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Greatest Gaming Console Of All Time

Parker 1st MRB

Greatest Gaming Console Of All Time  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. Which gaming console is the greatest of all time

    • PlayStation
    • Xbox
    • Wii
    • Gameboy
    • Dreamcast
    • PlayStation 2
    • Xbox 360
    • Nintendo DS
    • GameBoy Advance
    • PlayStation 3
    • PlayStation Portable
    • Nintendo (NES)
    • Atari 2600
    • NeoGeo
    • Sega Genesis
    • Super Nintendo (SNES)
    • GameCube
    • Nintendo 64
    • Saturn
    • Other and I'll tell you why

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Swartz and I were talking about it recently and I wanted to know what you guys and gals thought. I did not add Xbox One or PS4 because it's too early to tell with those consoles and I wasn't able to add more than 20 answers to the poll.

If you chose other let us know which console and why.

I had a really tough time deciding between NES, SNES and N64. Nintendo killed the competition with those 3 giants and some people still play N64 because Smash Bros, GoldenEye and Mario Kart are so much fun to play with friends. In the end, I had to go with the one that started it all which was the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).

P.s. PlayStation 2 was up there for me too.

P.s.s. I'll make another poll in the future about the best game for the console that wins this poll.

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How is it not indisputably Nintendo 64? This system revolutionized everything we thought about for game systems. You had the first games like GoldenEye and Perfect Dark to give you the perfect start to the console multiplayer FPS. GoldenEye added multiplayer in as an afterthought because the testers used it to test different guns, objects, and characters. And it was still godly-amazing!

The N64 revolutionized the controller. Yea, look at the beast that was the N64 controller. People didn't like it, (I did) and complained sometimes about difficulty with controls in certain games. Even if you disliked the controller, it really brought about the talk of what makes a controller comfortable, and what makes it usable. Without the N64, we might've all fell victim to the rise of the Steel Battalion.

Don't give me BS about media functionality and "internet connection." The N64 didn't need that shit. We're arguing about the greatest gaming platform, not the greatest media player. What better way to play with others than getting 4 friends to play Super Smash into the wee hours of the morning?

Finally, this thing was a tank. It stopped working? Blow on it. Working again! I dropped a 108lb (49kg) CRT TV on my N64, sucker still works. I was playing Super Smash Brothers at my friends' after-wedding party two days ago. More like killing it, am I right Fox McCloud? I knocked my Xbox 360 from vertical to horizontal on accident, and it went all red-ring-o'-death on me.

The N64 is the greatest system. If I have that, there's not a reason you can convince me to get a new system.

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How is it not indisputably Nintendo 64? This system revolutionized everything we thought about for game systems. You had the first games like GoldenEye and Perfect Dark to give you the perfect start to the console multiplayer FPS. GoldenEye added multiplayer in as an afterthought because the testers used it to test different guns, objects, and characters. And it was still godly-amazing!

The N64 revolutionized the controller. Yea, look at the beast that was the N64 controller. People didn't like it, (I did) and complained sometimes about difficulty with controls in certain games. Even if you disliked the controller, it really brought about the talk of what makes a controller comfortable, and what makes it usable. Without the N64, we might've all fell victim to the rise of the Steel Battalion.

Don't give me BS about media functionality and "internet connection." The N64 didn't need that shit. We're arguing about the greatest gaming platform, not the greatest media player. What better way to play with others than getting 4 friends to play Super Smash into the wee hours of the morning?

Finally, this thing was a tank. It stopped working? Blow on it. Working again! I dropped a 108lb (49kg) CRT TV on my N64, sucker still works. I was playing Super Smash Brothers at my friends' after-wedding party two days ago. More like killing it, am I right Fox McCloud? I knocked my Xbox 360 from vertical to horizontal on accident, and it went all red-ring-o'-death on me.

The N64 is the greatest system. If I have that, there's not a reason you can convince me to get a new system.

+ Motha F-ing 1

While I did have a small hesitation between SNES (my first console) and the N64, After reading all that though. It brought up A LOT of old fun memories with friends. Where as I thought back on the SNES I was always playing single player games.


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My vote is for the Play Station 1 or as some call it the PSX.

I think the PS1 was a huge step forward for the home console. I know most people like to talk about the PS1 since it was the beginning of the "3D Era" but I think most of the 3D games at the time sucked dick. What I liked about the PS1 was its great selection of RPGs. In particular I loved the games Persona 1 and Persona 2 Eternal Punishment (Persona 2 Innocent Sin was great, but not released in the US. I played it in 2008 when a fan translation was released). They are classic dungeon crawling RPGs that had a modern setting which was very unique for the time. If you are in search of a good game I suggest you play the PSP remakes of Persona 1 and the Persona 2 Duology (Persona 2 Innocent Sin and Persona 2 Eternal Punishment). Also how could anyone not like Castlevania Symphony of the Night?

