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Fistful of Frags

Gilmore 1st MRB

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I got turned onto this game because Barry had started playing it. After almost 80min of playtime I can say this this FTP game is definitely worth the download. It is very similar to DODs with game play but more like an old-timey Halo with Team Death Match.


Check it out and hit me up if you want to play.

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This game is really fun!!! Played for a while last night with a few guys from our unit like candy, mottola, Barry, visca and others and we had a great time playing. More people from this unit should download it and play it so maybe we could make our own small server!! I took some gameplay of a game we played so check it out :).

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I have to admit it was pretty fun, especially when I got that damn kick finally sorted out. I kept hitting shift to sprint like in DoD:s and every time I stopped, kicked and got my ass handed to me, heh. Its fun to try the weapons too, got pretty good with the Volcano toward the end.

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This game is really fun!!! Played for a while last night with a few guys from our unit like candy, mottola, Barry, visca and others and we had a great time playing. More people from this unit should download it and play it so maybe we could make our own small server!! I took some gameplay of a game we played so check it out :).

"We all have our vices Visca, I tell into the mic and you whore power weapons" -Barry

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This game is really fun!!! Played for a while last night with a few guys from our unit like candy, mottola, Barry, visca and others and we had a great time playing. More people from this unit should download it and play it so maybe we could make our own small server!! I took some gameplay of a game we played so check it out :).

"We all have our vices Visca, I tell into the mic and you whore power weapons" -Barry

Why has this not been posted in the wuotes section??

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