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Epic Fails

Candy 1st MRB

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Ok I thought it would be fun to make a topic about epic game failures. I know I have many so I'll start with this:

At the end of the Pacific Standard Job in GTA V you do a jump with motorcycles leading into a parachute drop to a boat. It is hard enough to get to that point, especially when you accidentally kill a hostage at the bank (another failure) and have twice the cops. So I was doing the heist with other members of the 1st MRB and Bar, namely Doc Evo and 1stLt. Swartz. we come up on the very last jump with the parachute and two of the guys jump and deploy the parachute then its just me and Swartz left. All the time he is telling me how to do it and he makes his jump and deploys the chute. I was right on his tail and made the jump but before I can deploy the chute it says we failed the mission. My motorcycle had hit Swartz and killed him on the last friggin jump. We had to replay the entire 5 minute chase scene and it took us 3 more times to get back to the jump, at which we made sure we kept our spacing and passed the job.

These are not my pics, btw




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Kirkendall and I attempted the elite time challenge on the Fleeca job (which is 5:20 and the margin of error you have is between 5-8 seconds. Time starts when you leave your apartment). So to begin the heist I tell Kirkendall to drive us over to Lester's warehouse but his character seemed like it didn't know where the door was on the Zentorno (6 seconds lost) so I got in the driver's seat and drove us to Lester's where I almost spun out trying to turn into the lot (4 seconds lost). We get in the Karuma and make our way to the bank, on the way I have to hack which I missed once because my game stuttered but regardless the game doesn't care (8 seconds lost). I get in the bank and start drilling, my drill overheats for the first time ever (8 seconds lost). I get the deposit box and we get in the Karuma and it's all up to Kirkendall not to spin out or take too much damage. While avoiding the cops he busts through a blockade but spins out in the process however the spin was favorable (5 seconds lost). We then have to get under the Cargobob for it to grab onto to us and lift us the hell out of there, we didn't manage to hit it right away due to lag (4 seconds lost). The time to beat was 5:20 and we did it in 5:55 LOL!!!

Our best time so far has been 5:38. My personal best has been 5:30. It will be done.

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