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It was a very rainy friday night. I was walking casually down the street, minding my own business. A man, the hobo type, lay in a puddle of mud next to an empty Jack Daniel's bottle. He had a familiar face and the unifrom he was wearing seemed odlly familiar as well. I read the name :

MSgt. Collazo

"Damn, I thought to myself, what a shame, I use to like the guy..." I continued my journey to nowhere. I crossed many more faces along the way. Major Parker killing some guys by punching them behind the head, 1st. Ford at a party and there was this club, it was named the "Phan Club".

As I walked down the street, I saw this man ; He had what would appear to be a mustache, so I assumed he was from Italian origins (Lol family guy reference). I asked his name and he answered :


We walked in a bar which was cleverly named "The Pub" (Yes its a reference to the public server) and had a chat. We talked about life, women, pizza and so forth. It was 3 a.m when I left the "The Pub" I *Salute* before I left, being a good private and all. But, just as I walked out, a man brushed past me. He had crazy eyes and a sniper rifle in his hands. His name was Cpl.Miller. He quickly raised his rifle to shoot me but, as a private of the [1st MRB], I had my trustworthy M1 Garand with me and fired 5 bullets. 3 of them hit Miller right in the head and two others ended up hiting a poor gal named "Turfanny" and another Pvt. Cox.

As always, an MP was in the pub that night, but it wasn't any simple MP, it was Sgt. Pina. He quickly ran towards, .45 at hand and quickly ask "WTF happened here private?!?!?"

Not knowing what to say, I quickly looked around and saw Giovannoli, still seated ,drinking his beer. I silently slid my rifle under the table where Gio was sitted and told the MP : "He shot that man, sergeant, I saw him do it he's crazy."

The Mp believed my deceitful lies and quickly proceeded to arrest the Italian man. I remember the last thing he said to me :" YOU CAN FORGET ABOUT STRAND NOW LEFTY!" I walked out, unharmed and free like a bird. I returned home soon after and went to bed. No remorse, no shame.

Thats just the way things go in the world of DoD


A sequel is in the works. It will be Giovannoli's unfair trial where, again, I will blame him for everything. If you want to be in the following story, post your name in a Reply! (Zachow your going to be the judge)

Guest Brown
and two others ended up hiting a poor gal named "Turfanny" and another Pvt. Cox.

Oh Lefty! I love you, but you spelt my name wrong! its Turffany^^^


"I continued on my way, but then I saw something much more gruesome. It was Englebretson crying. G Money had raped him. No Remorse. No Shame. Englebretson had tears of joy."


all i remember was gmoney telling me i could get come sweet gooey candy if i closed my eyes and sucked it out of a hose.

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