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Name: M. Vamp

Rank: Private

Reason for Resignation: I'm not satisfied with what ive seen so far in this unit. You guys aren't the friendliest bunch of people to hang around, in my opinion your assholes. The only man ive seen that isen't a asshole from Sergeant and higher is SgtMaj. Francoeur. Honestly, I dont know how ive put up with this bullshit for this long... three weeks was plenty for me to see how you run your unit. Lets see that word of the unit... *Respect* oh yeah... just so you know the only reason people *Salute* you and say sir in this game is because they want to be in a unit that doesn't have noobs, which is true you guys are good players ill give you that but just because you pay 29.99$ for a server doesn't make you any better than anyone else in this game. You guys should learn to treat your lower ranks better and stop acting like you have 10 inch cock up your ass and work on your personalities.

This done me in:

Pvt. M. Vamp [1st MRB]: when you update a units intel do you post below the topic or do you make a new one?

Sgt. J. Vogt [1st MRB|MP]: you shouldn't be doing work you never checked in

Sgt. J. Vogt [1st MRB|MP]: with me

Pvt. M. Vamp [1st MRB]: im not doing work im just asking

Sgt. J. Vogt [1st MRB|MP]: you edit the post

Sgt. J. Vogt [1st MRB|MP]: never reply

Pvt. M. Vamp [1st MRB]: which one?

Sgt. J. Vogt [1st MRB|MP]: all of them

Sgt. J. Vogt [1st MRB|MP]: when updating a unit you don't post a reply you do a edit

Pvt. M. Vamp [1st MRB]: ok

Sgt. J. Vogt [1st MRB|MP]: reason you do that is so you don't have pages of changes

Pvt. M. Vamp [1st MRB]: ok

Sgt. J. Vogt [1st MRB|MP]: and whatever the unit is you post it in the designated sub forum

Sgt. J. Vogt [1st MRB|MP]: archive is for old topics or disbanded units

Pvt. M. Vamp [1st MRB]: ok

Pvt. M. Vamp [1st MRB]: how do I check in with you to do intel on a unit?

Sgt. J. Vogt [1st MRB|MP]: vent would be nice

Sgt. J. Vogt [1st MRB|MP]: i'm in there all the time

Pvt. M. Vamp [1st MRB]: i dont like using vent because it lags me in game.

Sgt. J. Vogt [1st MRB|MP]: well you shouldn't be in game when i'm briefing you

Sgt. J. Vogt [1st MRB|MP]: you need to be able to hear me

Pvt. M. Vamp [1st MRB]: whats their to brief over? intel is simple

Sgt. J. Vogt [1st MRB|MP]: and on that we need to find a fix for that because vent is pretty much needed when it comes to unit v. unit realisms

Sgt. J. Vogt [1st MRB|MP]: if it was simple why have i had move and delete topics that you have made?

Pvt. M. Vamp [1st MRB]: whats wrong with the topics ive made

Sgt. J. Vogt [1st MRB|MP]: they didn't meet criteria

Pvt. M. Vamp [1st MRB]: why is everyone so negative in this unit?

Sgt. J. Vogt [1st MRB|MP]: this is why you need to check in with me

Sgt. J. Vogt [1st MRB|MP]: were not

Sgt. J. Vogt [1st MRB|MP]: we're*

Pvt. M. Vamp [1st MRB]: jesus christ you guys should find a personality

Pvt. M. Vamp [1st MRB]: im posting my resignation this just isent any fun and you guys bore me

Pvt. M. Vamp [1st MRB]: i was a 2nd Lt. i know how to run a unit and this is not how to run one

Pvt. M. Vamp [1st MRB]: you guys treat your privates like shit for no reason

Pvt. M. Vamp [1st MRB]: its a game

Pvt. M. Vamp [1st MRB]: you and the command staff should learn that

Sgt. J. Vogt [1st MRB|MP]: we know plenty, it's not my fault that you can't follow simple instruction "2nd lt."

Vamp: its not my fault you think your king of intel because you follow a forum protocal

Sgt. J. Vogt [1st MRB|MP]: well being chief i run it

Vamp: because they gave it too you

Vamp: how did you brown nose your way into that one?

