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Name: KJ_p0g0, Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF], Risha, LaranJinha (CDH)

Steam I.D: 1:431616768, 1:139002440, 1:95838471, 1:53355131, respectively

Duration of Ban: 1 week

Reasons for the Ban: TK'ing for one of them, racist/anti-semitism discussion for both. I think it is worth making the point that they are not being reported for their political views. I'm not trying to silence them. While I have my own personal views of what's going on in Europe, this isn't the way to go about it. There are better ways and it makes people like me look like racists when we don't behave like these clowns.

Demo Provided?: N, screenshot attached as well as console log in comments section (I highlighted all chat messages including unrelated parts so you can view the full context)



Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF]: cash me outside
Mularkey: lol
KJ_p0g0: why u apologizing to him?>
Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF]: now kiss his feet
KJ_p0g0 killed His Dudeness with mp44.
[tc] allen killed [tc] york with p38.
KJ_p0g0: sry dudeness
Dox +1 killed [tc] flask with bar.
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
The Anime of Assasin killed Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF] with colt.
Mularkey killed KJ_p0g0 with thompson.
[tc] allen: sorry york.  didnt no ff was on
null killed Mularkey with mp44.
Sins killed [tc] allen with garand.
The Anime of Assasin captured Second Axis for the U.S. Army
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
Sins killed null with garand.
[tc] york: its ok allen
Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF]: LMAO!!
KJ_p0g0: at least i aint a jewass kike liek york
His Dudeness killed mainman with k98_scoped.
His Dudeness killed Sins with k98_scoped.
[tc] york killed Dox +1 with mp44.
Weston.S-Delta killed The Anime of Assasin with k98.
Sins: stop, you're confusing me cause my first names Allen too lmao
Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF] captured Second Axis for the Wermacht
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
Mularkey killed His Dudeness with thompson.
Sins: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Mularkey killed Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF] with thompson.
[tc] allen killed MR-NOM-NOM with k98_scoped.
Sins: 14:43
Mularkey killed Weston.S-Delta with thompson.
Mularkey killed [tc] allen with thompson.
(Team) Dox +1: Classe: Support | Posicao: Second Allied | Life: 100 | Timeleft: 14:40 |
mainman killed KJ_p0g0 with 30cal.
[tc] york killed mainman with mp44.
Mularkey killed [tc] flask with thompson.
Mularkey captured Second Axis for the U.S. Army
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
Mularkey: medic
[tc] york killed Dox +1 with mp44.
null killed HappySnail with mp44.
Player: HappySnail - Damage Taken
Damage Taken from "null" - ( life ID 25093 ) - 100 in 2 hits
Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF]: sins?
Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF]: johnny sins?
null killed Sins with mp44.
(Dead) Sins: No
[tc] york killed The Anime of Assasin with mp44.
[tc] allen: allen sins
U.S. Army score 2 points
[tc] flask: 14:15
Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF]: johnny sins
His Dudeness killed MR-NOM-NOM with k98_scoped.
[tc] allen captured Second Axis for the Wermacht
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
His Dudeness killed mainman with k98_scoped.
Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF]: ONLY johnny sins
[tc] allen killed Dox +1 with k98_scoped.
KJ_p0g0, null captured Center Point for the Wermacht
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
His Dudeness captured Second Allied for the Wermacht
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
[tc] york killed Sins with mp44.
[tc] allen killed The Anime of Assasin with k98_scoped.
HappySnail killed [tc] york with spring.
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF]: johnny sins is everything
Mularkey captured Second Axis for the U.S. Army
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
His Dudeness killed mainman with k98_scoped.
[tc] allen killed HappySnail with k98_scoped.
Player: HappySnail - Damage Given
Damage Given to "[tc] york" - ( life ID 25085 ) - 90 in 1 hit
Player: HappySnail - Damage Taken
Damage Taken from "[tc] allen" - ( life ID 25102 ) - 120 in 1 hit
Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF] killed Mularkey with mp40.
[tc] flask captured First Allied for the Wermacht
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF] captured Second Axis for the Wermacht
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
KJ_p0g0: nextmap
Received wrong spawn count 88 when at 87
Commencing connection retry to
Connecting to
Connected to

Day of Defeat: Source
Map: dod_avalanche
Players: 5 / 32
Build: 3398447
Server Number: 89

