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I made a shooting range for the 1st MRB!

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But as usual, its not finished! :D

What is up everybody, I spent a lot of time on this, to a point where I just had to stop, release it and go do something else for a good while.

Its not fully optimized, its not all clipped, and it is waaaaay to big. (This is because I overused custom stuff)

I will update it and post newer versions in this thread, and there will be a mini map in the future I just couldn't figure out how to do it now.

So there might be some fps drops, slow download and even broken textures if we're unlucky.

But I'm sure you will enjoy the map!

This map is made for MOS and practice sessions, but it has five flags and is also made with realism in mind.

If you want to help me with updating the map in the future, please post what you have found like this:

Look at it, (maybe its a floating prop or something) then you open your console and type "getpos", copy the numbers and paste them in here with a short description.

This is much better than me getting bombarded with requests and things that need fixing.

Here is a little screenshot:


And here is the download link: (I do apologize again for the current file size but this shit is exclusive right now so you gonna have to take it lol!)


Have fun, and in the future if you decide to use this map.

I would love to see some game play footage from it, ok? :)

Thanks to:

TSgt. C. White for giving me feedback and coming up with ideas.

TopHATTwaffle for answering questions and making some great tutorials.

3klicksphilip for also answering questions and making great easy to understand tutorials.

Ok cool, thanks and see you on the pub!


OMG this map is so awesome, thank you! :) It contains everything and looks just great! I really like that the targets respond on hitting them accurately :D

Except a checkered ammo box (setang 44.830109 -68.412148 0.000000 setpos 561.119690 2109.968018 -583.96868) and a checkered tractor (setang 3.634202 122.271431 0.000000 setpos 1209.744263 1671.305054 -625.695374) - I guess you might already be aware of that - i noticed fps drops (from 199 down to 60) in general when you go behind targets and props. Hope that helped ;)

Fuck yeah, thanks Lennings! I'm excited to see some small updates to it and then we can try to get it on the private server!

Sounds great!

The future update will be comprehensive, this time I never compiled using the final VIS settings and that's why shadows look odd in some places right now.

It only took me five minutes to build the map, and my computer is old and slow. So I have only made the final compile once and it almost took three days so the difference is significant.

The overall map size with also be reduced a lot too! I think maybe custom stuff grow in size when you embed it into bsps.

So there might be less birds around but I guess that it is more realistic anyways since its a shooting range.

I think I could reduce the size of the mini map picture file as well, and hopefully get it working. I'm trying this without any success-> DoD: Source Mini Map guide

And the only way to get the fps up would be to add hint/skip boxes that hide props behind it when you cant see it.

I'm still trying to understand how to use this on a map like the one I made here..

Anyways, thanks to all of you for the good response! I will take a short break now and then I'll post an updated map here.

I also forgot to add that TopHATTwaffle helped me with the prop cannon via email, really nice dude he makes great tutorials check him out on Youtube!

And you can find the buttons for the cannon on the ground behind the sandbags if you haven't already! :)



· Reduced file size from 60 MB to 28 MB

· Made the light bulb targets resettable

· Added some more easter eggs

· Fixed a ton of glitches

· Fixed the broken textures

Future updates will take care of:

· Low FPS

· Missing mini map

· The really dark looking areas

· Requests posted in this thread


Dont know how to install this map?

Copy/Paste the bsp file in:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Day of Defeat Source\dod\maps

Also I wanted to show you the control panel I hid behind these sand bags below.

The colored buttons control the prop cannon, red fires eight barrels with only one second in between.

Blue fires eight barrels with mixed time in between, green is 3 seconds between each barrel.

The white button resets the light bulb targets.

Have fun! ;)




I really like how you framed the 1st MRB logo in this arch.

I'm excited to get to play on this map with other people.... When do you think you will get it to submittable format. I know there are still a couple things you want to add to it (Mini map for one).

I really like how you framed the 1st MRB logo in this arch.

I'm excited to get to play on this map with other people.... When do you think you will get it to submittable format. I know there are still a couple things you want to add to it (Mini map for one).

I would like to fix two things before this gets submitted to the Ordnance Office.

The first thing is to get the FPS up, the only problem is my computer is so old it takes almost three days to compile it with vvis set to normal.

And this is something you have to do each time you want to check your visleafs, in short, I'm not sure if I will be able to fix this issue on my own.

Duncan said he could take a look at it, hopefully I'll get some help from him!

The second thing is the mini map, and I have followed three different guides online and I still haven't gotten it to work.