Sgt. J. Vogt [1st MRB|MP]: nope i applied for it

Vamp: how long have you been in the unit?

Sgt. J. Vogt [1st MRB|MP]: just like everyone else has to for chief position

Sgt. J. Vogt [1st MRB|MP]: well i was ex-6th with these guys and i've been in for 6 months

Vamp: 6 months i dont see how any could put up with such assholes

Sgt. J. Vogt [1st MRB|MP]: everyone else seems to be fine with each other

Vamp: thats what you think

Vamp: theirs plenty that dont like the situation

Vamp: they just like the unit because it has a nice site and the pub is always full

Vamp: they dont like how you guys treat them

Sgt. J. Vogt [1st MRB|MP]: are you done?

Vamp: where is resignation form located?

Sgt. J. Vogt [1st MRB|MP]: lol you can't even do that

Sgt. J. Vogt [1st MRB|MP]: hold on

Vamp: well mr 6 month man im asking you

Vamp: and you have to hold on to ge tit

Vamp: so your the one that epically fails not me

Sgt. J. Vogt [1st MRB|MP]: http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/index.php?showtopic=24

Sgt. J. Vogt [1st MRB|MP]: nah i was getting you the link

Vamp: you could of said adjutant's office

Sgt. J. Vogt [1st MRB|MP]: didn't want you to hurt yourself looking for it

Vamp: Ha ok motor boat dont get all work up now

Sgt. J. Vogt [1st MRB|MP]: i'm not

Sgt. J. Vogt [1st MRB|MP]: it's your choice

Sgt. J. Vogt [1st MRB|MP]: i just simply told you


Wow, it's always amazing to hear that I'm an asshole from the people that never interact with me. I don't know where you get the idea that we treat our privates like crap. Two people have said this, but have yet to explain.

First off, the biggest thing is staff positions, a way for any member to show off their skill out of the game. It's not blocked from privates. Anyone can apply for staff positions to prove themselves, and I always accept them with an open mind. It's not my fault that the chief of the office you picked has a certain way he wants to run it and you didn't like it.

Well, then I guess it is having a say in the proceedings of the unit. Anyone can suggest changes, ideas, and we always listen. The realism campaign was not thought up by our Captain, not Blackwatch's captain, it was one of our NCOs that suggested the idea and we listened and also implemented it. Not everything is a good idea, but we always take it into mind.

What does that leave? Our NCOs and up are mean... Ok ok, so not everyone is milk and cookies, but that's reality. Personalities collide, people talk, argue, make friends, make enemies, etc. That's the nature of life, and just because it's a game doesn't make it any different. We're based on a military structure, and I'll bet life on base is probably not as comfortable and relaxed as our improvised structure.

What really bugs me is that it seems that you like to rub in the fact that you were a 2nd Lieutenant in another unit. Fuck, I was a Captain of another unit, the only reason I am where I am is because I've earned the trust and respect of the guys that started the 1st MRB. If you are sore that you didn't automatically get 2ndLt. when you joined the unit, take a look at what we have to go on. Our only idea of your leadership skills other than the fact that you held the rank of LT. elsewhere is going to be based on your personality. Since we can't possibly know about your pleasant personality from a tidbit in an application, there's the lack of communication on ventrilo that makes us think you aren't very social and the constant breach of chain of command that gives us the idea that you think you are above authority... Seeing as you know how to run a unit better than us, how would you proceed with that information?

I'd like to say that you will be missed, but in all seriousness, you have got to have been the most annoying private I've ever had to deal with. I don't know what kind of realism unit you were used to running, but when a 1st Lieutenant is in the middle of running a practice for a planned official realism, when is it appropriate to constantly steam message and talk ingame during said practice about another official realism that you, a private, were trying to set up with another unit? Did you have any sort of Chain of Command in your unit? I'm a real pushover so I answered your questions and I also directed you to where you could continue with your effort. I was certainly not an ass about it, and if I sounded exasperated at all, it's because I was fairly busy and frustrated at the time. I've answered every question you've asked me, I've looked into everything you've brought up to me, I don't see how I have been an asshole to you in any way... If I am an asshole, it is only to those that disrespect me or my friends. I really don't have to explain anything to you, but that is what I do.

