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I have 80's on Alliance: Cenarion Circle - Horde: Azgalor

Names are

Alliance: Bjay, Demontric, Mestaric.

Horde: Zakris, Paterick, Bantum.

Forgot you wanted to know more.

Bjay = Mainly Feral Druid. But i tank too.

Demontric = Warlock

Mestaric = Hunter

Zakris = Holy/Ret. Paladin

Paterick = Frost DK

Bantum = warrior

Posted (edited)

Battlegroup Ruin - Realm Mannoroth (been around since original wow lol)

Alliance - Thalixan Lvl 80 Human Frost Mage (pvp) / Frostfire for raiding

Edited by Warren 1st MRB

Im ally too unfortunatly.

When the cross realm friends list shit comes out I think the function to do BGs/Heroics will be cross realm then as well. We should all dick around once that happens, cuz im not transfering servers hah. My guild would blow up if I did.

  • 2 weeks later...


80 Lock - Neamiah - Destruc / Demo; he's my main raider, we're almost done with ICC... and it's getting painful to be 1 boss away from seeing LK.

80 Rogue - Megghan - Comb. Swords / Mutillate; a 'for fun' character that lived on a pvp server her entire life until I decided I wanted to play her more with people I knew (my raiding guild). I got her moderately 'raid ready' (i.e. full T9, etc) and 'pvp ready' with some decent pvp gear - then I got tired of playing her (again).

80 Druid - Anghlas - Tree / Boomkin; another alt that I have just to have a healer. I'm currently working up a feral set, but probably won't. I actually lucked into this toon also, my buddy was quitting WoW and was going to actually delete all his toons, I talked him into giving me his druid (he was 60 at the time), so I skipped a lot of leveling!


80 DK - Janae - Frost tank / Blood; just a toon I wanted to have to try tanking and to pwn nubs with. This is the pvp server my rogue used to live on, and I have 1 IRL friend who plays on it - so this toon doesn't see a lot of action.

I also have a host of other little mid 30's toons running around on servers everywhere.

Lately however, it seems I log on for raids, and that's it. I'm not on any other time. I do that from time to time, ha!

  • 3 months later...

Lvl 80 Hunter Horde server Bonechewer. Ive seen as far as LK right hand man and thats about it...quit in the middle of WOTLK. Got tired of all the grinding.

Lvl 70 Rogue and Mage Alliance bonechewer ( had 2 accounts) my rogue was my first character whom i arena'd with alot and got full gear of season 3.

..quit in the middle of WOTLK. Got tired of all the grinding.

And people wonder why I don't play more... I play enough to get to the next level - once I hit the cap it is ONLY instances enough to barely gear me enough for raiding with my friends. Then it's strictly raiding to get the gear.

I could give a shit if I don't have some other little BS stuff you can get from this instance or that instance. Gimme the raiding - let me see the endgame content - let me get on with my life after that.

Posted (edited)

Bloodscalp (but started on Silverhand, then onto Deathwing (ally), then Bloodscalp Horde xfer into Ally )

80 Mage Draenei, used to be Undead but my friend was ally so i switched some chars around. http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.x...p&cn=Icisis

80 Human DK, had crap dps gear but i got her some t9 tank and good tank swords etc. Quit after getting her ready to tank lol. http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.x...p&cn=Cevara

76 NE Rogue, still has a lot of the gear i had from hardcore pvp before wotlk. This was my first char ever (except the one i made during open beta) http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.x...amp;cn=Sariiena

76 Human Priest, i love healing. http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.x...&cn=Veraith

66 NE hunter

Myriad of other chars all over..

Edited by Connary 1st MRB

Well I only have 2 toons. My alt just hit 80

Sanpedro 80 Priest.

And my main, is a rogue.

Pedronavajas 80 Troll. http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.x...cn=Pedronavajas

Yeah, Ive spent way too much time on him. Hes geared out in all 264+, did everything but kill LK.My guild disbanded and the pugs sucked. Got 69 mounts, 77 vanity pets, 6990 achievement points and like 20000 gold. Yes I had no life.

  • 1 month later...

Started on Cenarius, then Bloodscalp, then Sentinels, and landed up in Feathermoon.

Wickedcreep: 80 Orc Deathknight

Husker: 80 Tauren Shaman

Gorkamork: 80 Orc Hunter

Padrecelio: 58 Tauren Druid


i played wow origianlly on bleeding hollow as ally then i quit playing in bc then started up a month before wotlk my buddy game me his 70 horde hunter, then i lvld a DK and xferred my pally from my original account got him to 80 and my dk to 80 then got tired of the game, have no interest to play again, i had a 5200 gs on my pally 3 weeks after he hit 80. im epic i know :) oh btw when i quit i was on echo isles

Well I only have 2 toons. My alt just hit 80

Sanpedro 80 Priest.

And my main, is a rogue.

Pedronavajas 80 Troll. http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.x...cn=Pedronavajas

Yeah, Ive spent way too much time on him. Hes geared out in all 264+, did everything but kill LK.My guild disbanded and the pugs sucked. Got 69 mounts, 77 vanity pets, 6990 achievement points and like 20000 gold. Yes I had no life.

There is a guy in our guild, who even before ICC opened up had almost 9k achievement points I want to say. He literally dissapeared after ToC and no one has heard from him for probably 6 months, and he FINALLY got moved to 2nd place in the guild for achievement points. Insane when you think about how long ago he had that many points.

My warlock is kinda like your rogue. He's totally geared out, but hasn't killed LK. I had him in all 264+ months ago, but just haven't had the time to raid much. I'd love to see LK go down though, just to say I did it. We had him close a bit after he opened up, but when people saw we weren't 1-shotting him like we'd done other bosses they started to bail :-P

  • 3 months later...

Make an alt and check of stormwind. Deathwing had landed on the towers over the valley of heros. there is now a LAKE in SW and the park is gone. Ruth'turan village was separated from teldrasil and malfurion stormrage is in auberdine!


and thousand needles is flooded. aside from that i havent been told of anything thats really different. o wait the banshee queen raises the dead with the lich kings more intelligent minions who left the scourge and joined the forsaken, i think that's new since this patch seeming as to how it keeps refering to the lich king lol.

o ya my character is Jilliana, undead.

so i take it no one plays on Mug-thol?


if cataclysm proves to not be such a grind like all previous games i may reactivate my horde account. But if its the samething where you just level up, grind reputation and raid with 20+ dum dums for 6-7 hours then no thanks. I also think pvp needs to be tweaked alot. Pvp was still the same in WOTLK. Wintergrasp was fun but you had to constantly time yourself for it. I donno...theres just so much i could change about this game. The graphics definatly needs an upgrade too.

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