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Ok what I have here is a series of questions that I'm using to help with a research project for environmental science. In light of the health care bill that just passed in the US recently, my partners and I have decided to ask people from foreign countries about their own health care system and what they think of the US's old and new system.

I will list the questions in which I would prefer you answer as best as you can, and then after the final question feel free to leave any personal input you may have that my general questions did not cover.

*REMEMBER* This is for people who live in other countries, because we need this data to help with our research. I know some of you are from Canada and other countries as well. So NO US input please!

The questions are as follows:

1. What, do you think about your country's healthcare system is adequate or inadequate?

2. In your own personal opinion, what changes could be made in order to make healthcare in your home country more efficient for the people who live there?

3. Should healthcare be provided by the government or by an employer and why so?

4. What do you think healthcare should provide or incompass?

5. How long does it usually take for a patient to see the doctor?

6. How is healthcare and services allocated in your own country? (I.E. first-come-first-serve basis or by emergency of situation)

7. By transportation, how long does it take for you specifially to arrive at the nearest doctors office? Is this inconvient for certain emergencies or is it reasonable?

8. Taking into consideration the healthcare system in the U.S. pre-Healthcare Bill passing, which system would you prefer to have, your own country or the U.S.? Why do you favor this system as compared to the one you didn't choose?

9. Did the doctor meet all your needs or were you referred to see a specialist?

10. If you were referred to a specialist, how long did it take you to travel to this specialist?

Any Personal Input not already put in the questions can be posted as a follow-up:

Thanks for those who can help, this will greatly aid our project!


Your good, this is meant more for people who are from countries outside of the U.S., such as Parker and Collazo, who are from Canada and Collazo is currently living in Belgium I believe or some country nearby. Hopefully I can get some input from them but if any of you have family or relatives that could answer these questions then that would be a great help.

Basically I just need input from people not living in the US currently


1. What, do you think about your country's healthcare system is adequate or inadequate?

- It's ranked the best healthcare system in the world. Even Michael Moore fell of his chair

2. In your own personal opinion, what changes could be made in order to make healthcare in your home country more efficient for the people who live there?

- Recruiting more nurses, Norwegians hospitals are currently doing enormous cuts in manpower. We actually recruit people from east europse

3. Should healthcare be provided by the government or by an employer and why so?

- In norway id say its best that the government do it. becaus norway only have 4,5 million people.

4. What do you think healthcare should provide or incompass?

- Dont know this question?! But if its what it should contain then my answer is everything from cradle to the grave

5. How long does it usually take for a patient to see the doctor?

- Depends, going to regular doctor doesent take that long. Going to a specialist or surgery can take a long time or your lucky and get sent right in!

6. How is healthcare and services allocated in your own country? (I.E. first-come-first-serve basis or by emergency of situation)

- Hospitals are acutally far away from eachother and some hospitals are expert in one branch so you might end up traveling

7. By transportation, how long does it take for you specifially to arrive at the nearest doctors office? Is this inconvient for certain emergencies or is it reasonable?

- This goes quick, sometimes there a human errors. other than that it goes fast

8. Taking into consideration the healthcare system in the U.S. pre-Healthcare Bill passing, which system would you prefer to have, your own country or the U.S.? Why do you favor this system as compared to the one you didn't choose?

- US made it more like Norways, but i like norways betteer:)

9. Did the doctor meet all your needs or were you referred to see a specialist?

- Doctors in norway are very good.

10. If you were referred to a specialist, how long did it take you to travel to this specialist?

- Depends, i live close to the capitol city so it doesnt take long


Sorry Vandagriff I didn't see this topic. Hope this helps!

1. What, do you think about your country's healthcare system is adequate or inadequate?

I feel Canada's healthcare system is adequate. I have been a Canadian all my life, I've had countless trips to the hospital and there are none that I can recall that were inadequate for me. I can say from experience that the quality of healthcare is good.

2. In your own personal opinion, what changes could be made in order to make healthcare in your home country more efficient for the people who live there?

Honestly, there is/has been a slight demand for specialists in the medical field in Canada. That problem still exists and is being resolved slowly by the government, but it has taken some time to do so. Although the quality of healthcare is good, the number of specialist physicians providing it is lower than it should be.

3. Should healthcare be provided by the government or by an employer and why so?

Healthcare should be both. You should have the right to seek medical attention if you need it. Those who can't afford healthcare should get it and those who can afford healthcare should, as human beings, look after those who can't. Private healthcare should exist, anyone that wants it should have the right to have it.

4. What do you think healthcare should provide or incompass?

It should provide adequate medical attention when required to anyone who seeks it. It should also provide treatment to individuals to develop, maintain and restore maximum movement and function throughout life (i.e. Physiotherapy).

5. How long does it usually take for a patient to see the doctor?

There is no wait. You can call your family doctor or you can visit the emergency room if it is very serious.

6. How is healthcare and services allocated in your own country? (I.E. first-come-first-serve basis or by emergency of situation)

Priority takes precedence, so by emergency of the situation.

7. By transportation, how long does it take for you specifially to arrive at the nearest doctors office? Is this inconvient for certain emergencies or is it reasonable?

To see my family doctor it's about a 10 minute drive. To go to the hospital’s ER it's less than 4 minutes.

8. Taking into consideration the healthcare system in the U.S. pre-Healthcare Bill passing, which system would you prefer to have, your own country or the U.S.? Why do you favor this system as compared to the one you didn't choose?

I prefer my own. I personally have never had a problem with it nor do I know anyone who has had a problem with it. I prefer it because there's no hassle, I have the luxury to get checked by a doctor and not worry about the costs, therefore I could go as often as needed. There is tax on healthcare, but it's nothing that puts me in chapter 11 bankruptcy every year, whether it's a triple bypass heart surgery or a flu I can get it treated by highly qualified medical physicians. It works for me as private healthcare works for others.