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The NES was the first gaming console I had ever played. It was fun and fairly simple to figure out. Nothing can beat the NES mario / duck shooter game. Brings me back to simpler times posting it. But, I actually voted for the N64 because it was such a game changer for Mr when I first got it. I was playing mario, star fox, smash bros, goldn eye and many many other games. My all time favorite game was gauntlet which they just re-released a new version of it I think.

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Ya know I didn't even really vote correctly, because I voted for the console that I had the most fun with, and it's not a popular vote. My favorite console of all time was the Sega Dreamcast...Yeah that one. It was the first console I ever pre-ordered(well actually my mom did, for my birthday) and I have so many wonderful memories of playing that system that it is #1 in my heart. If I was able to pick a second it'd be NES, because that was the first video game system I ever had and killed so many hours on that thing as a young buck.

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If we are talking nostalgia I love those old consoles. I had a super Nintendo and PS2 back in the day but never had a Nintendo 64. I heard a lot of good things about it though. I picked the Xbox 360 because it was the first "nextgen" console and still has longevity even after 9 years in service.

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Pfft...I said gameboy. I still have 2 originals. THEY'RE MINE, HANDS OFF!

Of course you do, everyone does. They're tanks. I think mine got ran over by a semi and it still works.


This was on display at the Nintendo Store in New York City for a while.

Edited by Kanganis 1st MRB
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I always loved the TurboGrax16 console because it was the first 16-bit console (and I loved cartridge consoles over disc-based until PS3 came out). Even though they didn't have anywhere near the # of titles of other systems that came later, they had R-Type which fucked up my schoolwork for a few months and Silent Debuggers which scared the shit out of me years before AVP came out. SNES will always have a place in my heart (I still play in my emulator). That being said, I vote for N64. Loved the console, titles and joystick. Favorite game was GoldenEye. Breaking all the time records was as challenging as it got.

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I don't know if N64 wins this hands down. Take a step back and think about which console revolutionized home gaming for future consoles, which console turned every kid into a gaming addict which was a catalyst in the rapid evolution of gaming consoles we have today. The Nintendo Entertainment System did just that.

Prior to 1985 in the US, Nintendo was a strong name in the arcade with Donkey Kong and it was cleaning up in the toy aisle with its Game & Watch handhelds. But the home console industry was buried under the figurative dust after the industry collapsed on itself, and "videogame" was considered a bad word. Nintendo set to change all that with the Nintendo Entertainment System.


They took the arcade and brought it into your home with great games which other consoles before it didn't do.

The NES not only had one of the largest libraries in gaming, but one of the most varied: action, sports, RPGs, shooters, and more were all well represented. Of course, it would be a grave misstep to overlook the home debut of the most important video game in history, Super Mario Bros, a first-party exclusive that made the NES the first true must-have video game console.


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I can quote positive reviews too! Plus your first quote isn't a positive review, it's just saying what Nintendo set out to do with it. Atari set out to do the same thing, but bent hope on the Jaguar. Plus that PC Mag quote is pulled from an article where in the same breath they list the Sega Dreamcast at #1. C'mon, we both know that's just wrong.

Time Magazine named it their 1996 Machine of the Year, saying the machine had "done to video-gaming what the 707 did to air travel." "...the most realistic and compelling three-dimensional experience ever presented by a computer." "...rescuing this industry from the dustbin of entertainment history." "...the Nintendo 64 would play a major role in introducing children to digital technology in the final years of the 20th century." "...the first glimpse of a future where immensely powerful computing will be as common and easy to use as our televisions."

G4 already tackled this:


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I didn't quote them for their positive reviews, I quoted them to reinforce each point I made rather than paraphrasing it. The NES changed the way gaming consoles were looked at, it made them extremely fun, popular, and addictive to play which made it profitable and sped up the R&D for future consoles. I would even argue that it revolutionized the controller with its format and simple buttons like start and select which were used in future controllers. Was the N64 more fun to play? For me it was but that's only because I grew up with it at an older age, some would argue that Super Mario 1,2, and 3 are some of the best games ever created (they made a freakin' movie about it but let's not talk about that bad decision haha) and they were all on the NES. Don't get me wrong, if you read my first post you'll see that it was tough for me to decide between the N64 and NES so I'm not writing off the N64, I just don't think it should win this vote hands down

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Well this is tricky, the first console i owned was a Sega genesis gen/model 2. And i have many memories from playing it. But i also owned the PS1 which i also played alot with MoH and ff7 the first GTA and you name it. I had a PS2 for some time as well but it got broken and for some reason was thrown away and forgotten :P. I also had an Xbox (Still do) which i have countless hours played on but my vote falls on the Xbox 360. It was by quite a big marginal the best last gen console. And i've always been an xbox guy since.

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