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Posted (edited)

Name: R. Gilmore

Rank: Sergeant

Type of issue: Software/Hardware

Brief Description of Issue:

My demos will not play back for me. I was wondering if there was anything I could do to have that become fixed or if anyone else is experiencing the same thing.

The other issue I have been having is with my microphone. When I enable the Boost it gives me an error in console and auto-disables it.

***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line***

Current Status: Resolved


Pending Reply



Main Technician: J. Candy

Supporting Technician:

Edit: Please remember to use the MSO Helpdesk form when making your requests

Edited by Candy 1st MRB

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Over the course of the last several months demos on the Pub have fluxuated between working and not working. The last that I was told was that they would work, but for only brief periods up to 2 minutes. Make sure to follow the correct procedure for recording and playing back a demo:

1. in the game, bring up the console with the ~ key

2. Type record "demoname"

3. when finished type "stop" in the console and the demo will be saved to your DoD:s folder with a .DEM extension

4. to play the demo go back the console and type "playdemo" and then the filename you used.

If one of our Steam Technicians has any more input on this issue then please elaborate.

If in case the demos do not work, then you might think of using an alternate Program to record your demos. The link provided is to the "OBS" Open Broadcaster Software website. Its totally free and pretty easy to use. I prefer it to the steam demos especially for making videos. Several other Unit members use it so if you are interested please ask around.

As to your second issue, it sounds like maybe an error with windows configuration of the mic or the drivers. Try to update the mics drivers, Also, perform a Windows Update to catch any other software issues. If those do not work, try uninstalling the microphone and rebooting the computer and letting windows reinstall it, sometimes that clears up issues. Please list the mic you are using as well.

Again, if anyone else has anything to add them so so by all means.

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Posted (edited)

Ok this conversation just turned a 180. What is your Macs specifications? What version of Mac OS are you using? Is it a notebook or a tower? Are you using the built in microphone or a headset mic? If it is a headset mic then what make and brand and did it come with installation software? Lastly, has it worked before with the mic boost on in DoD:S? I have a MacBook Pro myself, and I think we have had this discussion before Gilmore, I play DoD:s on the Bootcamp/Windows side of my Mac and use the internal mic and it works fine. I will have install the game on the Mac side to figure this out I think. Go ahead and answer the questions above and I will look into it further.

Edited by Candy 1st MRB
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Open dod and the console. Type "demoui" You may find and be able to play your demos that way. Also here is a youtube link to a good demo walkthrough inspired to me by 2nd Lt. Kirkendall.

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Is the actual error message you saw "'userconfig.cfg' not present"?

Please validate the game cache by right clicking the game in Steam --> clicking on Properties --> clicking on Local Files tab --> and clicking on Verify Integrity of Game Cache

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So it is a MacBook Air, OSX Lion I believe. I went ahead and verified the game cache. It did work before on this external mic/headphones combo I bought, which is a Logitech one. Not sure of the specific kind but it's been the same one I've bought for years, over and over.

When I just attempted to do it again this was the error I received in console:

ConVarRef hap_HasDevice doesn't point to an existing ConVar

'userconfig.cfg' not present; not executing.

Host_WriteConfiguration: Wrote cfg/config.cfg

However the boost doesn't actually stay.

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Posted (edited)

Gilmore I found this thread that might work, although it is for TF2 I believe:


Here is another that might be helpful, check this one out as well:


Get back to me if any of these fixes help. After reading these threads I am beginning to suspect that it is a Steam problem, and not so much a Mac/Hardware issue. Could one of the Steam Technicians give some thoughts on this as well?

Edited by Candy 1st MRB
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Posted (edited)

I will try to replicate the problem on my MacBook. As I said earlier I play the game when I have to on the windows side with no problems. I will install it on the Mac side this evening and try to play with my headset mic, its the same brand, a Logitech, so maybe I can get the same error you are having. Are you certain it is the microphone causing the issue? Would a reinstall of DoD:S fix it? You stated it has work before for a awhile. Sometimes a clean install can fix the problem. I had a similar issue with BF4 and tried over 10 fixes on the internet. I ended up reinstalling Windows after 4 reinstalls of the game. I hadn't done it in over a year so it was an easy choice, I am not saying thats what we need to do here, just try the reinstall first if you are up for it, but wait till I try to replicate the problem tonight.

Edited by Candy 1st MRB
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So, I went home for lunch and had just enough time to try this all out on my MacBook. The screenshots below show what happened.

First, the specs of my MacBook, compare them to yours:


Next the microphone setup in System Preferences/Sound (next 2 screenshots)



Now the mic setup on Options/Voice in DoD:S(as you can see the mic boost is on)


Finally, my in-game voice chat. I asked and everyone said they could hear me fine.


Compare your game to my settings and see if anything is different. I just did a fresh install of DoD:S before I did all this with no mods or add-ons. Hopefully this can answer some questions for you, if your settings match all of mine you might consider, as I stated in the last posted re-installing the game. Hope this helps!

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The config file should be placed here for a Mac so you can create a userconfg.cfg in that directory to see if that solves the issue for you.

~/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Day of Defeat Source/dod/cfg

Nuclear Option if you want to try it:

Please try deleting the game though Steam and then delete the DoD folder here ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Day of Defeat Source. Download the files again after deleting everything.

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Actually one last question about OBS. i downloaded it but I can't seem to find where it saves videos, I would like to be able to edit them or send them to the unit member who is making them

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In OBS there is an Option to "Stream" or "Save Video". If you pick save video it'll ask you where you want to save. Also whatever name for the save file you use it will use for all captures just use a numbering system similar to screenshots or pictures on a camera. When editing its best to import them all into whatever video editing software you use, I am guessing iMovie, then do you edits and export. Hope this helps. I am closing the ticket, if you run into any more problems please let us know.

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Thank you for this a lot. I uninstalled and reinstalled this morning along with all the map packs, but I am ultimately unsure if I did any of that correctly. I greatly apologize for so many questions or such a long ticket but I am completely useless at the moment.

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alright schweet you can close this ticket I figured it all out, got the maps to download and will be taking some vids with OBS soon since I changed the pathway of where videos were stored.

Being as though you have a MAC Candy what the hell is this other stuff and how do i delete non-essentials?


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    • Questions Name you wish to use and Age: (Our unit uses realistic names, this does not have to be your real name) Noah Morris, 18 Platform Type Steam Steam ID (Use 17 Digit SteamID 64 / PC Game Pass Account Username): SqueakyWharf74 (xbox sorry, I usually use steam.) Do you have a microphone? Yes Which game title are you applying for? Hell Let Loose If you've selected Hell Let Loose, do you understand that this game is currently not cross platform capable and only PC players currently may apply? ( Steam or PC Game Pass) Yes Why do you wish to join the 1st Marine Raiders? I would like to make friends in the community. Did any of our current members play a part in you enlisting? If so, who? If none, how did you learn about us: ‘O. This unit offers more than just a place to play games with each other, do you have any online skills you think would be useful? No, Disboard. Do you have any Leadership experience that you think will be helpful? I am currently in the police academy, learning plenty about leadership. I am a level 64 in game. Have you ever been in a realism unit before, and if so, which unit was it? No By posting this Enlistment form, I acknowledge the instructions completely, declare that I am 16 years old or older, and agree that I have and will follow server and unit rules maturely and respectfully or face immediate rejection. Yes Application stats UserId: 806349792129056779 Username: morris0626 User: @Morris1291 Duration: 122 seconds Joined guild at: 5 days ago
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