I want to add that I fully understand the guides, and I suspect that something changed with the SteamPipe update that render these useless.

I really wish someone on here could get me in touch with Ford, maybe he knows how to do this since he did it on Camp Pendleton?

But maybe that also was done before the SteamPipe update, I do not know.

If you ask me, the fps drops are not so bad the map is unplayable.

But then again, the only hardware that is good in my computer is the Graphics processing unit.

Simply compiling the map once on full quality "light settings" will improve the fps a bit.

So I cant promise anything, I know a mini map is a requirement set by you guys but if its not possible to make them work anymore there is not much I can do.

At least this map is outdoors and quite open, so if your sense of direction is not complete shit you should be able to find your way around this map quite easy.

I could upload the mini map I made, and you could just use the shift+tab and the steam browser to view it.

I cant really promise I can get the fps up neither , I really need someone with a better CPU to work on the hint/skip part of this map.

Where do we go from here? I do not know, I'd like to hear from some of the higher rankings in the near future.

I want to know if you guys want this map or not, and how much depends on fps/minimap..

I cant keep working this hard not knowing if it will ever make it off this forum.

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm itching to get my hands on this map in the private server. How are you coming with those edits you mentioned in your previous post. Any luck with the mini map. While the mini map is a huge benefit it is not a deal breaker so don't let that limit you to getting something to a submit-able format. I would say you next step in this whole process if you want to bring your map all the way (cause I can just speak for myself but I think this map would be a huge benefit to the unit) is to do those fps edits you are capable of doing and attempt to submit your map to the Ordnance office. It would be easier if you just re-enlisted, but you can talk to a unit member to help submit the map once you are at that step.

I wanna play on it......

I'm itching to get my hands on this map in the private server. How are you coming with those edits you mentioned in your previous post. Any luck with the mini map. While the mini map is a huge benefit it is not a deal breaker so don't let that limit you to getting something to a submit-able format. I would say you next step in this whole process if you want to bring your map all the way (cause I can just speak for myself but I think this map would be a huge benefit to the unit) is to do those fps edits you are capable of doing and attempt to submit your map to the Ordnance office. It would be easier if you just re-enlisted, but you can talk to a unit member to help submit the map once you are at that step.

I wanna play on it......

Unfortunately I can't do much more on this map, I need my computer for so many other things and I don't have the time to let it run for three days just to check the visleafs once.

My computer sucks, that's basically it. And I haven't heard anything from Duncan, I think he is busy with doing his own thing with Hammer.

I've spend many hours trying to figure out why none of the guides on adding a mini map work like they should, and I have not found a way to get in contact with Ford..

As for me joining the unit again I'm sorry to tell you what I told many others, I will not re-enlist.

I'm completely addicted to this game, and it eats my life and health away each day.

I simply cannot have the responsibilities of being a member added to that without burning out straight away. (I have tried)

And while making this map and all my other maps, I basically ate, slept and did mapping for three weeks straight without hardly leaving my apartment.

I am very dedicated and every map I have made so far I did so with this unit in mind every minute of it! But In the end it all feels like a waste of time.

Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate all the nice feedback I get from my friends in the unit, but I'm disappointed with those in charge.

I've had endless ideas on what could be done for the unit with Hammer, and I was ready to take on almost any request.

Something that made me quite mad was when we had a custom on the pub last week, and it was the god damn shittiest map I've ever played on. (Poorly made and not realistic at all)

I have previously requested other custom maps that I didn't make, professional ones posted on Gamebanana to be put on the server, along with those I made, without even getting a "no".

So I'm just curious, who is really in charge? It seems like most higher rankings are playing other games these days and don't care much for the future development of this unit.

And I've had a Sergeant Major disrespect me by asking me what I'm still doing around these parts, like I don't belong when I do nothing but enforce rules and try to add to the gameplay..

This was completely unprovoked and he just felt like giving me shit I guess..

Enlisting again would not be fair to any of those working with the unit since I would probably leave again.

That said, I'm still interested in maybe being a part of BAR. I still LOVE this unit.


I can understand your frustrations. It is a long and gruelling process to get a member made map added to the server. Ford is the only one to ever have gotten one on. Many have tried and you maps are the closest I have seen to getting there. If you need someone to render farm for you I'm down as I don't play much anymore and my computer is idle on Tuesdays, Thurs-Sat. I can understand your decision not to re-enlist as well as your life and enjoyment of the game you play has t o come first XD.