Attemped to precache unknown particle system "blood_impact_red_01"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "blood_impact_green_01"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "blood_impact_yellow_01"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "slime_splash_01"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "slime_splash_02"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "slime_splash_03"!
The server is using sv_pure 0.  (Enforcing consistency for select files only)
Error reading weapon data file for: weapon_ifm_steadycam
Compact freed 958464 bytes
Redownloading all lightmaps
*You will respawn when you have selected a class
*You will spawn as Sniper
Dox +1 killed Weston.S-Delta with bar.
null killed Dox +1 with mp40.
Mularkey killed Sins with mp40.
null killed mainman with mp40.
HappySnail killed Risha with spring.
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
Mularkey, null, LaranJinha (CDH) captured Fountain for the Wermacht
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
Dox +1 killed null with frag_us.
HappySnail killed LaranJinha (CDH) with spring.
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
Weston.S-Delta killed HappySnail with k98.
Player: HappySnail - Damage Given
Damage Given to "Risha" - ( life ID 25136 ) - 120 in 1 hit
Damage Given to "LaranJinha (CDH)" - ( life ID 25139 ) - 120 in 1 hit
Player: HappySnail - Damage Taken
Damage Taken from "Weston.S-Delta" - ( life ID 25143 ) - 110 in 1 hit
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
Mularkey killed Dox +1 with mp40.
mainman killed Mularkey with thompson.
Wehrmacht score 1 point
The Anime of Assasin killed KJ_p0g0 with spring.
The Anime of Assasin killed Weston.S-Delta with spring.
Mularkey: hey mainman, you are always on the allied side
mainman killed LaranJinha (CDH) with thompson.
Mularkey: i noticed
null killed mainman with mp40.
KJ_p0g0 killed Weston.S-Delta with mg42.
KJ_p0g0 killed LaranJinha (CDH) with mg42.
KJ_p0g0: oops
Wehrmacht score 1 point
Risha killed Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF] with k98.
KJ_p0g0 killed Weston.S-Delta with p38.
null killed Dox +1 with mp40.
LaranJinha (CDH) killed KJ_p0g0 with k98.
mainman: 2 up  ...2 n2   ....and both from u   null :)
KJ_p0g0: CUNT
Weston.S-Delta: fuck you pogo
HappySnail killed null with spring.
HappySnail killed Mularkey with spring.
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
Weston.S-Delta killed KJ_p0g0 with k98.
HappySnail killed Risha with spring.
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
Join the 1st MRB at www.1stMarineRaiders.com
LaranJinha (CDH) killed mainman with k98.
KJ_p0g0: go suck a cock, jew
Risha: pogo?
Wehrmacht score 1 point
Risha: is that a badword?
KJ_p0g0: yes?
The Anime of Assasin killed LaranJinha (CDH) with colt.
Dox +1 killed Mularkey with bar.
Risha: lol
KJ_p0g0: do i care?
Dox +1 killed null with bar.
KJ_p0g0: no
Dox +1: !medic
The Anime of Assasin: !medic
Risha: But I do
mainman killed Weston.S-Delta with thompson.
(Team) mainman: !medic
The Anime of Assasin, Dox +1, mainman captured Fountain for the U.S. Army
KJ_p0g0: watch
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
Risha killed The Anime of Assasin with k98.
U.S. Army score 1 point
Dox +1 killed Mularkey with bar.
Weston.S-Delta killed KJ_p0g0 with k98.
Risha killed Dox +1 with k98.
HappySnail killed null with spring.
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF] killed Risha with thompson.
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
Killer ™ killed LaranJinha (CDH) with thompson.
Weston.S-Delta killed mainman with k98.
Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF] killed Weston.S-Delta with thompson.
U.S. Army score 1 point
Risha killed Dox +1 with k98.
Risha killed The Anime of Assasin with k98.
KJ_p0g0 killed Weston.S-Delta with mg42.
KJ_p0g0: suck it , jew boy
Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF]: jew
Weston.S-Delta killed KJ_p0g0 with pschreck.
null killed Dox +1 with mp40.
U.S. Army score 1 point
HappySnail killed null with spring.
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
Mularkey captured First Allied for the Wermacht
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF]: how do you know he is jewish>?
Killer ™ killed Risha with thompson.
KJ_p0g0: KIKE
LaranJinha (CDH) killed Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF] with k98_scoped.
Mularkey killed The Anime of Assasin with mp40.
mainman captured First Axis for the U.S. Army
KJ_p0g0: the way he acts
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
Mularkey captured Second Allied for the Wermacht
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
Dox +1 captured First Allied for the U.S. Army
