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unban request :: Z. Hilmer

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Name: Z. Hilmer

Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:39696352

Date & Time of ban: Not sure, long time ago

Admin who banned you: Not sure

Excuse for the Unban: I was banned as part of a blanket ban for 1st SAS. Im not in SAS anymore its dead, and i was merely a bystander. I hope to be unbanned so i can play in your pub server because its one of the only populated ones out there. I am also clearly not in the 99th ID although my name on the forums says that , i made it even longer ago than my ban so if its possible to change the name to just Hilmer or something that would be great too. Thanks!


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Your assumptions are incorrect, your ban was not related to the 1st SAS but rather your attitude. You were banned on October 17th, 2013 for disrespecting admins and players. You were given ample warning prior to the incident and were permanently banned thereafter. We have a zero tolerance policy when dealing with disrespect and with that being said, your ban request is denied.

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Im sorry but im not sure what i did that was disrespectful. I know i was banned for disrespect but at the time i was afk in spectate for around 30 seconds to go to the bathroom. I came back and was told by multiple people it was due to old unit mates causing trouble. I accepted that because i was friendly and often came to your private realisms. I liasoned with you guys also back when i was in the 99th ID, and talked to multiple connections I had within your unit which confirmed this was the case. I did not mean to disrespect your unit if I did unintentionally, i never trolled and kept to myself. I would never disrespect an admin because of my awareness of the zero tolerance rules.

Edited by Z. Hilmer 99th ID
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That picture shows me saying the exact same thing I say to all 1st SAS members that contact me, I've said that exact thing to 4 others. You were not banned for an inappropriate name such as a BoS unit tag but rather your attitude. I'm fairly certain you admitted to it in your reply but you edited it since then so I can't be sure. Nevertheless there are plenty of DoD:S servers that you can play on, ours is just not one of them.

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    • Failure to respond within 48 hours. You may reapply in 30 days should there still be interest at that time. 
    • This ban will remain in full effect. We will notify you IF and WHEN you can appeal. This is now pretty well 3 months in a row where you have requested an unban from a permanent infraction which we deemed very serious. Your behavior in our server prior to this ban was quite consistently obnoxious and disrespectful and as such the ban was a problem solved in the eyes of our community members. You should have thought about the consequences before making people feel uncomfortable with your childish behavior. A 4th unban request WITHOUT explicit consent from one of our command staff prior will result in this forums account being banned as well. I do not see an avenue for your return at this time or in the near future. Should you pm or beg any members of the 1st MRB this will also result negatively in your favor.  If you genuinely have a love for Day of Defeat Source I encourage you to enjoy it at your leisure in your own units public server.  Good Day, Happy Fragging.
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