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Summer 2014 Anime Season Discussion Thread

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Wat, anime? You watch that? Wut. Yeah well now in SAO anything can happen i guess its going to be alot of more fun seeing weaponry though compared to swords and magic in the last season. And to further add on, Its a trap!

There are still swords... just no magic... Also. First episode was pretty interesting. ITS A TWAP??!!

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I've only watched a couple new shows this season. So far "Akame ga Kill!" is by far in the top. While "Samurai Jam-Bakumatsu Rock" is so fucked up...like a train wreck. You cant help but watch it

Yeah as for Akame ga kill i've read the manga and its safe to say its (SPOILER) The game of thrones of manga/anime. But yes in SAO Kirito is going to be a TRAP! And i wouldnt call it swords more like battle cleavers or giant daggers or knuckledusters. But i guess there are some swords probably katanas or such.

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I've only watched a couple new shows this season. So far "Akame ga Kill!" is by far in the top. While "Samurai Jam-Bakumatsu Rock" is so fucked up...like a train wreck. You cant help but watch it

Yeah as for Akame ga kill i've read the manga and its safe to say its (SPOILER) The game of thrones of manga/anime. But yes in SAO Kirito is going to be a TRAP! And i wouldnt call it swords more like battle cleavers or giant daggers or knuckledusters. But i guess there are some swords probably katanas or such.

Is Attack on Titan coming back this season?

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I've only watched a couple new shows this season. So far "Akame ga Kill!" is by far in the top. While "Samurai Jam-Bakumatsu Rock" is so fucked up...like a train wreck. You cant help but watch it

Yeah as for Akame ga kill i've read the manga and its safe to say its (SPOILER) The game of thrones of manga/anime. But yes in SAO Kirito is going to be a TRAP! And i wouldnt call it swords more like battle cleavers or giant daggers or knuckledusters. But i guess there are some swords probably katanas or such.

Is Attack on Titan coming back this season?

I do not know. Tbh i dont really care either since i didnt like the series. I just think that its way overrated. But no im guessing its either for the Fall/Winter or spring 2015.

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I've only watched a couple new shows this season. So far "Akame ga Kill!" is by far in the top. While "Samurai Jam-Bakumatsu Rock" is so fucked up...like a train wreck. You cant help but watch it

Yeah as for Akame ga kill i've read the manga and its safe to say its (SPOILER) The game of thrones of manga/anime. But yes in SAO Kirito is going to be a TRAP! And i wouldnt call it swords more like battle cleavers or giant daggers or knuckledusters. But i guess there are some swords probably katanas or such.

Is Attack on Titan coming back this season?

I do not know. Tbh i dont really care either since i didnt like the series. I just think that its way overrated. But no im guessing its either for the Fall/Winter or spring 2015.

Oh come on now! I loved it. Do i give it as much hype as the public has? No. Its good. Not that good though. Any idea what else we should keep an eye out for this season?

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hmm my current list for the summer season that are starting is, SAO II, ARGEVOLLEN, Aldnoah Zero, Akame ga Kill, DRAMAtical Murder, Rail Wars, and re:hamatora. also tracking fairy tail, hunter x hunter, one piece, and probably going to finish up my list from last season that I slacked on soon which is kamigami no asobi, majin bone. the world is still beautiful, and kawaii complex guide to manors and hostel behavior. not to mention any additional ones I add that are slated to start that I might like.... Crunchyroll is love, crunchyroll is life....

also those who are interested in some decent anime imo:

Black Bullet (2nd season or riot)

No game no life (2nd season or riot)

chaika - the coffin princess (left open for follow on season)

dai-shogun - great revolution ( fan service and doesn't really come to an end, expecting a second season)

Edited by Mohan 1st MRB
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Most anime fans have probably seen the Anime44 site before, but it's collection is just massive. I have used it to watch many series. If you haven't seen it before and you are looking for a show they probably have it available for streaming. I think they have about every anime/cartoon there is. I highly recommend it.

Watching SAO II now:


Edited by Heresy 1st MRB
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So I have also recently fell in love with another anime that i didnt see till about a couple weeks ago.

Tokyo Ghoul.

By far the best this season. Maybe even this year. I've read alot of comments and such it starts out a bit slow, really emo, and the protagonist is a pansy. However after a few episodes things.. just <SPOILER>

I'd tell yall but you gotta watch it yourself

Edited by LaGesse 1st MRB
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so far a few anime's i been watching are Akame Ga Kill, Sword Art Online 2, bladedance of Elementalers, Aldnoah Zero, kawaii complex guide to manors and hostel behavior, the Irregulars at Magic Highschool, and Captain Earth. These shows are pretty good with some funny moments in them. not sure if any of these shows will go past 12 episode like the normal anime's tend to do, but i do think SAO will go past 12 and maybe captain earth. Still waiting on word from the 2nd season of Attack on Titans and so far and am eager to watch that when it comes out. not sure when it will since it is made in japan and has to get Subtitles before it can be released into the U.S. sadly.

Waiting on 2nd seasons

Black Bullet


Infinite Stratos 3rd season

Horizon in the middle of nowhere

Makenki 3

All time fav animes are Ah my goddess, Highschool DXD, Infinite Stratos 1 & 2, Makenki 1 & 2, Bleach, Sword Art Online 1, 2, & 3 season along with special, and also one of the best ones yet, Heaven's lost property (this will make you laugh out of your nose while drinking milk).

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