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Greatest Gaming Console Of All Time  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. Which gaming console is the greatest of all time

    • PlayStation
    • Xbox
    • Wii
    • Gameboy
    • Dreamcast
    • PlayStation 2
    • Xbox 360
    • Nintendo DS
    • GameBoy Advance
    • PlayStation 3
    • PlayStation Portable
    • Nintendo (NES)
    • Atari 2600
    • NeoGeo
    • Sega Genesis
    • Super Nintendo (SNES)
    • GameCube
    • Nintendo 64
    • Saturn
    • Other and I'll tell you why

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Awesome idea for a poll guys. I voted n64 as well, it's just what I grew up with. When I was a kid everyone wanted n64 or a playstation. So many great multiplayer games on n64 so that's what I loved. Perfect dark was the first time I saw an assault rifle with a grenade launcher attachment in a game. And Supersmash was my other favorite game, endless hours of mayhem with your friends.

I look forward to the next poll for favorite game.


It's a difficult question for me to answer on this one. I actually own most of these consoles listed and have all of them plugged in to a TV. My fondest memories of gaming were of the times of playing the SNES with Super Mario Kart and Super Mario World and playing Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time and Mario Kart 64 on the N64. However, as I have gotten older and played more consoles and games (which I now collect) its gotten harder to say which console is really the best. I would have to look at each of the games for each of the consoles and it would still be difficult to choose. If I did have to choose a console, it would be one that nobody has mentioned. The Nintendo Gamecube.

I personally would choose this console as the best only because of four reasons. The first would be that my favorite game of all time (Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker) was originally on the Nintendo Gamecube. Second reason is that their was an attachment on the Gamecube that you can play Gameboy, Gameboy Color, and GBA games on it (called Game Boy Player). The third and final reason is that (at least mine was) almost indestructible. I have dropped that console so many times and still works perfectly. The fourth and final reason is the controller, the layout for me personally is perfect and all of mine still work greatly. That being said my problem with the Gamecube was that it just didn't last long enough, only until 2007.

Now that is just my personal opinion, BUT if I looked at it on an even level it would be a little different. There are three other consoles I would consider voting for if I didn't love the Gamecube.

NES: Has easily one of the largest library of games I have ever seen and has some good games of course on it. Games like Contra, Super Mario Bros 3, the Castlevania trilogy, Final Fantasy, and Legend of Zelda were just fantastic. However even if the NES had a lot of good games, they also had a lot of shit games. Games like Ghostbusters, Winter Games, Pictionary, Action 52, Bible Adventures, Where's Waldo, etc. Now the NES had several expansions to it like the light gun, the power pad, the power glove, etc. So it was revolutionary and I can definitely see how Nintendo was ruling the video game market at that time.

Playstation 2: I honestly haven't really met anybody who was a gamer and didn't own a PS2 (so far), and it was an incredibly popular console. The first launch of this was in March 2000, and was still in production until LAST YEAR (for the US at least). Like the NES there were a shit ton of games in the PS2's library. I grew up with a Playstation 2 and own two of them (slim and original) and I will never get rid of them. The controller was perfect and didn't ever let me down until my little step brother decided to chew the cable. Sales of these consoles was pretty damn high, over 150 million of them in fact. The great thing also is that its not that expensive as well. My favorite games on the PS2 were the Jak and Daxter series, Sly Cooper series, Ratchet and Clank series, Tales of the Abyss, Medal of Honor games, the early Call of Duty games, and so much more. If somebody asked me what system they should get that isn't the current generation of consoles, the Playstation 2 would be my answer hands down.

Nintendo 64: Another console I own and one of my favorites that I grew up with. I of course still have this plugged in for some good times. The only odd part of the console for me was the controller and the stupid Mario Party 1 games that required control stick spinning. Other than that the console is great, the games were pretty damn nice. My favorites were Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, Banjo Kazooie, Pokemon Stadium, Mario Party (all of them), Super Smash Bros, and Mario Kart 64. Technically this was the first console I played video games on and fell in love with the system immediately as I played Donkey Kong 64. Now ignoring some of the shitty games like Superman 64 there was not really a lot of terrible games on it (at least I think so). I swear though that these cartridges have magic because I have yet to get a broken game. Another great console and one that everybody should play as to being one of the first 3D graphic consoles.

However, even with that my personal vote is the Nintendo Gamecube. But if somebody said any of these three consoles as the greatest, I couldn't argue against them.


I was a Sega loyalist. I quit consoles when the Dreamcast fell on its arse. For me the greatest gaming console of all time will always be the Sega Mega Drive. I had so much fun playing on that thing.

Sonic the Hedgehog series

Streets of Rage series

Micro Machines

Mortal Kombat


Golden Axe

Earthworm Jim

Ren and Stimpy

ToeJam and Earl

The Terminator

...and so many more brilliant games. I wish I had a TV just so I could play them all again now.

The original Gameboy is also superb. I foolishly sold mine years ago and had to buy another one. I can't even find half of the accessories and games I had for it though. If only I could travel back in time and slap some sense into my younger self.

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