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Hey all, I don't know about you but my blood is fucking boiling at what happened in Paris. With all these refugees that are here now and are being resettled, look forward to that possibly happening in the US. I'll be ready, will you?


going to buy an M4 and a case of ammo. I may not be able to run, hell, sometimes I can barely walk, but I can shoot. I will be ready for the bastards.

Guest Boone 1st MRB

I'm scared as hell :( i live pretty close to paris and i lie to you if i say i'm not scared. After Charlie Hebdo 5 terrorist were shot here in belgium right before they were going to start a terrorist attack by belgian special forces. couple months later 3 american soldiers take down a terrorist with an ak47 on a thalys here in Belgium. I'm going nuts of this shit, i go to school in a pretty big city here in Belgium, take the train every day. I don't want to have the feeling all the time that i can get shot in the head every moment by a terrorist. Belgium should have closed its borders much earlier and should declear war immediatly. i knew this would happen, and it doesnt stop here.

Guest Boone 1st MRB

i would if that was possible, said it to my dad this morning, 'there will come one day that we'll not be able to continue to live here if we don't undertake military action now'. Don't understand me wrong i would fight for my country or any other euro or north american country but atm i'm 16 so cant join military. i was already planning to go to military. now my mom says i cant go because of the war. this is the time we need soldiers the most. What are they gonna do, talk to IS? don't make me laugh.

Guest Boone 1st MRB

I'm actually planning to buy a weapon. As soon as i turn 18 i'm gonna try to get my license for pistols and for shotgun (only those are legal in belgium). with some luck i can get my hands on an automatic. I know my friends dad (who's an ex-para) has some FN automatics at home so it can't be that hard.


Such a terrible tragedy in Paris. I pray for all the victims and their families.

Let me ease everyone's mind for a bit though .. there are 1.6 billion muslims in the world and these terrorist assholes represent .003% of that population. On top of that, less than 2% of all terrorist activity is done by IS. (this includes mass shootings)

You have a better chance of dying from a peanut than by IS.

I still have a conceal carry permit and a gun at my side just in case i'm unlucky and see one of the 0.003% fuckers.

Guest Boone 1st MRB

loool nice design but you'll have problems firing at something because your guns are mounted on the side and because of that you'll not fire in the direction of your front wheel but in the direction of your motor. if you take a turn you'll still fire to your 1st direction for couple sec :P

Guest Boone 1st MRB
Posted (edited)

They used belgian cars, some of the terrorist were 'Belgian'. I can insure you people, they ain't belgian, its not because they're a 2nd or 3th generation born in belgium that they are facking belgian, i hope no one is so stupid to even think about the fact that a belgian person did this. I lose my mind every fucking time i hear the news reporter say 'Some terrorists were belgian'.

Edited by Boone 1st MRB

All I know is that the decisions made by these isolated few, who have taken the monikers of IS or Daesh, are only serving to spread hatred and distrust.

As long as we are able to stand together as communities (and I mean IRL as well as together as our community online) and see that these actions do not portray the thought processes or decisions of the vast majority of Muslims or even the actual teachings of Islam itself we should be able to come through this just fine. While at this point military action does seem justified and even necessary we need to be certain that we don't simply go to war against "Islam" or even "Radical Islam" as that will simply strengthen the positions of the few crazies who have seized power in the vacuum spilling out of Syria.

Guest Boone 1st MRB
Posted (edited)


i know you guys cant read the article but they cleared a street in Molenbeek (which is where every paris attack, yes also Charlie Hebdo and the one in Verviers have been planned) and arrested one guy. apparently it is not Salah Abdeslam to my great regret. Anyway, just wanted to share this with you guys.

Btw, they let his brother go, they took him in custody. How stupid can they be, innocent my ass. both of his brothers are terrorists from Paris attack. one died and the other one is fugitive. Don't tell me he doesnt know anything about his brother where he could be hiding.

Edited by Boone 1st MRB

Can expect threats and attacks in Alabama and Michigan now too. The Governors of those states just notified Obama that they will NOT take any Syrian refugees after the Paris attack. Need all the Governors in the US to grow some balls and tell him NO refugees. They just took a load to New Orleans. Can you imagine the damage they could do there during Mardi Gras?

