X-Ray his right wing was completely shattered. There was a firm 0% chance that the wing would ever recover, such was the damage. We amputated the wing, and he's much more cheerful than he seems in the picture. We've been in contact with the curator of the National Mississippi River Museum, and they're prepared to adopt Snow when they have an open quarantine wing in the next week or two.

You are a good man captain. Not many people would take the time required to help a defenseless animal like that. My mom once rescued 6 baby bunnies. Took them to the vet and was told they would most likely die. Mom and sis fed them every 2 hours with an eye dropper til they were big enough. Vet was surprised they all survived. They were released back into the wild when they were old enough to fend for themselves. They still come around the house.

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