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Greatest Nintendo 64 Game Of All Time   

70 members have voted

  1. 1. Which game was the greatest ever made for the N64

    • Super Mario 64
    • Mario Kart 64
    • GoldenEye 007
    • The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
    • Super Smash Bros.
    • Diddy Kong Racing
    • Pokémon Stadium
    • Donkey Kong 64
    • Bomberman 64
    • Star Fox 64
    • Perfect Dark
    • 1080° Snowboarding
    • Mario Party 2
    • Banjo-Kazooie
    • Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
    • Wave Race 64
    • Mortal Kombat Trilogy
    • Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
    • Turok: Dinosaur Hunter
    • Other and I'll tell you why

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Winner winner chicken dinner, the N64 has been voted the greatest gaming console of all time and now it's time to focus on the greatest game ever made for this console. Think long and hard (that's what she said) about the game you want to vote for and give us a reason why. I was only allowed to list 20 choices so if you don't see the game you wanted to vote for just choose "Other" and give us the name of the game and the reason why you voted for it.

I voted for possibly the greatest game ever made in console gaming, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I spent more time playing on the N64 with friends then I did by myself and I still voted for Zelda. That game was more addictive then any other for me, I remember I couldn't wait to get home from school so I could play Zelda. The journey, the weapons, the story, the difficulty, and that awesome orcarina flute is what made this game perfect to me.


I thought about this after I had voted for the best console. Which game did I love playing the most? Perfect Dark. While a successor to Goldeneye, I thought this game was freakin amazing. I spent countless hours playing it and beating it over and over. Playing multiplayer for hours and hours on end with friends and siblings. The story was funny and I loved Elvis (the little guy was great) This is just my personal opinion. For those of you who think Goldeneye was better. You may be right in some aspects. However Goldeneye may have set the foundry, Perfect Dark built on that and improved it! Hell, you had to have the Expansion Pak just to play Perfect Dark.


Mario Kart all the way. Still love to play that with friends occasionally to this day. Goldeneye was, of course, brilliant too. If anyone is interested there is a great free Source mod of Goldeneye. Mostly dead but I still see a populated server now and again.


Oh man toughest decision ever. I loved star fox but I voted for Diddy Kong racing. I would spend hours playing this game. A lot of memories of destroying my siblings and friends. Also this game is when I started to channel my inner troll.


Soooooo many good games, soooooo little time. I won't rally a speech for a game this time, because I think the game that stays in my N64 now is not the game I chose in the poll. The game that remains in my console day after day and year after year is always going to be the original Super Smash Bros. That game ages like a fine wine, and often copious amounts of wine consumption lead to great times with that game and a bunch of friends.

But I picked Star Fox 64. I did, and actually still do have the entire dialogue of that game memorized. Between that and Rogue Squadron it really developed my love of the science fiction genre. Plus when you unlocked the harder difficulty, and Fox starts wearing sunglasses? What a badass.

Star Wolf: Can't let you do that, Star Fox!

Leon the Lizard: Andross has ordered us to take you down!

Pigma: Peeeppy! Long time, no see!

Andrew the Goat: Androsses enemy is my enemy!

Star Fox: Just what I need to see... Star Wolf.


N64 had great games. I voted for Goldeneye because I loved the 007 franchise and the game made one of the best translations from movie to console in a long time (except for PS3's Star Wars: Battleground). It was great solo and multiplayer as long as you didn't mind squinting at your part of the screen LOL. Loved the time challenges the most and opening the golden gun (one shot kills, baby!)

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

Mario Kart 64 was the best mario kart by far

Course this was PS1 era, the age when PC gamers were still gods among mensch. Fair play to the N64, it didn't have as much nausea inducing texture and perspective warping as the PS1 or Dreamcast

Edited by Logue 1st MRB

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