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I don't understand the people that like Nutella.

I like dipping biscuits in ketchup.

-SSgt. L. Willow

Lets not forget this one..

I like cheese on my peanut butter sandwhich, but the bread has to be toasted! You have to put the cheese on the bread right after you pull it out of the toaster. So the cheese gets all warm and stuff.

She cant understand nutella users, but i sure as hell dont understand cheese on a pb&j

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8:11 PM - 1stSgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: wtf is that

8:12 PM - SSgt. K. Mullaney [1st MRB]: a creepy ass game

8:12 PM - 1stSgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: you and your scary games

8:12 PM - SSgt. K. Mullaney [1st MRB]: im an fbi agent and there is a serial killer im trying to catch but im stuck in this building with a bunch of drug addicts and im trying to kill them with a pipe

8:12 PM - SSgt. K. Mullaney [1st MRB]: but they jump out at you and its scary

8:12 PM - 1stSgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: that's nice, what about the game tho

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In a game of Arma III...

The Browny: "OH theres a guy in the general store... I'M GONNA KNIFE HIM!"

L. Barry: *in direct chat to Browny* "Wait NO NO NO ITS ME!"

*Browny gets kill on Barry*

L. Barry: "Why would you do that? I have a wife and kids to raise!"

A. Motolla: *chants* "Its a small world after all! Its a small world after all! Its a small world after all!"

*all of us start laughing all at once*

Later on...

A. Motolla: "Is that lightning over there?"

L. Barry: "Yeah thats the admin... he's pissed off. Zeusing it all up in this thing..."

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GySgt. J. Kirk [1st MRB] VB: same bet this realism?

1stSgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: NOT THE SAME NO

1stSgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: fuckin loopholer

1stSgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: ill figure it out on gameday

1stSgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: the exact wording

1stSgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: so that when you lose, you can't make me regret it

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Me talking to 1stSgt Brown about filling the pub

1stSgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: know what else is empty?

SSgt. A. Mottola [1st MRB]: your balls?

1stSgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: y...your face....ew.. what. dont talk about my balls being empty. that's weird.

SSgt. A. Mottola [1st MRB]: i win

1stSgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: you're now ballmaster5000, not assmaster

SSgt. A. Mottola [1st MRB]: okay lol

1stSgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: wtf, i google ballmaster 5000 and a bunch of fuckin watches come up

SSgt. A. Mottola [1st MRB]: lmaoooo wtf!

1stSgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: SOLID BALL Master Engineer Chronometer

1stSgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: hahahaah

SSgt. A. Mottola [1st MRB]: mother of god!

1stSgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: not bad watrches either

1stSgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: pretty

SSgt. A. Mottola [1st MRB]: i dont want one

1stSgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: course not

1stSgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: you ARE one

1stSgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: watches don't wear other watches. they waer people

SSgt. A. Mottola [1st MRB]: im posting this on the quote thread

1stSgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: you WOULD

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