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Resolved - Buying a new mouse and keyboard



Name: K. Lennings

Rank: Private

Type of issue: Hardware Recommendation

Brief Description of Issue: In the last few weeks I've been starting to get some serious pain in my wrists and fingers, most likely from spending way to much time in front of my computer and playing the guitar for too long.

So for once I decided to invest in some proper equipment, but I'm having a hard time deciding what I should go for.

I have never been that much of a gamer except for Diablo II and DoD:S, so I have never really cared about my mouse and keyboard until now that I'm starting to hurt.

I did some reading and found out I use the "claw grip", and I believe I've always held my mouse this way and maybe its because I have always used crappy mouses that are way to small for my hands which are pretty big. This combination is good for quick aiming, and I have my sensitivity set to 6 and basically use my little finger and thumb to aim. But its no where near ergonomic so I'm looking for something else.

This is my current setup:

Key Tronic's ergoforce (ergonomic my ass, it hurts for me to use this)


And the Microsoft D66-00069 (Good but way too small for me)


What I'm looking at:

I have pretty much decided to go for the Razer DeathStalker already, mainly because I found a cheap one but also because its a chiclet keyboard.


I have also looked at this one:

Microsoft Sculpt Ergonomic Desktop Keyboard & Mouse


Which mouse to buy has been the toughest one yet because I'm a poor man and I'd like to know what I'm getting and if its going to fit my hand or not.

I'm thinking of getting one of these:

The Mionix Naos 8200


The Corsair Vengeance M65 FPS Laser Gaming Mouse


The Roccat Kone XTD


The Razer Deathadder


Most of these look like spaceships compared to what I have previously owned and I have no knowledge of hardware performance or anything like that.

So If you guys got any recommendations I would really appreciate it, obviously I am trying to cross over to using the "palm grip" instead of the "claw", so I'm going for a bigger mouse.

Also if any of you are experiencing pain from playing too much, here are some good clips with a few exercises you can do to relieve some of it.



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You should really take a look at Logitech's new G series products (G is for gaming), a lot of pro gamers use it and really like it. Here is the website for Logitech G Series. I've recently started looking into new keyboards/mice myself and have really been interested in Logitechs cool toys. I currently have the razer mamba mouse and the razer deathstalker keyboard (I had the blackwidow but it broke). I notice the razer products break down on you very quickly, like within a year or so. I've had the deathstalker for two years now without any problems so I'll give it that. The mice on the other hand are another story, this is my second mamba and I think the right click button is already giving out on me (sometimes it double clicks when I click once). I should add that I don't abuse my gaming products (unlike Jablonski when he plays LoL), I don't slam them or throw them. Maybe I've just had bad luck with razer :(

Anyways, here are some of the things I've been looking into:

G402 and G502 mice


G710 and G19 keyboards


G430 and G35 headsets


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I agree with Parker for the Logitech series. I use the Logitech G710 keyboard myself, it's a great mechanical keyboard. I don't mind Razer stuff, but I feel the prices are always a little inflated for what you're getting. I went through like 4 Deathadder mice before I finally gave up on them. My carbine clicking apparently was too much for them, 4 times over.

Since then, I moved to (and heartily recommend) the Steelseries Sensei. It's a tad more expensive then some other mice, but it's crazy awesome. Comfortable, customizable, tough, ambidextrous, everything I look for, and then some. It's held up to my playstyle for a long enough time that it's paid itself off in Deathadders. I think they have a less expensive version called the Raw, which may be good, but I cannot attest to.

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I've had a DeathAdder for a little over a year now and it's done a great job in all different kinds of gaming. I frequently play MMOs and FPS's which both can take a toll on a mouse, and this mouse has been great. It only has 2 extra buttons on the side, which isn't as much as some of the other gaming mice out there. Overall I've been very happy with it though.

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I'm quite happy with my Logitech G500s, I had an MX510 (the G500s' great grandfather) for about 12 years when it finally started having scroll wheel issues. I'd say that's a decent lifespan for a mouse.

If you go with a mechanical keyboard I would strongly recommend trying them out first. The different keys can be incredibly noisy and/or feel incredibly weird. Most of the mechanical keyboards use cherry brand keyswitches, which come in many colours (each with a particular fee/sound). Some common ones are blue, brown, red, and black. I've heard people say that red and black are good for gaming which may be true, but I can't stand typing on them. All the cherry keyswitches register the keypress about half way down, but reds and blacks have no special feel at that point, so they feel very mushy to me. The main difference between reds and blacks is that reds take a much lighter press than blacks. Blues are noisy as hell and you can feel a click when the key is half way down. When I'm on skype with my friend with blues I can always hear his keyboard clacking away. They make a sort of snapping sound. Browns are quieter than blues, but the feel when the key is press is more like a bump in the press. It's hard to describe how all the keys feel so you should definitely try out some mechanical keyboards and find out which keyswitches the keyboards you try have. You'll immediately be able to feel the difference between the keyswitches.

I would advise against the chicklet keys. I don't know this specific keyboard, but chicklet keys are effectively laptop keys which tend to have too short of a keypress and small scissor shaped pieces under each key that have a tendency to collect grit and not function smoothly in the long run.

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These are some good recommendations, thanks guys!

I was about to go for the Logitech G502, but I decided to head out to MediaMarkt and see how it felt in my hand before ordering it cheaper online.

I found it to be way to small for my hand which was quite a disappointment, because I really like the features on it.

Oddly enough I ended up with the G600, it was the only mouse around that had the pinky support needed to relax my hand.

And when it comes to keyboards, I'm going for the DeathStalker because chicklet keys are the only ones that doesn't hurt my fingers in the long run.

Thanks again!

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