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Voice Overlay



I don't think this is prevalent in the unit as I hear everyone asking "Who is that?" when someone talks on Vent. It is a an overlay, in my opinion, vastly superior to the one built into Vent. I know it works fine in DoD:S but I am not sure about other games. It is very minimalistic and takes up a very small portion of the screen. Give it a try if you want to know who is talking on Vent or who is in your channel (that is another bind you can set).


I think most of the setup and options are pretty self-explanatory, but one thing to note: under options in the box asking for your name in Vent, enter your entire name as seen in a Vent channel. For me it HAS to be [Pvt.] I. Murtha [1st MRB] or it won't work.


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