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
LaranJinha (CDH) killed Killer ™ with k98_scoped.
mainman killed Risha with thompson.
mainman killed Weston.S-Delta with thompson.
HappySnail captured Second Allied for the U.S. Army
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
Mularkey killed The Anime of Assasin with mp40.
HappySnail killed LaranJinha (CDH) with spring.
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
U.S. Army score 4 points
KJ_p0g0 killed mainman with c96.
Killer ™: u mean everyone isn't jewish ?
Mularkey captured First Allied for the Wermacht
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
null killed Dox +1 with mp40.
KJ_p0g0 captured First Axis for the Wermacht
Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF]: who was the one that signed into the mic
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
HappySnail killed null with spring.
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
[SM] Mularkey made a headshot
Mularkey killed HappySnail with mp40.
Player: HappySnail - Damage Given
Damage Given to "null" - ( life ID 25148 ) - 90 in 1 hit
Damage Given to "Mularkey" - ( life ID 25152 ) - 110 in 1 hit
Damage Given to "Risha" - ( life ID 25147 ) - 120 in 1 hit
Damage Given to "Mularkey" - ( life ID 25164 ) - 22 in 1 hit
Damage Given to "null" - ( life ID 25173 ) - 120 in 1 hit
Damage Given to "null" - ( life ID 25178 ) - 120 in 1 hit
Damage Given to "LaranJinha (CDH)" - ( life ID 25184 ) - 120 in 1 hit
Damage Given to "null" - ( life ID 25190 ) - 120 in 1 hit
Player: HappySnail - Damage Taken
Damage Taken from "Mularkey" - ( life ID 25177 ) - 100 in 1 hit
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
Type !medic in chat to heal when you're under 25 health!
Risha killed KJ_p0g0 with k98.
Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF] captured First Allied for the U.S. Army
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
Risha: asuhasuhyas
Risha: sorry
Mularkey captured Second Allied for the Wermacht
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
Mularkey killed Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF] with mp40.
Mularkey killed The Anime of Assasin with frag_ger.
Mularkey killed Killer ™ with mp40.
KJ_p0g0: its okay risha
Risha: I thought it was a jew
KJ_p0g0: LMFAO
Mularkey killed Dox +1 with mp40.
Mularkey captured First Allied for the Wermacht
U.S. Army score 1 point
Wehrmacht score 5 points
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
mainman captured Second Allied for the U.S. Army
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
mainman killed Mularkey with thompson.
Killer ™ killed mainman with thompson.
The Anime of Assasin, Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF], Killer ™ captured First Allied for the U.S. Army
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF]: lol
Killer ™: srry
KJ_p0g0: in that case, u alwys have permission to shoot
null killed Dox +1 with mp40.
Risha: hasuhuashuashuas
null captured First Allied for the Wermacht
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
Risha: true
Killer ™ killed null with thompson.
mainman, Killer ™ captured First Allied for the U.S. Army
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
(Team) Killer ™: !medic
U.S. Army score 1 point
Weston.S-Delta, LaranJinha (CDH) captured Fountain for the Wermacht
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
[SM] Weston.S-Delta made a headshot
Weston.S-Delta killed HappySnail with pschreck.
Player: HappySnail - Damage Taken
Damage Taken from "world" - ( life ID 0 ) - 27 in 1 hit
Damage Taken from "Weston.S-Delta" - ( life ID 25195 ) - 75 in 1 hit
KJ_p0g0: what kind of retard jew name is weston anyways
Risha killed Dox +1 with k98.
KJ_p0g0: sounds a bit inbred if u ask me
Killer ™ killed LaranJinha (CDH) with mp40.
Dox +1 killed Weston.S-Delta with bar.
Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF]: sounds like a muslim rerard name
Dox +1: !medic
Risha: its made of incest
mainman captured First Axis for the U.S. Army
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
U.S. Army score 3 points
Wehrmacht score 1 point
Dox +1 killed null with bar.
LaranJinha (CDH) killed mainman with k98.
Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF]: made with some goat fucking
KJ_p0g0: the jews, desperatly clinging on to their vanishing uselss race
LaranJinha (CDH) captured First Axis for the Wermacht
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
KJ_p0g0 killed Weston.S-Delta with c96.
] status
hostname: 1st Marine Raider Battalion | HLStatsX | FF | Medic |
version : 3398447/24 3398447 secure
udp/ip  :  (public ip:
steamid : [A:1:4215417858:8635] (90109083805428738)
map     : dod_avalanche at: 0 x, 0 y, 0 z
tags    : alltalk,gameME