So Good Riddance, I'm sorry that you thought this was a waste of your precious time and skill.


You try to say that we are disrespectful? You had numerous sprays and sigs requested and finished in our QM office and then the next hour you would have them changed or completely replaced. You even had someone who just got done making you one try and "sharpen" up one of your own because he did a good job at it. These people have better things to do with their time.

Sorry 1Lt. if I shouldn't have posted but that needed to be said.


The hell man? =/ Just leave the Intel dept. not the entire unit....I haven't felt like everyone is an asshole to me at all. I think everyone here is usually nice, sometimes iv seen someone on a bad day. But man it was 2 am maybe you were tired.....I wish you didnt leave....


People needs to man up and grow the hell up. This is a realism unit and as NCO's we suppose to be hard on Pvt's and Cpl to ensure we have even better NCO's after us. If you can't take a simple criticism then resign and cry to mom that we are being to hard in a game. We not going to kiss your ass or anybody else's just to make them feel better in the unit. Vamp I had a feeling you planned on leaving, since your failed unit of year ago you have just been unit hopping one after another. You have a lot of growing to do learn to follow before you lead.


Your right I take back the thing I said about everyone Sgt. and higher being a asshole, ive never had a problem with anyone but a select few. Zachow ive never had a problem with you or anyone else in the QM office and I forgot to say Spears is also a good guy to play with. I would say the names but it will lead to more flames, Greco is probably right I did overeact in my post a bit because it was 2 am but im just tired of being treated like a private when ive been higher ranks in the past. Ive always been a higher rank than that so it just doesn't suite me.

Quote: I'd like to say that you will be missed, but in all seriousness, you have got to have been the most annoying private I've ever had to deal with. So Good Riddance, I'm sorry that you thought this was a waste of your precious time and skill.- Yamagata

Pretty much proved my point thier yamagata that you are indeed a dick that cant answer a few simple questions, ive never asked you a question in the middle of a scrimmage btw. But hey if that makes you feel better about yourself or more secure of how you run a unit, then so be it.


Quote: We not going to kiss your ass or anybody else's just to make them feel better in the unit. Vamp I had a feeling you planned on leaving, since your failed unit of year ago you have just been unit hopping one after another. You have a lot of growing to do learn to follow before you lead. - Wingate

My unit failed... your a former 2nd Lt. in the 8th ID what happen there? What makes you think your any better than me at this game? As far as growing up you could do some yourself you just happen to be included on the list of dickheads in this unit.


Vamp if you know me I don't give a "FUCK" what list you put me in. It's funny this is same exact same thing you said while in the 8th ID with Steiner. Let me tell you a secret its not this unit, our officers, or NCO's, or even my fault you plan to puss out and leave it's 100% your fault. It's you not following how the Intel works, when Vogt got on you for signing up its you decide to resign, so don't tell me we the blame for you leaving it's all you! You can't take criticism, you act like bitch when you don't get your way, and you are failed leader. Go hop to some else's unit and cry about the same thing that cares. Until you get your unit back up and actual know how to run a realism unit learn to follow and move on and have a nice day!

Posted (edited)

Okay, i havent read any of this, i only know about the things i've heard in vent..

But in all honesty i dont give a shit about you, because dude i took my time to make you a pretty bad ass sig and you use it for 2 seconds?! What the fuck is that shit. Then you replace my sig with some shitty pixelated sigs...

Fuck that. You can hurry up and leave and get our members of this forum post so they can get back in the pub and have fun instead of wasting their time on this stupid shit...

P.S. Angelina Jolie isnt that attractive anymore...maybe you should get off the tomb raider pics and move on.

