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"Today we celebrate our Independence Day!"

Branem 1st MRB

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"Hip hip hooray" to all us proud Norwegians on our National Day! :)

May 17th is currently being celebrated all across this proud little nation, where children, firefighters, comic troupes, various local organizations, sports teams, students associations and other associations parade the streets, exchanging waves and greetings.

"The Constitution of Norway was signed at Eidsvoll on May 17 in the year 1814. The constitution declared Norway to be an independent kingdom in an attempt to avoid being ceded to Sweden after Denmark-Norway's devastating defeat in the Napoleonic wars." (More on Wikipedia)



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"Hip hip hooray" to all us proud Norwegians on our National Day! :)

May 17th is currently being celebrated all across this proud little nation, where children, firefighters, comic troupes, various local organizations, sports teams, students associations and other associations parade the streets, exchanging waves and greetings.

"The Constitution of Norway was signed at Eidsvoll on May 17 in the year 1814. The constitution declared Norway to be an independent kingdom in an attempt to avoid being ceded to Sweden after Denmark-Norway's devastating defeat in the Napoleonic wars." (More on Wikipedia)



Ha en god 17.Mai til dere alle Norske :D Have a great 17.May to all you Norwegians. My back and my knees hurts as fuck after walking and sitting lol (back and knees problems) And still it's lots of things to accomplish before the day is over.

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