The unit is being led by Lt.Col. Yamagata and the rest of the Commissioned Officers at this time. The primary reason we don't see them in game as much anymore is as your time is primarily consumed by mapping their time is consumed by the logistics of running the unit. They ensure that the server bills are paid with the unit donations and that when a reset needs to happen (nearly regardless of the hour) it can be put through within an hour or two of the request being put in. Additionally they are constantly updating the forums going through and editing lines of code to ensure that our unit runs smoothly. As one of the Higher ranks you speak of that primarily now plays other games it is quite simply that I have dedicated so much of my time to the behind the scenes running of the unit that I don't always want to join the pub to have to deal with asshat trolls and the like. However in regards to the Sgt.Maj. who disrespected you please feel free to send out a PM to myself or any of our other SNCO's and we will work to bring it up the chain and have it addressed as needed. The word of the unit is Respect; always has been and always will be.

Additionally whenever my work schedule allows me to be active in the days for Official realisms and running public realism's that is what I happily spend my daytime hours doing, but when I only have an hour or two to blow off some steam I don't always want to join the pub and just mute voice thus avoiding the need to do my job, it's counter productive.

I apologize if this post comes off as aggressive in any way; I know you love the unit, but I do as well and owe much to the Command Staff; as do all of us in this community. I will defend my Officers and happily take any gruff that comes my way for it as I will defend my Enlisted men in 1st Platoon and take the flack I occasionally put myself into with Command Staff for it.

And simply to re-state I would happily render farm for you to see this map get to a point that you are comfortable submitting it across to the Ordnance Office to get it Raider approved and as such allow for it to be put into place on the Private server for testing purposes and later (hopefully) to the public server for some good old fashioned Tom-Foolery. In addition if you have other maps that need rendering my machine is at your disposal.

I can understand your frustrations. It is a long and gruelling process to get a member made map added to the server...

Thank you Marsden, I really appreciate you taking the time to give me such a comprehensive response.

And I do understand the work you guys put in, and that most of it goes by unnoticed without anyone actually saying "thank you".

I on the other hand get concrete feedback in my threads for my work, and I believe this might be the reason some members don't like me.

What I meant when I said Officers don't care much for the future development of this unit, I was talking about pioneering ideas and not overall work.

I realize that when I said "it seems like most higher rankings are playing other games these days" I made it sound like you do nothing at all to support the unit.

This is not what I meant and hope you understand me better now, my apologies.

I think we all want to see the product of the time we put in, and I believe the hard working members of this unit that's been here a long time has learned that the reward comes over time.

Like winning realisms, seeing new players develop after taking MOS courses and getting new people to enlist after spending time talking to them on the pub.

Thus I come off as being ungrateful to these people, but I too want to contribute in a lasting way and that is really all I care about.

The flashy threads with screenshots are just my attempt to shine enough light on my work to get it submitted in the Ordnance Office.

But like you say its a long and gruelling process, and I cant even access the requirements list.

And some of the requirements that I do know of like the mini-map, as I mentioned previously does not seem possible for me to add since the latest SteamPipe update.

This is where I need some good guidance, what is missing and if I decide to put even more time into trying to add these requirements, will it then be added to the server?

I appreciate you offering to render this map, but that would mean I'd have to send you all the custom stuff, and teach you how to install and use PakRat which is a buggy mess.

Then after each compile (that takes a very very long time), you'd have to send me the file and somehow the pointfile as well, and from there I would fix some visleafs, and repeat.

But getting the FPS up is only important if this map is going to be used on the pub with 32 people playing on it, for practice, MOS and realisms it should work fine as it is now.

The next time I leave home for a few days I will do a final compile with the vvis settings on max, I read this alone will improve the FPS quite a bit.

You know I'm still learning, and my ancient CPU sort of stops me from progressing in this certain area.

  • 2 weeks later...
Try these files for a mini-map Lennings.

I couldn't attach them in a pm so I posted them here.

Thanks man I really appreciate you trying to help here, but unfortunately the mini map still can't be seen in-game.


I'm sad to say I wont be updating this map again, I have tried and tried with the mini map and I just can't get it to work, even with help from Ford.

And it just does not seem as useful to the unit as I thought it would be, I'm sick of looking at it for hours and hours just running around on my own and not knowing if it will be wasted time or not.

I'm treating myself like shit working on it, and its nowhere near worth it in the end.. But I enjoyed some of the process and learned a lot, so its not all wasted I guess.

So from now on, I will put all my energy into my projects meant for the pub.

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