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GySgt. K. Gardner [1st MRB]: hey congrats on Promotion dude, keep up the great work

TSgt. J. Kirk [1st MRB]: Im afraid to talk to you in private you may qoute me again!

TSgt. J. Kirk [1st MRB]: but thanks :D

GySgt. K. Gardner [1st MRB]: lol


GySgt. L. Barry [1st MRB]: hey

GySgt. L. Barry [1st MRB]: hey gris

GySgt. L. Barry [1st MRB]: gris hey

GySgt. L. Barry [1st MRB]: hey

GySgt. L. Barry [1st MRB]: gris

SgtMaj. J. Griswold [1st MRB]: WHAT

GySgt. L. Barry [1st MRB]: hi

SgtMaj. J. Griswold [1st MRB]: hmmmm what is that i smell?

SgtMaj. J. Griswold [1st MRB]: smells like, hmmmmm

SgtMaj. J. Griswold [1st MRB]: cant quite put my finger on it.

GySgt. L. Barry [1st MRB]: trol

GySgt. L. Barry [1st MRB]: ololol

GySgt. L. Barry [1st MRB]: O wO

GySgt. L. Barry [1st MRB]: e we

SgtMaj. J. Griswold [1st MRB]: ah yes it smells like hot and fresh ready to serve demerit

GySgt. L. Barry [1st MRB]: ......

GySgt. L. Barry [1st MRB]: .............

GySgt. L. Barry [1st MRB]: ..............

SgtMaj. J. Griswold [1st MRB]: on toasted wheat bun

GySgt. L. Barry [1st MRB]: *crying*

GySgt. L. Barry [1st MRB]: IM SORRY

GySgt. L. Barry [1st MRB]: GAHD

Your state is set to Offline.

SgtMaj. J. Griswold [1st MRB] is now Offline.

Online now and rejoined chat.

SgtMaj. J. Griswold [1st MRB] is now Online.

GySgt. L. Barry [1st MRB]: srsly i was just saying hello

SgtMaj. J. Griswold [1st MRB]: ,XD

Posted (edited)

TSgt. J. Kirk is gathering barrels up while waiting to attack at a realism, one barrel remains to get.

Sgt. J. Candy jumps on the barrel and punches it, destroying it.

TSgt. J. Kirk: "Hey! Why did you do that? I was giving these barrels a proper home."

Sgt. J. Candy: "No.....that barrel needed to be put down."

Edited by Candy 1st MRB

So after being spammed to join a realism while I was at work by 4 different people, a conversation with Booher ensured with him commenting about how everyone loves me so much that's why I was spammed, and me replying if they all loved me so much why did no one send me a hooker including a link to a rather nice one that he would not click on because his wife was in the room and tried to get Arsenault to tell him something in game but sent the beginning of this convo to the wrong person aka Booher.

GySgt. K. Gardner [1st MRB]: *for him to advance

GySgt. K. Gardner [1st MRB]: doh wrong window!

SSgt. T. Booher [1st MRB]: lol

SSgt. T. Booher [1st MRB]: yeah the joke isnt as funny now

GySgt. K. Gardner [1st MRB]: aye :(

GySgt. K. Gardner [1st MRB]: but still worth trying!!!!!!!

SSgt. T. Booher [1st MRB]: yeah

GySgt. K. Gardner [1st MRB]: so did you click on the link yet

GySgt. K. Gardner [1st MRB]: do it quick before the kids show up!! thats worse then doing it with the wife around!

SSgt. T. Booher [1st MRB]: yeah are those your women lol

GySgt. K. Gardner [1st MRB]: maybe......

GySgt. K. Gardner [1st MRB]: ™

SSgt. T. Booher [1st MRB]: nice bodies

GySgt. K. Gardner [1st MRB]: yup

GySgt. K. Gardner [1st MRB]: just remember christmas is coming up soon

SSgt. T. Booher [1st MRB]: lol

GySgt. K. Gardner [1st MRB]: and on that note I need to go cook dinner catch you later :)

SSgt. T. Booher [1st MRB]: lt

SSgt. T. Booher [1st MRB]: ltr*

Posted (edited)
TSgt. J. Kirk is gathering barrels up while waiting to attack at a realism, one barrel remains to get.

Sgt. J. Candy jumps on the barrel and punches it, destroying it.

TSgt. J. Kirk: "Hey! Why did you do that? I was giving these barrels a proper home."

Sgt. J. Candy: "No.....that barrel needed to be put down."


Edited by Candy 1st MRB

This just happened:

Doktor Evolution |ßÄЯ|*: i need your battletag

Cpl. Z. Viktor [1st MRB]: huh?

Doktor Evolution |ßÄЯ|*: bf 4

Cpl. Z. Viktor [1st MRB]: Uh...

Cpl. Z. Viktor [1st MRB]: i dont have BF4

Doktor Evolution |ßÄЯ|*: who was i talking too then

Doktor Evolution |ßÄЯ|*: >.<

Cpl. Z. Viktor [1st MRB]: lol

Cpl. Z. Viktor [1st MRB]: quote thread!

Doktor Evolution |ßÄЯ|*: gawd damn it!

Doktor Evolution |ßÄЯ|*: FUCCCCCCCCCKKKKKK

Doktor Evolution |ßÄЯ|*: well time for me to go cry in a corner PEACE!

Doktor Evolution |ßÄЯ|* is now Offline.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
2ndLt. M. McDowell [1st MRB]: you should play more dods

Bot McSwagger (Göthe): why?

2ndLt. M. McDowell [1st MRB]: because it's better ..?

Bot McSwagger is now playing Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Click here to join.

Bot McSwagger(Göthe): maybe

2ndLt. M. McDowell [1st MRB]: you mispelled yes

Quoting ur self is as lame as being the only person laughing at your own joke. -1..

"I like how so far no one has ever quoted me or put me in the quote thread." -- Mullaney

"Hey Powell... tell that sister on your right I said whats up...." -Mullaney 1st MRB

Clearly I need to check this more often haha.

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