edicts  : 520 used of 2048 max
# userid name                uniqueid            connected ping loss state
players : 15 humans, 0 bots (32 max)
#   1626 "HappySnail"        [U:1:3615076]       06:06       70    0 active
#   1628 "Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF]" [U:1:139002440] 06:06   73    0 active
#   1636 "The Anime of Assasin" [U:1:131519417]  06:06      187    0 active
#   1629 "mainman"           [U:1:117247452]     06:06       89    0 active
#   1642 "Killer ™"        [U:1:7751625]       03:47      109    0 active
#   1631 "Weston.S-Delta"    [U:1:131810810]     06:06       94    0 active
#   1643 "troglodyte nutsack" [U:1:296081554]    01:24      125    0 active
#   1633 "Mularkey"          [U:1:36257906]      06:06      198    0 active
#   1634 "LaranJinha (CDH)"  [U:1:53355131]      06:06      160    0 active
#   1635 "null"              [U:1:123710929]     06:06      157    1 active
#   1638 "Dox +1"            [U:1:25087445]      06:06      206    0 active
#   1637 "MR-NOM-NOM"        [U:1:98271774]      06:06      210    0 active
#   1639 "Risha"             [U:1:95838471]      06:06      224    0 active
#   1640 "KJ_p0g0"           [U:1:431616768]     06:06      102    0 active
#   1644 "Maines"            [U:1:44754461]      00:19      127    0 active
Weston.S-Delta killed KJ_p0g0 with c96.
Killer ™ killed LaranJinha (CDH) with mp40.
mainman killed troglodyte nutsack with thompson.
(Team) The Anime of Assasin: go in midle
Mularkey killed The Anime of Assasin with mp40.
Killer ™ killed Mularkey with mp40.
null killed mainman with mp40.
Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF]: towl heads are worst
Maines killed null with m1carbine.
Wehrmacht score 1 point
Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF] killed Weston.S-Delta with thompson.
KJ_p0g0: sand *bleep*s
Dox +1 killed Risha with bar.
Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF]: yes i know
LaranJinha (CDH) killed Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF] with riflegren_ger.
The Anime of Assasin killed null with bar.
Friendly fire is ON. Watch your fire!
KJ_p0g0 killed Mularkey with pschreck.
The Anime of Assasin killed LaranJinha (CDH) with colt.
KJ_p0g0 killed Weston.S-Delta with c96.
Wehrmacht score 1 point
The Anime of Assasin, mainman, HappySnail captured Fountain for the U.S. Army
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
The Anime of Assasin suicided.
KJ_p0g0: sry mmularky
Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF]: im sick on these sand *bleep*s migrating into europe and blowing shit up
KJ_p0g0 killed Weston.S-Delta with c96.
LaranJinha (CDH) killed Risha with riflegren_ger.
mainman captured Second Axis for the U.S. Army
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
HappySnail: !medic
[SM] Roger that - medic coming...
null killed HappySnail with mp44.
Player: HappySnail - Damage Taken
Damage Taken from "null" - ( life ID 25235 ) - 100 in 2 hits
Damage Taken from "world" - ( life ID 0 ) - 30 in 1 hit
(Dead) Risha: larankinha
mainman killed LaranJinha (CDH) with thompson.
mainman killed KJ_p0g0 with thompson.
troglodyte nutsack: and having 10 kids
(Dead) Risha: laranjinha
Killer ™: liberalism at its finest
Risha: krl pia
U.S. Army score 3 points
] status
hostname: 1st Marine Raider Battalion | HLStatsX | FF | Medic |
version : 3398447/24 3398447 secure
udp/ip  :  (public ip:
map     : dod_avalanche at: 0 x, 0 y, 0 z
steamid : [A:1:4215417858:8635] (90109083805428738)
tags    : alltalk,gameME
players : 16 humans, 0 bots (32 max)
edicts  : 518 used of 2048 max
# userid name                uniqueid            connected ping loss state
#   1642 "Killer ™"        [U:1:7751625]       05:05      112    0 active
#   1626 "HappySnail"        [U:1:3615076]       07:24       60    0 active
#   1631 "Weston.S-Delta"    [U:1:131810810]     07:24       94    0 active
#   1636 "The Anime of Assasin" [U:1:131519417]  07:24      191    0 active
#   1643 "troglodyte nutsack" [U:1:296081554]    02:42      119    0 active
#   1628 "Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF]" [U:1:139002440] 07:24   70    0 active
#   1633 "Mularkey"          [U:1:36257906]      07:24      198    0 active
#   1629 "mainman"           [U:1:117247452]     07:24      299    0 active
#   1634 "LaranJinha (CDH)"  [U:1:53355131]      07:24      160    0 active
#   1635 "null"              [U:1:123710929]     07:24      157    0 active
#   1637 "MR-NOM-NOM"        [U:1:98271774]      07:24      199    0 active
#   1638 "Dox +1"            [U:1:25087445]      07:24      200    0 active
#   1639 "Risha"             [U:1:95838471]      07:24      224    0 active
#   1644 "Maines"            [U:1:44754461]      01:37      128    0 active
#   1640 "KJ_p0g0"           [U:1:431616768]     07:24       95    0 active
#   1645 "Black"             [U:1:12954336]      00:05      110   64 spawning
KJ_p0g0: WESTON u little pissant jew