Guest Boone 1st MRB

I don't meen this offending Hill but about the refugee stuff you guys cant complain. I live in a pretty small village (3000 people) and the Belgian government wants to put 300 refugees (at least) in military baracks that they do not use that much anymore. Thats means about 9-10% in my village will be refugee. I'm not a racist but i don't want to imagine how my village will look with those people in it. Then i'm not even speaking about the fact that those baracks lay next to a facking reserve airfield of the military which is currently being used by sport aviators (so yes there are plaines there). How retarted can you be??? seriously, the chance that there is a terrorist among them is verry small but WHAT IF. What do you think that guy will do? The person who came up to the idea of wanting to put them there is the biggest retard ever. I'm happy that i live on the other side of my village.

Google maps for those who do not believe.

Link to newspaper articel

Titel of newspaper article says '300 asylum seekers in military domain Ursel-Knesselare


Boone. they should send ALL the refugees back where they came from. My dumb ass Governor is still planning to take them in. So far, 8 US States have refused to take any in. If they want to live in peace, they should go back home and fight for their own country. Not come here and try to change my home to be like the third world shit hole they came from. I also STRONGLY advise you to remember the word of the Unit. RESPECT. Don't EVER call me retarded again. ISIS is slipping terrorists in among those trying to escape them. Since they took most of Syria, they captured tons of passports. NO SYRIAN PASSPORT should be good now. Europe needs to wake up and kick them all out and send them back home. Even the other Middle Eastern Countries don't want them.

Boone. they should send ALL the refugees back where they came from. My dumb ass Governor is still planning to take them in. So far, 8 US States have refused to take any in. If they want to live in peace, they should go back home and fight for their own country. Not come here and try to change my home to be like the third world shit hole they came from. I also STRONGLY advise you to remember the word of the Unit. RESPECT. Don't EVER call me retarded again. ISIS is slipping terrorists in among those trying to escape them. Since they took most of Syria, they captured tons of passports. NO SYRIAN PASSPORT should be good now. Europe needs to wake up and kick them all out and send them back home. Even the other Middle Eastern Countries don't want them.

He didn't call you retarded.


I see that now. I forget sometimes that English is not their primary language. The correct wording, if English was their primary language, would have been "How retarded can THEY be." When he said you, I thought he was talking to me.

Guest Boone 1st MRB
I see that now. I forget sometimes that English is not their primary language. The correct wording, if English was their primary language, would have been "How retarded can THEY be." When he said you, I thought he was talking to me.

Wasn't ment like that Hill, excuses for that. My englisch isnt perfect, my fold tho. But i really ment the people who decide to put the refugees there are retarted. Sorry for the misunderstandig. Anyway i share your opinion, i've been in heavy disgusions with friends of me because of the fact i want them all out back to their own country and they think we should except them. What i do have noticed is that in the beginning many people wanted to let them in but that number of people is now dwindling in big amounts.


When it comes down to it, I know not all muslims are terrorists. I know that extremism exists in every world religion and in a small percentage. The fact of the matter is, if that small of a percentage can do that much harm, we need to take steps to ensure the safety of ourselves and our loved ones. My state just came out and said they want to take 10,000 yes 10,000 refugees from Syria and put them in Pittsburg or near that area. My state has always prided itself as being still as close to constitution as when it was enacted and now the governor is trying to enact new laws that will limit the people's ability to protect themselves. I'm sure it won't be passed but in the light of what is going on, it seems strange that they would try especially when there are so many foreigners coming. I'm not saying that we are in the same boat as Europe at the moment but it makes you think what the end game is for the powers that be, not just in our country but in others as well.

Do they not want us to be able to defend ourselves against a threat?

Do they want us to just submit?

Think about those questions.

I for one am not one who kneels. I am the one who stands and if it need be, I am the one who will stand in front of the defenseless so they can live to see another day, even if they can't see what is happening.

We WILL NOT win if the people are divided and unfortunately this is happening every day and the line being drawn is getting bigger and bigger.

Let it also be said, I do not care what religion, race, creed, gender, sexual preference you are, if you live by the premise of hate and you use this premise to try and hurt me or my loved ones, I will put you in the ground with a force more terrifying than anything you have ever seen.

Guest Boone 1st MRB

Nice words but what can i or better we do against refugees, the government decided this, my village cant stop the government, and other villages and cities prefere them not to have in their area so no one will support us in that matter.

Guest Boone 1st MRB

UPDATE, idk how fast the news reaches you guys but a new terrorist attack has been blocked by german police in Hannover. An important soccer match between germany and the netherlands was going to take place this evening, they found a fake ambulance full with explosives next to the arena.

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