Edited by Hawkins 1st MRB

lol badass sig? your signature making skills fail horribly... my friend makes better sigs then you in 20 seconds. The only one that was helpful to me in the QM office was SSgt. Dawson he helped me out alot with my spray and I thank him very much for that. And for you too say you dont give two shits about me shows your true charcter... you even admit that its a hassal to make someone a signature even though thats your job in the unit, maybe you should resign from that office? And yet again another asshole steps up to claim his spot on the list of f*cktards.


funny how the guy that babbles on about people in the unit being disrespectful goes on to bash the sigs that other people worked hard on for him in their own time. tell your sister i said thanks for the other night and she should get that rash checked out.


If you add me to your asshole list I would be honored.

I'm pretty sure you can ask anyone who has known me for any given amount of time and they will tell you I'm an asshole. There are reasons why I help run this unit in this manner. We are the most disciplined unit in DoD:S. We are also the most respected by our peers. The 28th ID who has been around for a very long time, told me directly after our match with them, they have never seen a more respectful and all around great group of guys.

You mention this is just a game, gee thanks for the fucking update. We are all aware it's a game, we are all also aware this is a REALISM UNIT. If we just wanted to play the game, we would be pubbers, like yourself, and perhaps hop from unit to unit telling people the exact same thing every time we didn't get insta-promoted to the ranks we all have now. We are all here, and happy to be here. We base ourselves, as Yamagata said, on a real military unit and real military structure. You should perhaps go do a little bit of research into military structure and maybe even watch a movie or two about the military. You have no idea what a chain of command is, you think that because you are new we should kiss your ass to keep you around. Quite the contrary. If me being an asshole and being strict on new privates helps weed out the morons like you at an early stage, then I'm glad to have done my part.

I will continue to do my job as 2ndLt. the way I always have. I pay attention to what the guys need, I help out with anything I can do when requested. I over-see each BCT class and give the DI's my thoughts on each individual recruit. I point out the ones who need help in certain areas, and which ones I know aren't going to make it because of their attitudes. I honestly saw potential in you as a recruit. I guess my age is starting to get to me.

Good luck in whatever you pursue in your life, but know this... Life is not all rainbows and lollipops. You will not like everyone you come in contact with. There are assholes in every corner of this big rock we call Earth. If you ever do decide to join the actual military, please be aware, you can't quit because your 2nd Lt. won't answer your phone calls, or your DI was a little bit harsh on you.

2ndLt. A. Ford

  Vamp 1st MRB said:
I'm not satisfied with what ive seen so far in this unit. You guys aren't the friendliest bunch of people to hang around, in my opinion your assholes.

Sorry you feel that way Vamp, but that's how you gain respect from your peers. It's in everyday life, when you're the new guy you get hazed a bit to see if you're the type of guy that's not a push over, but I can say with all certainty that in the 1st MRB it's always in good fun. If I'm asshole, then wow you really haven't stepped away from your computer and ventured into the real world my friend.

I will say that I AM strict with the enlisted men, but I have no regrets doing it. It shows them how we behave and how we operate here in the 1st MRB. When you can learn to play and act the same way as everyone else in your unit, that's where the fun begins because everyone knows when to be serious and when to kick back, relax and have some fun.

  Vamp 1st MRB said:
Honestly, I dont know how ive put up with this bullshit for this long... three weeks was plenty for me to see how you run your unit.

That's ok, some are just not cut out for the 1st MRB and I completely understand where you're coming from. I understand that it's bullshit how 4 people took the time to show up everyday on time to teach your BCTs, I understand that it's bullshit when 32 people took time to show up and congratulate you when you graduated BCTs, I understand that it's bullshit how the QM Office worked so hard to meet every request you threw at them within a reasonable time frame, and I understand that it's bullshit how even when you showed total disrespect to Sgt. Vogt and asked him where to post a resignation he took time to find you the exact link. I understand Vamp.…

  Vamp 1st MRB said:
Lets see that word of the unit... *Respect* oh yeah... just so you know the only reason people *Salute* you and say sir in this game is because they want to be in a unit that doesn't have noobs.

