//Display full map with player names only when button is pressed:
alias +maplarge "overview_zoom 9; +overview_largemap; overview_names 1; overview_locked 1"
alias -maplarge "overview_zoom 9; -overview_largemap; overview_names 0; overview_locked 0"
bind "f" +maplarge
//Turns on contrast options, this must be turned on for the options below to work
BindToggle "RCTRL" mat_monitorgamma_tv_enabled
//Toggles mat_monitorgamma_tv_exp between value between 1 to 4 in increments of .5 (default is 2.5)
bind "DOWNARROW" "incrementvar mat_monitorgamma_tv_exp 1 4 -.5"
//Toggles mat_monitorgamma_tv_range_max between the values of 55 and 255 in increments of 50 (default is 255)
bind "UPARROW" "incrementvar mat_monitorgamma_tv_range_max 55 255 -50"
//Toggles mat_monitorgamma_tv_range_min toggles between the values of 1 and 25 (default is 16)
bind "RIGHTARROW" "incrementvar mat_monitorgamma_tv_range_min 1 25 24"
// Other special binds:
//Show all tags, impacts, explosions on walls:
cl_playerspraydisable "0"
//Netgraph on TAB along with scores:
bind TAB +scoreson
alias +scoreson "+showscores; net_graph 1; net_graphheight 65"
alias -scoreson "-showscores; net_graph 0"
//bind "DEL" "Join our unit!; wait 280; say Blablabla; wait 280; say www.website.com"
Let it be known that we have decided to reject your application due to attempts of enlisting with the 63rd and 16th IR while already being a member of the 1st MRB and being banned from 16th IR for Derogatory and Racist Remarks.
Name: Germ-E-Nader [Germinator]
Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:520043914
Duration of Ban: Permanent
Reasons for the Ban: Racism
Demo Provided?: N
Comments: Started into a political, racist rant in chat. He was warned by Keebler, DapperxDuck, and myself of the consequences of continuing. He didn't listen.
Welcome to the 1st Marine Raider Battalion! Now that you have been accepted don't forget to:
1. Check in at the Recruit Depot
2. Read the Marine Raider Handbook (you are expected to know everything in it)
3. Change your steam friends Avatar
4. Download, install and log into Discord
NOTE: Please be aware that you will not have access to the above links until an officer has given you full access to the forum. Access to the forum should be given to you within the next day.
This is my personal config, most of you might want to change the auto sprint and medic bind, it is something I learned to use.
Just remember that 0 = No 1 = Yes, and you can put "//" in front of commands to disable them.
Thanks to Heresy and Dillon for making parts of this config. Enjoy!
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