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S. Myers - U.S. Navy (Ret.)

W. Myers - U.S. Army

A. Spear - U.S. Navy

M. McCarthy - U.S. National Guard

M. McDowell - U.S. Marines :: Camp Pendleton

C. McKenzie - U.S. Marines :: Camp Pendleton

R. Burk - U.S. Marines

B. Womble - U.S. Marines (Ret.)

And there are a few others who will be serving in the U.S. Military soon.


Wow that is a good amount of people in the area. For the Army guys where do you go to drill? I live in Fallbrook, and go up to March AFB to drill myself for the Air Force. I think army has a center up there as well outside the base.

  Wilhelm 1st MRB said:
Shit, all of you guys are in the military eh? That's pretty rad. My art skills make me too much of a pussy to join. :(

Hell you would fit right in... lots of painting in the military, buildings, walls, shop murals...... rocks then flip them over and paint the other side... heaven for an artist.

  McDowell 1st MRB said:
Lol sadly this is true, also when going through Recruit Training, you could also be the Artist Recruit and create something bad ass for your Drill Instructors

Hmmmm ... excellent point

btw, im awesome at painting rocks .... yeaaaaaaaaa

Posted (edited)

Right now I'm in Georgia, but within the month I'm being stationed in Okinawa, Japan. I got lucky and got the dream station right out of AIT. Speaking of painting, they had us repaint the curb outside our building brown, then decided they liked the original color more and we had to paint it back.

Edited by W. Myers 1st MRB

lol McKenzie I was supposed to have been there at the beggining of this year, scored a 92 on the ASVAB and passed all the fuckin checks at meps, but the CO in Seattle didn't like the look of my long haired with piercing scar on my eyebrow ass and told them to red flag my file and asked for all kinds of bull shit paper work i didnt have, so now i'm going to try for the reserves and then once i graduate and get my BA i'll go regular and so ya. if you have any strings please pull them lol


Haha I'm just a lowly Lance Corporal my man. I don't get any string pulling ability til I hit at LEAST Corporal, more likely Sergeant. Even then its local. But technically you could raise the BS flag on that CO and claim discrimination based on appearance.

Posted (edited)

I know the Chair Force will treat me good in their 4-star field accommodations, but that's not what im looking for lol. I'm not necessarily belittling the support that they lend our ground forces, it just doesn't really appeal to me to be a mechanic or to have to stay in school for another 4-7 years so i can fly u know?

besides My Ass Rides In Nave Equipment Sir.

And McKenzie i wish i knew that back in December when i got the third or fourth bullshit request through my recruiter from MEPS. And on top of that im no longer in the same MEPS district, i would have to go through the Frisco office this time, but thanks for the suggestion. would that still work for me anyhow?

Edited by Marsden 1st MRB

Must be nice to get to go to college lol jk jk. Nah, I am working on getting my AD in General Studies then my Bachelors in Information Technology and Security or something like that. I might go into one of the Federal Law Enforcement Agencies, do some anti cyber terrorism shit.

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