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Shoot shoot shoot shoot cutscene cutscene cutscene cutscene. Rinse and repeat. PRESS F TO PAY RESPECTS, COD IS DEAD. Full disclosure: I am an old man so I remember how great COD, United Offensive and COD 2 were/are.


I would like to point out that this is litterally Call of Duty 2: Big Red One being re-made and re-released just illustrating a little bit more of the fighting in France as opposed to the previous title which was a little bit more spread out.



But hey what do I know, I'm only old enough to remember the last time they used this exact company for the basis of their game.....

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1 hour ago, Ripley 1st MRB said:

Shoot shoot shoot shoot cutscene cutscene cutscene cutscene. Rinse and repeat. PRESS F TO PAY RESPECTS, COD IS DEAD. Full disclosure: I am an old man so I remember how great COD, United Offensive and COD 2 were/are.

I'm with ripley, After their whole fetish for jetboots and handheld railguns blew up in their face it's not going to be as simple as coming back with a ww2 title. Fans have been asking for a throw-back for ages, While EA listened and gave battlefield 1, the cod side was more or less "Heres more space shit, Buy our crap", Not to mention locking things that were once commonly free behind the dlc wall, Such as zombies which if i recall was a base feature in world at war. so in tow with what ripley said Cod is just dead, Theres no real chance to come back from this unless they get their shit together which likely won't happen,


I believe that about 70% of the gaming world is praying for the day that Call of Duty will no longer be a franchise that is being produced. However that 30% of the gaming world still foaming at the mouth for more Call of Duty is the demographic ranging from 10-19 and have access to mommy and daddies credit cards in order to purchase all that they want. Until Activision fails to exploit that younger demographic (of which I believe most of us who miss the old CoD'S and are holding a tiny bit of breath for the return to WWII where in during the release) I don't believe we will ever see it end.


Then there are things like Angry Joe Show that pump up the "value" of such a "great" title like Call of Duty because "you get so much, you know a campaign, multiplayer, and zombies," of which AFTER purchasing DLC you have like 3 different zombie maps, a campaign; that wasn't expanded by your DLC purchase, and maybe 6-10 more maps available to play online..... after you just spent 40-80$ extra into the game, fucking bullshit market structure; the growth of massive publishing houses for the software and the decline of publishers making their own hardware has killed the creativity and spirit of the gaming world IMO. Turned it into almost 100% the bottom line instead of making a good and involving game.


When did I get old....

Posted (edited)

I held a low barred hope that they would try going back and listening to their fans, Then they started locking more and more behind their dlc wall, And just making more futuristic bs, So i gave up on even waiting for a new game that wouldn't be spoon fed shit that the mass of teenagers that play it will eventually buy, ww2 sounded nice, But i think personally they're just trying to cash in on the fact BF1 did so well, Even if the game was good, You'd be buying 25% of it at release, and the rest in the season pass, Pretty soon you'll buy the title, then pay another 60 for the actual game and the multiplayer, It's stupid. and they're getting bolder with what they lock behind walls, zombies pissed me off personally, Its the only reason i bought ghosts, Because my cousins kid wanted someone to play it with, Beyond that i didn't buy the games anymore due to their dlc locks


Sidenote- Maybe it was just because i was on xbox, But my experience between cod and battlefield is people on cod will call you every name under the book if you aren't doing good, Where as battlefield you'd rarely hear anyone outside of an xbox party. Ingame chatter was pretty bare on most servers. . I'm aware its the difference in communities, But i think its sad when an entire fanbase for a game is mostly racists and homophobes,

Edited by Sanborne 1st MRB

We have already seen the begginings of pay for a game now and get it later, what do you call Days of War and other Early Access Titles? Some do it well. Others do it poorly. Hopefully Activision will never even be able to get into that funderfull little "market"

1 minute ago, Marsden 1st MRB said:

We have already seen the begginings of pay for a game now and get it later, what do you call Days of War and other Early Access Titles? Some do it well. Others do it poorly. Hopefully Activision will never even be able to get into that funderfull little "market"

not to mention i think they still bounce it between two developers every other year..activision and.. infinity ward, But i can't recall if infinity closed down or not, so i may just be talking out of my ass,


I really REALLY liked battlefield 1. it made me love battlefield games again after the terrible Hardline game... it was only a matter of time before COD copies the success and the only logical choice would be WWII. I really hope its a fresh change for COD but I highly doubt they will deliver what the gamers actually want. COD was dead to me for YEARS. Last one I bought was Ghosts and we all know how that ended. 


This one i might actually consider. I will wait for the release and look at reviews first. I know I'm going to get disappointed.... but i love WWII based games (Who would have thought!  :P)


I have a feeling this is just going to be regular, old, boring, repetitive COD with a WWII skin. Actually I wouldnt be surprised at all. But still... cool trailer! 

6 minutes ago, Musleh 1st MRB said:

I really REALLY liked battlefield 1. it made me love battlefield games again after the terrible Hardline game... it was only a matter of time before COD copies the success and the only logical choice would be WWII. I really hope its a fresh change for COD but I highly doubt they will deliver what the gamers actually want. COD was dead to me for YEARS. Last one I bought was Ghosts and we all know how that ended. 


This one i might actually consider. I will wait for the release and look at reviews first. I know I'm going to get disappointed.... but i love WWII based games (Who would have thought!  :P)


I have a feeling this is just going to be regular, old, boring, repetitive COD with a WWII skin. Actually I wouldnt be surprised at all. But still... cool trailer! 

The only way i'll buy this game is if it's a new story that isn't some rehashed bs from past games or trying to connect it to shit it doesn't need to be thrown in with, BF1 worked in the aspect that it was new, It revived battlefield atleast for me after EA / Dice fucked up battlefront and hardline. CoD fucked itself for me after World at war, I stopped buying it around then. Though with that said i might just wait and see if the game has good reception and see how it looks dlc wise, If it's not entirely hell on earth i might give it a shot, world at war was good, But then they started taking price, And Reznov, And adding them into games 30 - 40 years in the future and they hadn't aged much i got tired of it.


The graphics are beautiful. I wonder if any of that is actual game play footage and not cut-scenes.


I agree I pretty much stopped playing after BO2..BO3 wasn't too terrible (mainly played only campaign) 


I will say that the only thing that stood out to me in the trailer that I loved was the sound of the M1 Garand ejecting the clip! I came a little lol 


Isn't CoD Big Red One the one that had Vichy French, Italian, German troops + weapons for those countries in the game?!


I'm still waiting for a game that is true to WWII and includes multiple countries and their weapons...not just the usual same old British + US + Soviet & German troops. I do understand they're the most popular countries people "want to play", but repeating the same battles & general theaters over and over again from Medal of Honor:AA up until now has gotten old for me. Give me a mission as a Soviet soldier vs. the Axis Romanian + German armies in Bucharest 1944. Give me a campaign as a Fascist Italian soldier defending Sicily vs. the Allies and then joining the Allies fighting through Italy against the Germans and RSI after the armistice in 1943. Campaigns as a French soldier fighting the Germans in 1940, then running off into the woods and becoming a partisan. I don't know, there's so much to be done yet with WWII, but I feel companies keep doing the same old overplayed theaters, same old overplayed missions, etc. There's a lot of cool, unique and both awesome and shitty weapons some countries had during WWII. Would be fun and a different experience to see them in battle, be able to pick them up and use them if you wanted to.

There was a CoD that had a mission as the British where you glide in and take over Pegasus bridge with a Bren MG and Enfield rifle if I'm not mistaken and all their weapons. One of my favorite in CoD from what I remember.

If they really are going to call this ""CoD WWII"" --- they need to go way past the same old factions and add some unique weapons, commandos, and missions in my opinion.

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