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Catalan independence

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Guest Boone 1st MRB

Hey guys. Today has been a shocking day for me after seeying the happenings in Spain/Catalonia.

For those of you who do not know Catalonia, it is a region in the east of spain that wants to claim indepence by peacefull matters. Historically seen they dont belong to Spain and even speak a different language. For years they have been supressed by the Spanish government. For example they were not allowed to learn there own language in schools anymore. It is by far the richest region of Spain and therefore Spain does not want to lose it. 

Today they held a referendum to show the world that the major part of catalonia votes yes for independence. Spanish government does not recognise this referendum and says its illigal. therefor they send 3 ships full of guardia civil (riot police) from the other side of the country. Why? Why all the way from the other side? simple, loyalty, as the mossos (catalonian police) choice the rightfull side of there own people. 


Catalan civilians knew they would try all which is in there power to block the voiting so they tried to PEACEFULLY protect voting bureaus from the guardia civil. Have a look on how they reacted on that....







To be honnest this makes me think of an african country in the middle of a war. Seeing a ''democratic'' country as spain do something like this is sad, terrible... i cant even find a decent word to describe what i feel. People pulled by the hair, thrown of stairs, rubber bullets the size of golf balls... Catalonian police and firemen try to form a buffer against the unprecedented violence of the guardia civil in a desperate matter to protect the civilians. There was NEVER any reason to do such a harm to those people. none of them deserved that. 

The spanish prime ministers and deputy prime minister said that the sanctions the guardia civil did towards the catalan people were correct, professional and proportional. NOTHING was rightfull, not even one guardia civil had the right to raise his matrak. 


I am deeply ashamed that the European union has not said a word about this. We as EU stand for democracy and human rights but apperantly only outside our territories. We, who are always the first to point the finger at other countries just let this be? No single politicians has replied accept for the slovinian president and our own belgian prime minister. Not a single one.


These people earn there independance and should be supported by the european union in there political struggle for independance.



This is a video a could find but i've seen some videos that were way worse, didnt manage to find them back yet...

Guest Boone 1st MRB

This is a video where you can see mossos (catalan police) protecting the civilians who are going to vote.

The spanish government said they will investigate the fact that these officers were not loyal towards the spanish government. In fact those guys should earn a medal for what they did today. they chose the right side and did what they had to do.




I just read Homage to Catalonia by George Orwell. Spain should be ashamed. The Basque state will be the next to separate and they will use extreme force and violence to do so. 


There is a lot of support for Catalonian independence here in Wales. I have met members of their autonomy movement here in the past. 

Guest Boone 1st MRB

Basque state could be the next yes. But their problem is that often they are seen as terrorists by the rest of world because of the fact that they did a number of attacks in the past.

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