Removing the background property from ".ipsApp select:not([multiple])" will make all dropdowns look normal and readable again. (Note: It seems like this style appears twice in the css and must be removed in both places).
.ipsApp select:not([multiple]){-webkit-appearance: button;
background:#282828; <- remove this line to solve the issue
background-position: right center;
background-repeat:no-repeat, repeat;
cursor: pointer;
padding:7px30px7px7px;-moz-appearance: none;
border:1px solid #393939;}
Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:60869150
Duration of Ban: Permanent
Reasons for the Ban: Aimbot
Demo Provided?: Y
Comments: Demo is short, but long enough...
Name: ††† Amputator †††
Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:924596787
Duration of Ban: Permanent
Reasons for the Ban: Anti-Recoil Hack
Demo Provided?: Y
Comments: Looks like wall-hack too, but he's been leaving when I spec him, so I just took the obvious one.
2nd Platoon Weekly Attendance
Week of 23MAR2025
P = Present | E = Excused | A = Absent
Platoon Staff
CWO. A. Pitteway - Excused
1stSgt. J. Candy - Present
GySgt. A Yoder - Present
GySgt. R. Fielding - Excused
1st Squad
Squad leader: Cpl. M. Noel - Excused
Cpl. B. Grande - Present
Cpl. R. Smith - Present
Cpl. C. Keebler - Present
Pfc. D. Moffat - Present
2nd Squad
Squad leader: SSgt. S. Holquist - Excused
Cpl. T. Scary - Present
Cpl. C. Marsh - Present
Cpl. W. Swift - - Excused
Pfc. M. Oake - Excused
Pvt. R. Zera - Absent
2nd Platoon Weekly Attendance
Week of 16MAR2025
P = Present | E = Excused | A = Absent
Platoon Staff
CWO. A. Pitteway - Excused
1stSgt. J. Candy - Excused
GySgt. A Yoder - Excused
GySgt. R. Fielding - Excused
1st Squad
Squad leader: Cpl. M. Noel - Excused
Cpl. B. Grande - Excused
Cpl. R. Smith - Excused
Cpl. C. Keebler -Excused
Pfc. D. Moffat - Excused
2nd Squad
Squad leader: SSgt. S. Holquist - Excused
Cpl. T. Scary -Excused
Cpl. C. Marsh - Excused
Cpl. W. Swift - - Excused
Pfc. M. Oake - Excused
Pvt. R. Zera - Excused
Woz 1st MRB
Removing the background property from ".ipsApp select:not([multiple])" will make all dropdowns look normal and readable again. (Note: It seems like this style appears twice in the css and must be removed in both places).
1 answer to this question
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