Like you just found out, no one is forcing you to be here. Respect is taken seriously with me and I hate it when people accuse me otherwise. You want respect then show some, that's how it works out there and that's how it works here (write that down). The 1st MRB never use to have a full pub, it was dead all the time, but hard work and dedication from a number of people in the unit and BAR helped get it to where it is today. If this unit is run so damn bad, then why are there still 80 members? Why is the pub full almost all the time? Why are the forums so great? Why are all the Staff Offices running perfectly? Why aren't there a ton of people leaving once they join the 1st? Do you want an answer? It's respect, loyalty, dedication, honor, and above all it's full of people who have made it a brotherhood.

Thanks for wasting your time and ours, hope you find that perfect unit you've always been looking for. As for me, maybe I am a bit strict, but look at where it's gotten the 1st MRB - pretty good I'd say and that's one thing you can never criticize.

  Ford 1st MRB said:
If you add me to your asshole list I would be honored.

2ndLt. A. Ford

hahaha i knew that was coming!!!!

On a side note this thread is hopping! Like 13 people viewing it right now lol.


I have absolutely no problem being considered an asshole.

I respect those who have earned it.. I figured you were cool but this little out break proves me wrong.

On that note i only have one thing to say... You are epic failure. go cry to mommy because nobody here gives a shit anymore after you completely disrespected every single 1st MRB member just because you're a unit hopping rank whore.

Peace out pew pew


Honestly Vamp, I didn't know you super well, and its been stated like 6 times already, but we aren't here to kiss your ass.

You were here cause you wanted to be. Nobody put a gun to your head and said sign up. You found you didn't like what you saw, and you have every right to leave. But do not disrespect those who have done nothing but try and help you. The QM's office jumped through hoops to meet your requests. If thats not taking care of its troop, then I don't know what is.

Speaking from experience, everyone here at the MRB is extremely understanding. I took about a 2 month unannounced LOA, because of both residency changes and other obligations. They welcomed me back with open arms and didn't even punish me at all for it. I was actually promoted recently to PFC from Private. Don't talk about the Officers being dicks, because realistically they aren't at all. They have al ot on their plates and sometimes if they may be a little short with an enlisted men, so be it. They work damn hard and should be allowed to.

Anyway, that was just my two cents.


Outside of what some of the others have said here I only have a few things to add.

Going from how agitated you are from what you said our unit has done to you, how do you expect to deal with it when an employer/fellow employees decide to treat you the same?

Deciding to up and quit your job isn't exactly going to help your wallet and time.

While you may have been a Lt. in another unit, this is not that unit, and as such you need to understand that any time you relocate you have to start fresh. You aren't around the same people you used to be with and as such can't expect things to be the same as what your accustomed too.

On a final note, everyone here also lives in the real world, and as such the real world plays into this game, through people's personalities, opinions, and processes of doing things. You are going to have to learn to be able to adjust to what and who you are dealing with, and if there is a problem, you look for help. I think if you had asked for some help with this problem then we would not be seeing your resignation right now. Unfortunately things don't always go the way you want, but you pick up what you got and you move on.


Looking over your enlistment, I see that the reason you left the 4th, from a CO position of 2nd Lt. was "disciplinary altercations" with the members. Sounds familiar. This shows me that it's not us, it's you. You have problems giving/receiving discipline, especially receiving. When I was a private, I joined knowing that while I'd still be having fun playing the game, we'd be taking it more seriously than pubbers, whereas you seem to expect us to run ourselves like a pubbing clan. As well, you put words in everyone's mouths when you said,

"*Respect* oh yeah... just so you know the only reason people *Salute* you and say sir in this game is because they want to be in a unit that doesn't have noobs,"

Shut your fucking face, don't go putting words in our mouths. The command staff here work their asses off so ungrateful shits like you have the opportunity disgrace our pub and private servers, and defile our forums, all while keeping up contact with other units, organizing unit vs. unit realisms, and administrating some 80-odd people. I'm sure there's more, I wouldn't know, I've never ran a unit. They do a shitton more than you ever have or will for any unit, and for that they deserve respect, and how dare you belittle their hard work and dedication. And until you learn a little something about respect yourself, don't you dare go telling us we're disrespectful.

This overreaction of yours here is truly disgraceful. Piss off, and let the door hit you on the way out.

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