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I fcking hate this bullshit, its soo badly fucked me up, i grew up with a guy playing Australian football, He was a forward that kicked goals, he could kick goals, and i a defender that stopped him from getting the ball, his mother knew people in all the right places, probably sucked a few dicks along the way, although i know her and we are good terms, i dont hate either, but the fact that he was made by our coaches to go against me to practice to get better and 78% of the time ( based on real stats) i beat him and stopped him from getting the ball. Now because he was given the chance in the, say minor league of our footy he has been picked up by one of our country's professional teams, and me, i didnt get that shot, now how is that fair???

I was the backbone of my teams growing up, i held us together, i even got a sponsorship from our senior club because i was that good, that first season, i rocked it, had a slow start coz of my fitness, was getting over minor knee injury, but second half i got most votes, first half votes: 7, second half votes: 47, ended up 5th best and fairest, highest votes all season, 91 know if my fitness and knee were there, woulda got 1st as did the coach told me, growing up my coaches all said i'd be the one to go professional when they talked to the team about who they thought had what it takes. Unfortunately i know no-one in those high places, my parents dont coz they are sorta recluses, ITS soooooooo Fcking bullshit, this shit drives me crazy everytime, i could kick a ball accurate from 70 meters away, i got too much balance i can spare some, and im one speedy mother fucker, and as for my tackle, well a few unconscious victims never hurt a reputation, plus i had the discipline to not fight, and i was the only one to shepherd, true fact, so i took alot of punches from feral opponents over my 11 years of the game, never missed a game, sick or injured til last year when my team mate kneed me in the back, lost feeling and injured a knee i couldnt feel.

Any of this crap happened to anyone else, where they werent given oppurtunities that should of been given to them??

Posted (edited)

WoW..... um...... first of all *hug Collins*

and 2e

Its good you are writing this,... anger away from you...

You should never keep eating it into your self..


yea i missed some shots in my life and had some hard times where i thought... how can this happend to me... its just not fair..

But realy if u want ur dreams to come true than NEVER stop fighting for em...

I mean if i look at my self.. at a time i just wanted to become a vet

teachers always said.. girl forget that.. get some office job.. ur grades arent that good and... u just dont got what it takes..

Ofcourse at first this hurted me a bit... cause it was MY DREAM they where just trying to destroy...

But after a while i saw it as a chanllenge to fight for it even harder...

and i skipped(jumped over) some years cause i totaly rocked at school cause i really really wanted to do it... and to become a vet

i amazed teachers i amazed my family i worked and stil am working so hard for it...

It has being and wil be my dream job and im not letting that go...

As long as you gut something you really want... you will have something to fight for...

Yea i admit some people get there luck just trown to them .. but dont let that.. make you stop reaching what u want.

( example)

im a girl and i play games....

if you first come some where.. in a game as girl.. guys wil laugh about u... or not take u serious..

Or make fun of you... have their bad jokes coming at you.. and what so ever..

I mean as long as I WANT TO PLAY GAMES... than i can.. no matther what they say..

And ill prove em im worth it.. and can be just as good as them.. (does this make me a freak?... maybe)

But atleast i wont be running away from them but just return fire and bite scratch or kick back..

what i am trying to say is

keep your head up and stil keep going for the things u really want...

Hope this helps u a bit

*hugs collins*,


Edited by KissMeQuick

Well, sadly, there really is a lot in the world that is 'who you know'... that's just a sad fact of life.


I've been playing music for over half the time I've been alive (guitar & bass). I've been in bands, playing some form of shows, almost that whole time.

I'd like to think I can play a lick or two, and that I am for the most part, a damn fine player.

A kid I was in a band with - was a horrible player. We'd have to drop songs because he couldn't learn his parts on some of the songs (which we gave him the easiest parts to learn)... it was a total bummer.

Now? Well, he lives in Nashville and is recording. Why? He made friends with the right people and kissed enough ass that someone gave him his chance.

I'd love that shot - I'd KILL for to have that shot. But I just don't know those people. I have a singer I worked with out of Canada, and "my" drummer whom I've played with in many bands, and we recorded an entire cd's worth of material a few years back. And the recordings sound better than 75% of most bands demo's out there. We also have another cd's worth of material that has yet to be recorded. I've sent our demo out, but have never heard back - why? I just don't know those people.

It sucks - for sure.

But, it's a fact of life.

As KissMe said - if you want it - you'll keep going for it. And I guess you hear most about things like this... just keep having fun. Make it fun, do your best, and eventually if it's meant to be, it will happen.

I'm sorry to hear about it, but keep your chin up, and keep charging hard. Use this as motivation to get better.


yeah shit like that happens all the fucking time

its honestly just a fact of life

but the thing about it is is that all it takes is one person at a game or one introduction at a party

and then bam

you know someone uptop too

people are famous for random coincidences, and they always work both ways

  Englebretson 1st MRB said:
probably sucked a few dicks along the way

dont put down sucking dick man, it gets you a lot of stuff just ask gmoney.

Hey it's true.

Actually I used to play Men's Volleyball in high school and was named to the 1st all-state team my Jr. and Sr. years. I was up for something like an All_American but some kid that was put on second team all state took my place. Whatever I guess. Fuck em' I say, Fuck em'


I't's not what ya know it's who ya blow is the way I've always heard it.

To prove that point, I work in a grocery store. I'm one of several managers. The head guy hired this girl that bartended at a bar he frequents. Here it is 3 months after she was hired and she is now the Customer Service Manager, making more money than me, and was promoted over others who are more qualified and have been at that store for years. Then again, she is doing him so that takes precedence.

That's life though.

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