LaranJinha (CDH): foi malz..kkk
Weston.S-Delta killed KJ_p0g0 with mp44.
null killed Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF] with mp44.
Maines killed Mularkey with m1carbine.
mainman killed Risha with thompson.
Black killed The Anime of Assasin with mp40.
Black killed LaranJinha (CDH) with mp40.
troglodyte nutsack captured First Allied for the Wermacht
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
Maines killed Weston.S-Delta with k98_scoped.
mainman killed Black with thompson.
troglodyte nutsack captured Second Allied for the Wermacht
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
null killed mainman with mp44.
(Team) Maines: !medic
Killer ™ captured First Allied for the U.S. Army
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
Risha killed Maines with k98.
U.S. Army score 3 points
Wehrmacht score 2 points
Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF]: if we say anything against it we are marked racists
troglodyte nutsack killed The Anime of Assasin with punch.
Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF]: SMH
HappySnail captured Second Allied for the U.S. Army
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF] killed troglodyte nutsack with punch.
Risha killed HappySnail with k98.
Player: HappySnail - Damage Taken
Damage Taken from "Risha" - ( life ID 25248 ) - 110 in 1 hit
(Dead) troglodyte nutsack: lol
Risha killed Maines with k98.
Dox +1 killed Mularkey with k98.
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
Black captured Second Axis for the Wermacht
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
Dox +1 killed Risha with k98.
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
Killer ™ killed Black with mp40.
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
Dox +1 killed LaranJinha (CDH) with k98.
null killed Killer ™ with mp44.
U.S. Army score 1 point
Weston.S-Delta killed Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF] with mp44.
Risha: poha
Risha: asisauhsahuashusa
Dox +1 killed null with k98.
Weston.S-Delta killed The Anime of Assasin with mp44.
Risha: he left
HappySnail killed Weston.S-Delta with spring.
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
HappySnail killed troglodyte nutsack with spring.
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
troglodyte nutsack killed HappySnail with frag_ger.
Player: HappySnail - Damage Given
Damage Given to "Weston.S-Delta" - ( life ID 25251 ) - 120 in 1 hit
Damage Given to "troglodyte nutsack" - ( life ID 25261 ) - 120 in 1 hit
Player: HappySnail - Damage Taken
Damage Taken from "troglodyte nutsack" - ( life ID 25261 ) - 118 in 1 hit
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
mainman killed KJ_p0g0 with thompson.
Risha killed SpetzNaz.*MaVrIk with k98.
(Dead) troglodyte nutsack: HAPPY SNAILLLLLLLLL
Maines killed Mularkey with m1carbine.
(Team) Maines: !medic
(Dead) HappySnail: o.O
mainman captured First Axis for the U.S. Army
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
U.S. Army score 4 points
mainman killed Weston.S-Delta with thompson.
Maines killed Black with m1carbine.
(Team) Maines: !medic
KJ_p0g0 killed mainman with mp44.
The Anime of Assasin killed Risha with 30cal.
KJ_p0g0 captured First Axis for the Wermacht
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
Dox +1 killed null with k98.
Type rank in chat to view your stats!
Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF]: medic
troglodyte nutsack: hows ur cousin, depressed slug, doing
KJ_p0g0: fuck my bad
Black: !restock
Maines captured Second Axis for the U.S. Army
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
Black: !medic
Weston.S-Delta killed The Anime of Assasin with mp44.
Risha: traitor
KJ_p0g0: where is ze jew?
U.S. Army score 3 points
troglodyte nutsack killed mainman with mp40.
Weston.S-Delta killed Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF] with mp44.
Weston.S-Delta killed troglodyte nutsack with mp44.
Weston.S-Delta killed Dox +1 with mp44.
Black killed Killer ™ with mg42.
HappySnail killed null with spring.
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
Black: !restock
Mularkey killed Maines with mp40.
Black: !restock
Black: !restock
KJ_p0g0 killed Weston.S-Delta with mp44.
Black: !restock
Mularkey captured Second Axis for the Wermacht
Couldn't dispatch user message (20)
Black suicided.
Risha: there it sw
Risha: sahuuashhuas
U.S. Army score 1 point
Weston.S-Delta killed KJ_p0g0 with mp44.
KJ_p0g0 killed Weston.S-Delta with frag_ger.
Mularkey killed Dox +1 with mp40.