9. Did the doctor meet all your needs or were you referred to see a specialist?

My doctor meets my needs. Depending on what the problem is, you may need to seek the opinion of a specialist.

10. If you were referred to a specialist, how long did it take you to travel to this specialist?

No more than 15-20 minutes. Then again I live in Toronto so it's a pretty big place.


Well Parker kinda said everthing i would say.

But this i can anwser Differently.

10. If you were referred to a specialist, how long did it take you to travel to this specialist?

-I live about 30-40 mins away form a Hospital, but there always like 5-10 ambulance in each Region in Canada soo getting ppl for home to Hospital is not that Long + If u see and hear and ambulance u need to get out of the way they move at 160-180 K\m ,Soo u get there Pretty fast.


Thanks for all the input guys. I'll be using you as sources for my project, with your permissions of course, to basically discuss health care in countries outside of the U.S. and compare them to developing countries.

Please keep the info coming for anyone who hasn't responded that feels they have something they can add. This is a great help and I appreciate those who put the time in to help me out.


Posted (edited)

Im from The Netherlands so i gues my... opinion would realy help..

The questions are as follows:

1. What, do you think about your country's healthcare system is adequate or in-adequate?

AdeQuate.. I never experienced big troubles with our healthcare system…

I just believe the system works just fine as it does I mean.. as far as I know in the past years there never have being big changes.. so I gues we got a good healthcare system.

2. In your own personal opinion, what changes could be made in order to make healthcare in your home country more efficient for the people who live there?

Maybe start of more acceptance for forreign doctors.. and specialists.. Because in some cases those people are better educated than our own and we should just accept them… (im not saying they should steal locals jobs but and also im not promoting foreign people cause of my origin).

ALSO there should realy be a lot more people who want to donate organs.. cause

We realy have a short on donors.

3. Should healthcare be provided by the government or by an employer and why so?

I think there always should be both government controlled as employer con-trolled healthcare.. if either of 1 gets to controle all healthcare things.. this spe-cific 1 would get a monopoly position and just would turn out bad..

4. What do you think healthcare should provide or incompass?

Healthcare should always provide stable and good service with.. professional educated staff. Healthcare should start at time of getting involved with it.. and only end when everything is fine and the patient is doing well.

5. How long does it usually take for a patient to see the doctor?

This realy depends on what ur.. ((problems)) (( complications)) are…

I mean ofcourse some one looking for a donor has to wait a lot longer than.. some one who broke something..

6. How is healthcare and services allocated in your own country? (I.E. first-come-first-serve basis or by emergency of situation)

it’s a bit of both… *and a third.. corrupt thing*….

Mainly its first come first serve.. if you are on top of the list u get care first..

BUT if some one cant wait much longer and his life is at stake. Than he wil be helped first ofcourse…

The 3e… there are known issues that people wil lots of money can just.. well get pushed from place 20030 to.. place 1 or 2 by just… (((donating some money))) / bribing I gues its called… This realy sux but well it happends…

7. By transportation, how long does it take for you specifially to arrive at the ne-arest doctors office? Is this inconvient for certain emergencies or is it reason-able?

Lets say Um if they would have to pick me up from home It would take them about 15 18 mins to the nearest hospital… by ambulance.. but there is helipad hospital nearby.. and with helicopter maybe it takes.. 8 mins? Maybe less..

So yea its pretty reasonable..

8. Taking into consideration the healthcare system in the U.S. pre-Healthcare Bill passing, which system would you prefer to have, your own country or the U.S.? Why do you favor this system as compared to the one you didn't choose?

To bad I realy don’t understand this question.. what I can filter its something.. about payment of the care u got but im not sure… if u reply to me and explain this question more simple I wil try to give my opinion about it..

9. Did the doctor meet all your needs or were you referred to see a specialist?

Um in many cases of just a flue or some infection doctors can 9 out of 10 times help u Or atleast they wil try… But if u come back to them with same problems they wil always send u to some one more specialized…

10. If you were referred to a specialist, how long did it take you to travel to this specialist?

It takes about um 25 minutes from my ((general practitioner (huisarts in dutch) to get to the nearest hospital with the needed specialisation.

Okay im realy sorry for any mistakes or typos... my english aint perfect and i didn't have time/ wanted to search up words so i just typed straight away..

I hope this helps u a bit :)


Edited by KissMeQuick

Your info is very helpful KissMeQuick :).

In reference to question number 8, what I'm basically is asking is to compare your own healthcare system to our own here in the U.S. and then decide which healthcare system you would prefer to be under, and why you would want to be under that healthcare system.

In the U.S. we did not have any government provided healthcare whatsoever before the recent healthcare bill was passed. It was either provided by employers or purchased by the individuals themselves directly from insurance agencies.

Although if anyone wants to correct me they can, but i'm pretty sure I've covered the jist of it.


Answer to

question 8

Taking into consideration the healthcare system in the U.S. pre-Healthcare Bill passing, which system would you prefer to have, your own country or the U.S.? Why do you favour this system as compared to the one you didn't choose?

Well Although i really don’t know much about the healthcare system in the US..

I would prefer the system we use in The Netherlands Because,

this healthcare system worked well for me so far...

Over the past years there never have big shocking changes..

The service has always being stable and of good quality

And once more i like to add that.. i really don’t know much about how the us healthcare system works but well

Im always open for adventures but.... if the things u do work fine.. why the hell would u change em???

Well i hope u can use the information given by me and hope ur *((project/ survey )) ur doing will be a success :).

So good luck Vandagriff

PS: once more sorry for typos..

Sincerely Tamara.

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