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 Salute 1st MRB,

As you already noticed we are a realism unit of Day of Defeat Source. The 83rd would like to proudly introduce to you our ideas, visions, and goals for our unit. This unit was founded on June 14, 2017 by Major Myles. The goal of this unit is to not only participate in fun friendly scrims against other units but to also expand not as a unit but as a community. We want to be able to bring a fun safe environment to all people that play on our server. But our main goal is to expand to other games such as Counter Strike Source and make it become popular again, which is our current goal for Day of Defeat source. This will take some time but hopefully with good relationships among other units in the Day of Defeat source  community this will help us reach our goal. Thank you for reading this and we wish the best of luck to your unit.


Name: 83rd Infantry Division

Public server IP:

Ventrilo Info:V77.DARKSTARLLC.COM   port:3799
Website: http://www.83rdinfantrydivision.com
Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/83rdInfantryDiv

Contact ( diplomat ): 2nd Lt. Randy [83rd ID] http://steamcommunity.com/id/Trooper501st/


Thank you very much : ) we look forward to that as well and same applies contact me or my Second Lt. Randy if you need anything or would like to discuss anything please don't hesitate ! 

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