KJ_p0g0 and Risha Permananet ban for rascism

Pvt. Cranberry Caillou [FSSF] banned 2 weeks for rascism.

 LaranJinha (CDH) no action, I could not find any evidence of tking or other infractions


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    • Questions Name you wish to use and Age: (Our unit uses realistic names, this does not have to be your real name) Noah Morris, 18 Platform Type Steam Steam ID (Use 17 Digit SteamID 64 / PC Game Pass Account Username): SqueakyWharf74 (xbox sorry, I usually use steam.) Do you have a microphone? Yes Which game title are you applying for? Hell Let Loose If you've selected Hell Let Loose, do you understand that this game is currently not cross platform capable and only PC players currently may apply? ( Steam or PC Game Pass) Yes Why do you wish to join the 1st Marine Raiders? I would like to make friends in the community. Did any of our current members play a part in you enlisting? If so, who? If none, how did you learn about us: ‘O. This unit offers more than just a place to play games with each other, do you have any online skills you think would be useful? No, Disboard. Do you have any Leadership experience that you think will be helpful? I am currently in the police academy, learning plenty about leadership. I am a level 64 in game. Have you ever been in a realism unit before, and if so, which unit was it? No By posting this Enlistment form, I acknowledge the instructions completely, declare that I am 16 years old or older, and agree that I have and will follow server and unit rules maturely and respectfully or face immediate rejection. Yes Application stats UserId: 806349792129056779 Username: morris0626 User: @Morris1291 Duration: 122 seconds Joined guild at: 5 days ago
    • So, to address this concerning issue for a 3rd time now. We have previously told you we DO NOT tolerate the behavior you have disgustingly displayed within our server. I will however state I'm absolutely THRILLED to hear you've learned your lesson and now know that acting the way you did was indeed wrong in every aspect. Thats great but unfortunately isn't a factor that will change my mind on the matter as you were told before. If you don't remember what was said to you previously that's A-OKAY!! Because I have graciously provided you with the response you were given previously by our MP chief at the time of your last unban request. I want to say it takes a man to admit he's wrong but unfortunately, we both know this situation should've never have happened to begin with. So, with that being said I am hereby stating your ban will stay as a PERMANENT ban and will not change in the seeable future by any means. Thank you for reaching out to us and know I'm happy as ever to hear you've learned your lesson but as I stated above that doesn't clear you of your actions nor does it make me forget on how YOU chose to act that day as a guest within our servers.  Perma Ban stays in full effect. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause for you. We thank you again for reaching out to us once again. Signed, 2ndLt. S. Belcher 1-A/CO Platoon Commander   Unban Request __ Pfc. A. Sheffer _8th ID_ - Day of Defeat_ Source - 1st Marine Raiders.html
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